There is a platinum breaking bug to do with bounty hunts and I’ve got it.
Same, haven't got a single bounty assignment so far. Not that I care about platinum, but I wanted the stuff in the bounty hunter shop.
Today I sunk about three fecking hours in the shitty fractured malice
double Rancor encounter, before i finally did it. Now on to fractured history
double Oggdos. Oh joy.
Also I finished the story yesterday. Have to say I found it considerably weaker than the first in this department. I hoped and wanted for more life and death clashes with deliciously evil and threatening inquisitors, the empire and its oppression looming over everything, that whole package. In that regard, Survivor underdelivered a lot. I also think the basic plot devices were a total rehash of the first one.
Moreover, i feel the main antagonists failed to come alive the way the Second Sister or even the Ninth Sister did in Fallen Order. Bit of a shame, because most of them were interesting, lore- and background-wise. In hindsight, I actually really dislike the encounter with
Darth Vader, it felt added as an afterthought, a checklist feature.
I liked the gameplay though, love the dual wielding. Some of the parcour stuff was fun, some over the top, some annoying, but an upgrade over the first one all in all. Also I want to thank the people responsible for not completely resetting Cal's skill progress. It was fantastic to continue more or less with all the moves he had at the end of Fallen Order and add cool new stuff on top.
It was fun (and still is, mostly, when I'm not dying three hours straight in one encounter) and I think I will do a new game+ and hope for additional content in the future.