South Park Season 13.

The problem with South park is that to understand most satiricical references you've really got to be living in the states, I don't know of it's just me but as a European I don't recognise quite a few political
and cultural references, and the recent episode is a good
example of that.
The problem with South park is that to understand most satiricical references you've really got to be living in the states, I don't know of it's just me but as a European I don't recognise quite a few political
and cultural references, and the recent episode is a good
example of that.

I dunno...I dont live in the states and it was quite clear to me that Cartman was Glenn Beck (with some Limbagh and Hannity thrown in, but obviously mostly Beck) while Wendy was primarily Obama but mainly government in general, with a tiny tiny allusion to Palin at the very end (regarding stepping down and writing a book)...The fact Republicans are desperately trying to claim that Wendy was 'clearly' Palin.. (I read someone say Cartman was more a broad parody of SNL and the liberal media tearing into her...which is such rubbish) it a little far fetched for me, and a desperate attempt to justify liking the episode by twisting it perversely to mean what they'd like it too...Why would Beck have a go at Palin anyway?...I'm just asking questions

But then again I took Politics at A level so I probably take more of an interest than most do I suppose
I dunno...I dont live in the states and it was quite clear to me that Cartman was Glenn Beck (with some Limbagh and Hannity thrown in, but obviously mostly Beck) while Wendy was primarily Obama but mainly government in general, with a tiny tiny allusion to Palin at the very end (regarding stepping down and writing a book)...The fact Republicans are desperately trying to claim that Wendy was 'clearly' Palin.. (I read someone say Cartman was more a broad parody of SNL and the liberal media tearing into her...which is such rubbish) it a little far fetched for me, and a desperate attempt to justify liking the episode by twisting it perversely to mean what they'd like it too...Why would Beck have a go at Palin anyway?...I'm just asking questions

But then again I took Politics at A level so I probably take more of an interest than most do I suppose

I took A level politics as well and I suppose I too hold a general interest towards contemporary politics though perhaps I might not be as in-tune as others, such as yourself

Though isnt Beck a Fox news talk-host? That would explain why my interests stall in certain places :p, I tend to steer very clear of the American talk-show culture due to its absurdity and badly-veiled bias, and I think thats where remotely-political comedies such as South Park source most their satire from.
True, me too...but I find watching it very funny...Beck has trandscended Fox and American news TV...He's has a cult of personality now and he's all over youtube...I think most people with an eye on politics know who he is and what he's like....Though whether thats good or not I'm not sure

Heres what the blackboard scene is based on for anyone who didn't know

True, me too...but I find watching it very funny...Beck has trandscended Fox and American news TV...He's has a cult of personality now and he's all over youtube...I think most people with an eye on politics know who he is and what he's like....Though whether thats good or not I'm not sure

Heres what the blackboard scene is based on for anyone who didn't know

:lol: so thats the context for the Kill Smurfs Joke, brilliant. Would have clearly enjoyed it a lot more had I been exposed to Mr Beck's terrific analysis there prior to watching the episode.
Does anyone have a web link of the latest episode?

All the usual sites don't seem to be working.
I dunno...I dont live in the states and it was quite clear to me that Cartman was Glenn Beck (with some Limbagh and Hannity thrown in, but obviously mostly Beck) while Wendy was primarily Obama but mainly government in general, with a tiny tiny allusion to Palin at the very end (regarding stepping down and writing a book)...The fact Republicans are desperately trying to claim that Wendy was 'clearly' Palin.. (I read someone say Cartman was more a broad parody of SNL and the liberal media tearing into her...which is such rubbish) it a little far fetched for me, and a desperate attempt to justify liking the episode by twisting it perversely to mean what they'd like it too...Why would Beck have a go at Palin anyway?...I'm just asking questions

But then again I took Politics at A level so I probably take more of an interest than most do I suppose
I don't follow American politics closely, I only keep a general eye on it. So for me, so I'm with RedKaos here. It's much more funny with the reference, even a viewer who generally keeps up with the news in American politics in the UK would have missed those references.

How anyone was supposed to know this Glenn Beck guy IDK.
It depends what circles you run in and what your interested in I suppose...If your interested in things that satire the news like Newswipe/Screenwipe, Have I got News For You or The Daily Show on Sky then you'll know, but if you don't then it's probably likely you wouldn't...Every episode is so loaded with cultural references though that those outside the US are always going to miss loads....I remember that episode a while back with the "a puerto rican guy did it" and I didn't have a clue who any of the people they were referencing were so I had to look them up....and such is the beauty of the internet!!...There's probably a reference per episode I don't get
It depends what circles you run in and what your interested in I suppose...If your interested in things that satire the news like Newswipe/Screenwipe, Have I got News For You or The Daily Show on Sky then you'll know, but if you don't then it's probably likely you wouldn't...Every episode is so loaded with cultural references though that those outside the US are always going to miss loads....I remember that episode a while back with the "a puerto rican guy did it" and I didn't have a clue who any of the people they were referencing were so I had to look them up....and such is the beauty of the internet!!...There's probably a reference per episode I don't get

Same here, but I also spend a fair bit of time in Los Angeles and listen to Air America on that tinternet when at home so it's usually understood.
I knew it was a parody of one of the US talk show hosts, wasn't sure which one though. Hadn't seen that Black Board clip, but after seeing it, it makes it all the funnier.

Was just wondering, when Cartman asks Wendy if she was denying the Smurf holocaust ever happened, was that a possible reference to the question time with Nick Griffin, or am i reading to much into it?

Another thing, is it me or has South Park become much more intelligent, with a lot more satire and cultural references? I don't seem to remember the early seasons being as much so.
I like it but probably would've enjoyed it more had I been from Stateside. Love little Casey Kasem, though.
Liked this episode alot, laughed at loud on several occasions. Especially when he pee'ed on the monkey whilst feeding him a banana :lol:
Another thing, is it me or has South Park become much more intelligent, with a lot more satire and cultural references? I don't seem to remember the early seasons being as much so.

It's not you, it's definitely more satirical now. I really enjoyed the Glenn Beck episode but the Pipi's splashtown thingy was pretty lame by SP standards.