Gaming Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Been playing this during my holiday break. It’s a very good time because like the first they’ve taken various inspirations and glued them together into one package and also gone much bigger in every facet as compared to FO. I’m enjoying it more than FO as I played that on the base PS4 and it was a dreadful experience from a technical standpoint. I know this had a piss poor PC launch but 60fps makes a big difference. And I think that it’s generally a well made game.

On the other hand, I can’t help but feel that they could have made something really great if they A) had some originality instead of being so obviously aping other games B) focused on nailing some core aspects such as combat rather than focusing much on expanding.

On A) people often talk about Uncharted and the Souls games but I find it aping Uncharted and GoW more than anything. It’s only mechanically aped the souls formula with meditation points and respawning, but in everything else that actually matters it’s a Star Wars themed GoW game with an unhealthy obsessed with Nathan Drake’s traversal. I mean , don’t get me wrong, 17 hours in and I’ve enjoyed it but my word, the amount of wall running and climbing in this game is pure madness. And this comes from someone who absolutely doesn’t mind it in Uncharted (or GoW) as they surround it by great witting, combat etc

On B) the combat is just fine. It’s perfectly enjoyable but never feels fantastic. The force abilities are terrible tbh but I do like the new stances.

Will give it a score in the other thread once I’m done.
Had a similar experience. I enjoyed it a lot but felt like it could have been great with more polish. Played it on pc so the performance being choppy and a bit shit didn't help. It was kind of an across the board experience where everything was just kind of rough around the edges and under developed. Felt like it needed another 6 months of development time.