It's really not, Luxon is a centrist managerial politician tinkering around the edges, I really don't recognise your description of him at all.
I'd love to know how the smoke free laws that have been repealed were instrumental in massively reducing smoking when they were only passed last year and none of the key measures in them had come into effect. For example the new age restrictions didn't kick in until Jan 2027. Please, tell me how this has worked? In fact we've gone back to the previous laws which to massively reduce smoking.
Sanctions aren't been put into place for those unable to find work, the request is just that existing rules be followed for those who are failing to attempt to find work. The previous government basically stopped applying the existing rules here.
Road user charges for EVs are a matter of fairness, and Labour was going to implement them too. There's simply no reason why a family living in Mangere should subsidise one in Herne Bay to drive a new Tesla.
How many times did Labour push through laws under urgency?
I could go on but you're clearly catastrophising and there's probably not much point.
We need to increase our EV fleet as fast as we can. For multiple reasons.
Sure the wealthy are being subsidised into EVs but because the vast majority of NZers drive second hand cars we unfortunately have to rely on the weallthy to provide that market. Road user charges are a matter of fairness and as I mentioned maybe in the future when the EV fleet is of an appreciable size that it actually has a real impact on the damage to our roads. We need the Wealthy to build up the second hand EV fleet because in doing so the market then builds up the EV charging system and the associated infrastructure. We end up building up our EV fleet and also we build the infrastructure. Whats happend now is both have come to a grinding halt. Its trite and short sighted to use the Mangere family subsidising wealthy into EVs when there is a longer term picture to consider. Labour were going to start road user charges on EVs but this was in line with an increased fleet.
Luxon is a long way from a centrist politician. The amusing thing is Labour are the centrist party these days. Luxon is happily allowing Seymour and hsi lot to do the dirty work of pushing ideas under the guise of equality which has fooled so many. Equality without equity is meaningless.
The original smokefree act was passed in 1990, the last change before the current ones was in 2020. The 2020 changes provided a pathway forward. I will use my own mother as an example of just how short sighted repealing this policy is. My mother started smoking at age 17, addicted to smoking her entire life and was never able to break the addiction, despite multiple attempts. She had 2 heart attacks, 1 triple bypass, lung cancer with a lung removed, a defibrialtor fitted and that later removed and replaced with a defibrilator/pacemaker. She had 2 mini strokes and in 2022 had 8 ambulance trips. During all of this there have been countless specialist visits, doctors visits, medications, chemo etc. All of this has been a huge cost to the taxpayer. All of these things directly attributed to her smoking. The smokefree laws were designed to reduce the numbers of people such as my mother from costing the health system huge amounts of money over a long period of time. Repealing these laws to fund tax cuts for landlords is repugnant. Willis herself stated the increased revenue from cigarette sales was to help fund the tax cuts. Morally and ethically repugnant.
The welfare sanctions I do understand but they are being put in place when we have an inflation problem and when the Reserve bank and National have stated that we need more people unemployed to improve the options for employers. Predictably the welfare bashing has started. If you thinking purposely increasing the numbers who are unemployed and then reducing the amounts they get whilst also painting a picture of widespread welfare abuse is ok then I feel sorry for you. the amount of welfare abuse is miniscule compared to corporate tax fraud. We spend massive amounts on one thing and sweet feck all on the other. We could have the tax cuts they want if we sorted out the corporate tax fraud.
Tax cuts for landlords do not in any way provide a boost in productivity or generate income for the country. There is no good reason for this. I do some work for Winton and also Templeton group, both property developers and also amusingly two of Nationals largest donors. Luxon has said that we need to restore property rights to being paramount. Libertarian ideal there btw. They have said they are going to remove RMAs from property developers so as to speed up the building of housing.2 problems, we have been through the leaky building thing once before. They have said that property developers will be able to bypass council permits and inspections if they have "high enough indemnity insurance" Their phrase not mine. Thats a massive massive problem. If your insurance is good enough then just go for it because the insurance will sort everything out. It is at the heart of libertarian idiocy. Market forces will correct issues when problems appear. Solutions after the fact. Imagine if we had applied that approach to the introduction of seatbelts. There are really good reasons that we have council inspections, its to stop the problem we had with leaky buildings. We need houses fast, our immigration is putting new pressure on the housing market. This approach of letting property developers avoid permits and checks is not the way. Lets not forget that in the last 6 years NZ has built the most houses ina 6 year period than ever before. 260,000 built.
Labour absolutely pushed legislation through under urgency but never anywhere near close to this burst from this new Govt.
Why on earth was under urgency the report on NZ tax system shut down and killed from ever being published?
We have a low wage economy and everything this new Govt is doing is to keep us as a low wage economy.
Luxon said he would be "laser focussed" in the 1st 100 days at bringing down inflation and ending this cost of living crisis. Not one single policy they have pushed in this forst 100 days addresses that in any way imaginable.
Here are things that are coming, you can give me shit in this thread in 3 years time if they havent appeared.
They will go after the Cullen fund, they will do what Muldoon did which cost NZ massively.
They will suspend payments into the Cullen fund. John Key did this for 9 years during the greatest expansion of the stock market in history which cost NZ conservative estimate of $25 billion.
They will follow the English model of sorting out our water. 3 waters was to follow the Scottish water model. Go have a look at the state of the English water infrastructrue and scotlands.
There is a video of David Seymour in 2010 in Calgary Canada arguing against light rail and cycleways. Today Calgary has the 2nd most used light rail service in North America and one of the most successful cycleway and walkway networks, again in North America.
There will be noises made towards the idea of a flat tax rate. At the next election ACT will push that as a policy. Anyone who thinks a flat tax rate is a good idea is a complete moron.
Fine maybe I am catastophising but I have never seen as regressive, negative, out of touch Govt as this one. Im in my 60s, self employed for 34 years and own 2 businesses, my parents owned superettes and then a supermarket, we all voted National for most of our lives. This lot are appalling.