Streetfighter IV


Full Member
Oct 22, 2005
Anyone picking this up for PS3? I must, it feels like a family tradition since Super Nintendo.

as much as i like the street fighter games, im absolutely shite at them, so i think ill wait till its cheaper
Doesn't seem to be much interest in this legendary game.
I've got it pre-ordered, can't wait! I got to play a few matches on an arcade version a few weeks ago and its awesome.
The 20th of February according to Play. I will be picking it up, used to love this game.
Doesn't seem to be much interest in this legendary game.

SFII is my fave game of all time but I have no idea how different this new version is - in fact I dont know what SFIII was either
The finishing moves are crazy! Any ideas which platform will be superior?
Just bought it, expensive as feck. Will probably get it delivered om Monday.
Quickest delivery ever, it'll be in my mailbox by 11:00 tomorrow.
Mine should be delivered tomorrowfor ps3 :D Feel free to pm me if you fancy a game on sunday.
Amazon dispatched my copy earlier today :D

Although everyone else in the office ordered from other places and have all got theirs by now, stupid Amazon.
I think it has alot to do with the re-capturing of feeling the old school version everybody played on the Super Nintendo had. Its' online play is supposedly rock solid and smooth to use.
Well, I'm yet to play a better beat'em up than SF II Turbo. If it's anywhere near as good as that, we're in for a great game. Sure, Tekken and VF were great games, but Turbo was so much fun to play.
It's supposed to be way better than SF II Turbo according to the majority of reviews, this is as quoted "the second coming".
Playing this right now, it's good old street fighter at it's best :D
My copy has arrived (PS3 Collectors Edition, bit of a rip off really for what you get!) but I have to wait till after work to play :(
Great game, but unfortunately for the xbox the d-pad makes pulling off moves harder than it should be. This game is best played with an arcade stick. Might take it back on the xbox and get the ps3 copy instead.

Two of the best players in the world.

If this looks like the same old shit as SF II to you, it's probably best you don't get this.

It's creating the biggest buzz in the SF community since ST, though. Going to be a massive game.

You definitely need a joystick to play it properly.
Great game, but unfortunately for the xbox the d-pad makes pulling off moves harder than it should be. This game is best played with an arcade stick. Might take it back on the xbox and get the ps3 copy instead.

I'm thinking the same thing

I've just gone through arcade mode, it's really short :nervous:
Has it arrived for anyone yet? First impressions?

Street fighter at it's best, arcade mode good, but really short, but can go through with every character. Fairly difficult. Online doesn't work for me at the moment :confused:
Well, I'm yet to play a better beat'em up than SF II Turbo. If it's anywhere near as good as that, we're in for a great game. Sure, Tekken and VF were great games, but Turbo was so much fun to play.

Killer Instinct was better imo.
MK series was crap after MK2
Tekken 2 was teh r0x0rs3x0r.