Straylan and Kiwi politics

Bruz might be now upgraded to Bruzalini or Il Douche

In case the full background isn't in the video Barilaro (Deputy NSW Premier) who was already suing comedian Jordan Shanks for defamation relating You Tube videos to complained to police after Shanks turned up to an event dress as a Mario Brother and his producer Kristo buttonholed him after a funeral - in all cases trying to ask why they were being sued. The police Fixated Person's Unit, who were set up to tackle lone actor extremists (and not comedians in fancy dress), have bizarrely arrested Kristo on stalking charges. A massive abuse of power IMO.
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Pauline Hanson: mad as a bag of rabid squirrels as usual. Claimed that her birthday was yesterday and then later the same day blamed Labor for not knowing her birthday was actually last month.

Pauline Hanson: mad as a bag of rabid squirrels as usual. Claimed that her birthday was yesterday and then later the same day blamed Labor for not knowing her birthday was actually last month.

It's funny though!
She is unintentionally hilarious. Although the fact she could ever get elected makes me want to cry.
I was going to add that, but then I thought I'd keep it positive. ;)
Yes. So assuming you're not showing us clips from a political satire series, how DOES she get elected?

Queensland racists and rednecks mainly - One Nation got 9% of the vote in Qld for the senate in 2016 and they ended up with 3 senators.
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@Wibble FFS Barnaby is back.

Well they only had 21 to choose from I suppose but Barnaby FFS. Deputy PM? It is like some bizarre reality TV show.

And #scottyfrommarketing goes to the pub in the UK to investigate his convict roots - a country too dangerous for the rest of us to go to at all - at the same time as we are dealing with lock downs in Mellbourne and on the edge of a lockdown in Sydney. Tone fecking deaf the lot of them.
@Wibble you're doing a great job mate. That Roberts-Smith story, what a psychopath.

That is my take. I don't know anyone who believes him as he seems to be saying that it is all lies because people are jealous of him so they made it all up, which doesn't seem particularly likely. Interesting to see if the truth defence stands up.
That is my take. I don't know anyone who believes him as he seems to be saying that it is all lies because people are jealous of him so they made it all up, which doesn't seem particularly likely. Interesting to see if the truth defence stands up.

I’ve always held a controversial but somewhat justified position that the people that take the kinds of roles that brs take, are fecked in the head in some way.

These guys are literal man hunters. He’s probably spent the last 20 years justifying his life decisions that he did it for the good of the country and potentially sacrificed his life doing it.

Ive loved watching Sydney morning herald go after him though. There stuff now reads like a Betoota agenda on Tony Abbott. The moment he started these proceeding, he made a rod for his own back.
Gold standard Gladys has infected WA with her pathetic outbreak response. Today is going to be crucial to see if another lockdown is coming.
Gold standard Gladys has infected WA with her pathetic outbreak response. Today is going to be crucial to see if another lockdown is coming.

I was surprised that she didn't lock greater Sydney down earlier and/or at the same time as the original 3 LCA's. Not sure if the one day delay made much difference but I guess we will see.

  • 1 new WA cases today :)
  • No new Vic cases
  • 2 new Qld cases
  • 1 new NT case - 7 close contacts now in isolation
  • 18 new NSW/Sydney cases - down from 30 yesterday, All but one traced and the other in close proximity to a hotpot so likely to be traced. Some were already isolating, some isolated for only part of the infectious period but a few were out in the community so it isn't under control yet. Schools and kids seem to be disproportionality represented but could just be the speed and quality of testing.
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An odd covid related story. I think I can take a wild guess what they were doing when they were startled by the deer :lol:

New South Wales police have fined two men for breaching coronavirus restrictions after they were startled by a deer while sunbaking naked on a beach south of Sydney and ran into the bush, becoming lost and needing to be rescued.

Police sent a helicopter to search for the pair, who were fined $1,000 for breaching public health orders amid a coronavirus outbreak that has seen residents in greater Sydney locked down and banned from travelling outside their local area.

It is unclear how the deer startled the men, and what made them dash into the bush to escape it.

Authorities located a 30-year-old man naked and carrying a backpack on the walking track near Lady Wakehurst Drive in the Royal national park, about 40km south of Sydney’s city centre.

After a further search, they were also able to find a 49-year-old man, who was “partially clothed” according to a statement from NSW police.

And in case you need to know what "startled naked by a deer" looks like in sign language.\

Edit: there is a rumour that grinder, hallucinogenic drugs and an imaginary deer were involved. Allegedly.
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Edit: there is a rumour that grinder, hallucinogenic drugs and an imaginary deer were involved. Allegedly.
So how would that look in sign language? Or is that just a person laughing their ass off? (Which is also an expression I'd like to see in sign language btw.)
I was surprised that she didn't lock greater Sydney down earlier and/or at the same time as the original 3 LCA's. Not sure if the one day delay made much difference but I guess we will see.

