Streetfighter IV

My thumbs hurt. I used to like using Guile sometimes but he seems like a stiff steroid head in this one.

His voice is whiny and annoying as well. Not enough bass in the Sonic Boom!

Maybe I am just being an over critical little baby though.
Thumbs are definately starting to hurt :lol:

Going to start playing Fifa again me thinks :)
I usually play as Ryu in SF games but there are so many people online playing as Ryu/Ken/Akuma I want to try and learn a new character this time so I've been playing as Cammy nearly all the time. Rule Britannia.

I can't play as him but Zangief is ridiculously good in this game, if he gets even remotely close you're going to get thrown. He and Sagat are who I've had most problems with.
You unlock Akuma by getting two perfect's and 2 KO's by Ultra combo on arcade mode, then you play Akuma after Seth, if you beat him you get him.

I did this but still didn't get him, although I didn't play him after Seth either
I have never really been into fighting games, will this quench a newbies thirst? I need a game to play inbetween the massive gap to my next purchase which isn't until April.
Simply put this game is the fecking tits. If you've grown up playing SF then you need it. I love the extra features this year with the focus attack. Has anyone had a go on the challenge mode? How fecking hard is it on hard!

I think the online play suffers a bit due to the lag of the SF servers. Anyone else had noticeable lag online?
i just beat the game on Hardest with 3 perfects on the way, was close to beating Seth first time too

ok so i was using Zangief and basically just tapping LB most of the time, but i still did it
Didn't play turbo so I can't make that judgement.

How the feck do you unlock Gouken? I already got Akuma and beat arcade mode with 2 perfects and 3 ultra combo finishes.
How the feck do you unlock Gouken? I already got Akuma and beat arcade mode with 2 perfects and 3 ultra combo finishes.

Have you done all of the following? I read it was best to do it with Ryu as well. Not sure if it's true.

You must have Akuma unlocked.
You must have beaten Arcade Mode with Akuma.
Beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, using any character.
Must have at least 2 Perfect Rounds before defeating Seth.
Must have performed at least 3 Ultra Combo Finishes before defeating Seth.
Cannot lose any matches and use a continue.
Make sure time is not set to infinite.
Defeat Gouken.
Didn't play turbo so I can't make that judgement.

Yeah, it's a lot slower. I don't think they could speeded it up much more, with the characters being in 3D(ish). My timing's a bit shagged to honest. Which down to the new style.
You'll get used to it as with everything else, I got slaughtered online before.. people perfected me all the time, now I've reclaimed the world with Akuma, imo the best player
A mate brought his copy around yesterday. As always I went with Ryu. I'm getting a copy for myself today. But I liked what I saw.
I don't like online anymore, every fecker uses Akuma, who always wins.
I don't have any problems with Akuma online, he takes way more damage than any other character. Think I've only lost once to Akuma online but won the other 10 or so matches (all as Cammy). He does get used a lot though, him, Ken and Ryu are picked in like 90% of the matches.

Sagat is my worst opponent, can't do anything against him.
Have you done all of the following? I read it was best to do it with Ryu as well. Not sure if it's true.

You must have Akuma unlocked.
You must have beaten Arcade Mode with Akuma.
Beat Arcade Mode on any difficulty and with any settings, using any character.
Must have at least 2 Perfect Rounds before defeating Seth.
Must have performed at least 3 Ultra Combo Finishes before defeating Seth.
Cannot lose any matches and use a continue.
Make sure time is not set to infinite.
Defeat Gouken.

Done it all, still no success. Can you lose a round? Because I did
Finally unlocked Gouken, but he is utter shit.. can't even complete Arcade mode with him on easiest level.

Only Seth left then
Just bought it. It's brilliant.

Right, how do you activate that bar at the bottom?? I never played SSFII
Just bought it. It's brilliant.

Right, how do you activate that bar at the bottom?? I never played SSFII

Ultra bar is filled up when you get beat, the super bar fills up when you hit
How do you use it then?

Depends on which character you use, some are initially very hard to execute but you'll learn after while.

Press start in fight and look at the configuration for that specific character's execution of ultra/super combos

Ultra combos can be used after the Ultra bar is filled with +50%

Super combos can be used after the Super bar is fulled to max.
You can use the bars on your super-bar for stronger versions of your normal special moves too, which are called Ex moves. So if you have at least 1 blue bar on the super-bar, do a Hadouken with Ryu but press low punch and medium punch together and you'll do an Ex version.
I think Ken is better than Ryu, they do the exact same things but Ken's super and ultra moves are better. His spin kick also hits the enemy several times unlike Ryu's which knocks the opponent down after one hit.
Haven't been playing Ranked matches much as you get a lot of people disconnecting if you're about to win, and its 90% Ken, but played on Ranked a bit yesterday and managed to get over 1000BP, which was cool.

I bought an arcade stick to try and play this on and I'm getting OK at using it now but I'm still miles better with a pad.