South Park, Family Guy or The Simpsons?

Simpsons > South Park

Is correct

South Park is funny Spoons, but it has the liberty to go that extra mile, insult any social behaviour or famous public personnas. Simpsons has far more creative limitations and in that space it churns out various masterpieces.

I hasn't gone that downhill, it's just that more quality animated shows have emerged to provide competition.
Is correct

South Park is funny Spoons, but it has the liberty to go that extra mile, insult any social behaviour or famous public personnas. Simpsons has far more creative limitations and in that space it churns out various masterpieces.

I hasn't gone that downhill, it's just that more quality animated shows have emerged to provide competition.

Salv, you're always wrong. Come on at least admit it.
Well they're both great at their best, so I guess it comes down to personal preference. I just love the way SP pushes the boundaries. I'll probably rewatch the earlier Simpsons episodes and see why they were so brilliant - perhaps we just got bored of watching Homer strangle his kid. Who knows eh. I think Matt Groening said something about it not having the same shock factor.

South Park was more instantly progressive than the Simpsons which, for shock value, was tame by todays standards....I still think it (was) a funnier show though

Do yourself a favour.....just don't go past series 11

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The Simpsons are like the kid you had that was a prodigy: supremely talented yet modest, possessing an outgoing personality yet sensitive when the situation called for it, beloved by everyone and feared by those who daren't say an ill-word about the child-

-who grew up into a callow, womanizing drunk with a messiah complex, bemoaning his gifts and wasting them to spite a God who would give so much to one person and so little to so many others.
Old Simpsons > South park >>>> New Simpsons >>>>>>>>>>> Family guy.

So glad reading most people agree family guy is shite. nearly everyone i know likes it and i cannot understand why, are they on drugs or have i answered my own question?
I don't know how much influence he had on the writing of the simpsons but the death of Phil Hartman (Troy Mclure, Lionel Hutz) coincided with the last good series. He was actually supposed to voice Zapp Branigan in Futurama aswell.

The Simpsons at their peak was as good as comedy can get before the watershed, absolutely brilliant.

South Park because of its later slot and older rating is able to push the boundaries a lot further and I think it's the most consistent comedy series ever. Anyone remember Awesomoe!!

I like them all but I would go with;

1 Simpsons (series 1-11)/ South Park
2 Family Guy
3 Futurama
Simpsons of the old beats anything, makes me laugh, cried (on the episode of and then I married Marge), symphaty, and the EUREKA moment of spotting which goof from a movie.

Ah... Brings backs memories... I grew up watching them.

South Park is ... too crude for me, while Family Guys is plain ear annoying and irritating.
None of the above.

I much prefer this to be honest....

simpsons is the best, but south park isnt far behind.

Family guy really is awful though, its not clever, its not creative, its just quite stupid.

I really really hate family guy, at uni we'd all go back to someones house and theyd bloody put it on, cue everyone mindlessly "hur hurr" ing until 4am.

hate hate hate
Has anyone seen the South Park episode that takes the piss out of Family Guy? It's absolutely hilarious.
South Park by a country mile.

The Simpsons is on average decent, although it was a long time since it peaked, in my opinion. Running on empty for years now. If we're talking Matt Groening I prefer Futurama.

Family Guy is spectacularly awful. It's just the very definition of wannabe, derivative, cringeworthy shite. It's so awful it almost does a 360 into funny, just contemplating the clueless silliness of the creators.

If Family Guy was a thread on the caf, it would be this thread --

South Park by a country mile.

The Simpsons is on average decent, although it was a long time since it peaked, in my opinion. Running on empty for years now. If we're talking Matt Groening I prefer Futurama.

Family Guy is spectacularly awful. It's just the very definition of wannabe, derivative, cringeworthy shite. It's so awful it almost does a 360 into funny, just contemplating the clueless silliness of the creators.

If Family Guy was a thread on the caf, it would be this thread --


If something does a 360 into funny, it was funny to begin with. I believe the number of degrees you're looking for is 180. 180.
If something does a 360 into funny, it was funny to begin with. I believe the number of degrees you're looking for is 180. 180.
Yeah, I was unclear, and pretty stupid. :nono: on me.

I was imagining a 'circle of unfunny' going from 0 to 359 (where 359 denotes 'the least funny thing in the universe'), then hitting 'funny' again at 360.
Yeah, I was unclear, and pretty stupid. :nono: on me.

I was imagining a 'circle of unfunny' going from 0 to 359 (where 359 denotes 'the least funny thing in the universe'), then hitting 'funny' again at 360.

So it starts out funny then gets worse and worse until it becomes funny again... kinda makes sense... I accept your 360 degree version.
The Simpsons hasnt been funny for about 10 years

i dont mind Family Guy, but i think it's way overrated.

so South Park is probably my favourite
The older Simpsons were very consistant, virtually every episode was gold and it's incredbly re-watchable. But i'd go with South Park for two reasons, Cartman is funnier than Homer and with the exception of Comic Book Guy none of the support characters in The Simpsons or Family Guy come close to being as good as Mr Garrison and Mr Mackey. Mmkay.
The older Simpsons were very consistant, virtually every episode was gold and it's incredbly re-watchable. But i'd go with South Park for two reasons, Cartman is funnier than Homer and with the exception of Comic Book Guy none of the support characters in The Simpsons or Family Guy come close to being as good as Mr Garrison and Mr Mackey. Mmkay.

Homer's great but he's too sentimental, too loveable. Cartman would kick his ass.
I think Homer has a broader range of people whom he could make laugh, in the sense that, Homer is much more friendly to the wider TV audience than Cartman. But saying that, I think Cartman is much funnier for the viewing audience he is definitely aimed for - 16+ Males.
The older Simpsons were very consistant, virtually every episode was gold and it's incredbly re-watchable. But i'd go with South Park for two reasons, Cartman is funnier than Homer and with the exception of Comic Book Guy none of the support characters in The Simpsons or Family Guy come close to being as good as Mr Garrison and Mr Mackey. Mmkay.

Mr. Burns and Krusty are as good as any supporting character on SP.
South Park is by far the funniest some of the satirical episodes are amazing. Family Guy comes second now and Simpsons a poor 3rd with the new stuff that is coming out. The old series were so much better than they are now.
Family guy is quality. I am an absolute fan boy of it.

1.Family Guy
2.South Park
3. Simpsons
4. Cleveland show.