  • 1 new WA cases today :)
  • No new Vic cases
  • 2 new Qld cases
  • 1 new NT case - 7 close contacts now in isolation
  • 18 new NSW/Sydney cases - down from 30 yesterday, All but one traced and the other in close proximity to a hotpot so likely to be traced. Some were already isolating, some isolated for only part of the infectious period but a few were out in the community so it isn't under control yet. Schools and kids seem to be disproportionality represented but could just be the speed and quality of testing.

19 new NSW/Sydney cases today - with record testing, so lower than feared with all but 2 connected to existing outbreaks and the 2 may well be linked today.

NSW Premier just mentioned we need 80% vaccination to open up and it sounds like 95% is the eventual aim. Not sure if that includes kids. What I do know is that #scottyfrommarketing's head will have exploded as he is avoiding any figures at all to try to cover for his vaccine incompetence.
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More corrupt LNP dealings this time with carparks

Ex Pm Rudd dropping facts.

Also today Scotty went over the heads of health officials and state premiers to say under 40s should get AZ.

This mans incompetence is astounding

More corrupt LNP dealings this time with carparks

Ex Pm Rudd dropping facts.

Also today Scotty went over the heads of health officials and state premiers to say under 40s should get AZ.

This mans incompetence is astounding

He seems to be floundering yet I fear he will still get re-elected.

Rumour fuelled by Qld Health Minister that we have no more Pfizer arriving until October and Qld is nearly out, which is why #scottyfrommarketing has gone against the medical advice and unilaterally announced that everyone can get the AZ vaccine. I really hope this isn't true. NSW say they have about 4 weeks supply and don't know of any delay after that.
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NSW have 22 new cases from over 68,000 tests. 11 were already in isolation, 6 were in isolation for some of their infectious period and 5 were out in the community.

The Qld Deputy Premier has told people not to listen to #scottyfrommarketing and NSW Health have said they won't be following his statement that AZ should be for everyone. So that is going well.
Rumour fuelled by Qld Health Minister that we have no more Pfizer arriving until October and Qld is nearly out, which is why #scottyfrommarketing has gone against the medical advice and unilaterally announced that everyone can get the AZ vaccine. I really hope this isn't true. NSW say they have about 4 weeks supply and don't know of any delay after that.

Simon Birmingham now admits we are at the back of the queue for Pfizer - FFS this lot couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. If #scottyfrommarketing and his evil clown posse had any clue whatsoever we would have been making Pfizer and/or Moderna in AU by now. Instead they have done feck all for 12 months. Furious doesn't even cover it.

Edit: NSW 24 new cases today with half having some community exposure when infectious.
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5 ICU cases and reporting 10 times the number of cases in 2 weeks.

I guess that solves the "Quick and short lockdown" over the "gold standard test and trace" argument. Mark McGowan's approach inflicts early pain for long term gain. The NSW approach seems to be scrambling to stop an explosion, whilst inflicting longer term pain.

Lockdown's are never the desired outcome over the long term. McGowan is spot on that the vaccine uptake to make COVID akin to the "common cold" is the only solution. Until a competent federal government comes along, this is the only line of defense we have.
The good news is that only 6 (I think) of those 35 cases were in the community when infectious.
NSW only 13 cases today with 10 fully and 1 partially isolating when infectious.
@Wibble did/do you watch Insiders?

Birmingham was the interview guest and was asked the Auditor General report, then they wrapped up Speers went back to the panel to talk about the report, first things out of his mouth:

1. Labor also pledged to build car parks
2. Asked the panel why "government of both stripes" do these things
3. Ended the segment by joking local electorate people would be happy with their car park.

So a story about liberal corruption is now: "Both parties are corrupt, labor probably would've done the same thing...hahaha happy days for locals"

I was raging at the TV :lol:
@Wibble did/do you watch Insiders?

Birmingham was the interview guest and was asked the Auditor General report, then they wrapped up Speers went back to the panel to talk about the report, first things out of his mouth:

1. Labor also pledged to build car parks
2. Asked the panel why "government of both stripes" do these things
3. Ended the segment by joking local electorate people would be happy with their car park.

So a story about liberal corruption is now: "Both parties are corrupt, labor probably would've done the same thing...hahaha happy days for locals"

I was raging at the TV :lol:

I didn't but I usually end up ranting at the TV any time any of these anal fistulars speak. They don't even bother to hide their corruption. And the last sap who took the fall for #scottyfrommarketing's corruption is already back anway. They are a moral free zone.
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