South Park Season 13.

Twas alright. We've had one Ike and one Butters episode so far. I miss the gang.
Another slightly weakish episode, relatively speaking. The cop had his moments.
:lol: Just watched both the new episodes.

It was hilarious how in the Butters' episode the cop would give the impression he was about to reveal himself as a cop by saying "Alright Mr!" in angry voice, before softening it and saying something like "now unbutton your pants" :lol:. The bit where he blew cum out of his arse was a bit much, but still funny.

The dead celebreties episode was also very good. I look forward to the next one.
I've just recently discovered how brilliant that song at the end of the Fishsticks episode is. It's actually better than any song Kanye West has ever made.


I thought it was going to be an ep where Randy was a main character, was disappointed by that. Randy's one of the best characters on the show when on form.

The easter bunny/pope episode and the night of the living homeless are two of my favourite episodes. Both have a lot of Randy. He's a great character, watching these episodes compared to the first couple of series is nuts.

"feck you whale!"
Stan: you said you don't give two shits about stupid ass whales
Cartman: We were talking about Wales the country

:lol: We've finally made it.
I didn't really get this weeks show, it had funny moments but...pointless.
The scene in the court room when Stan draws up the scenario for the councilman (or whatever he was) and asks what his reaction would be was great :lol:

Yeah that was quite good.

i thought it was a great ep


That bit made me chuckle, but it just seemed a filler episode. Not one that i'll really remember much from.