Cat freak
In regards to family guy, although in many cases the plot is bollocks, these scenes cracked me up harshly:
Have you seen the one where consuela goes to senate? That has me in stitches every time.
Jesus just checked and Simpsons are up to season 21. That means its been shit for over half its entire run, it needs putting out of its misery.
South Park > Family Guy > Simpsons for me.
I'm too young to appreciate the early seasons of Simpsons, so for that reason I'm out.
Family Guy at its best is brilliant, for example S05E01 (the Star Wars episode), and S07E02, the bird is the word. South Park has been a little hit and miss from season 11-12 something, but still is the best of them. Cartman at his best is brilliant, like in Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy, where he's the hallway monitor in school, to name an example that nobody's mentioned already.
Yeah that was amazingThe Urinal Deuce episode was brilliant as well, Cartman's theory that Kyle was responsible for 9/11 was hilarious.
Simpsons > South Park > Family Guy.
End of thread.
Family Guy at its best is brilliant, for example S05E01 (the Star Wars episode), and S07E02, the bird is the word.
Old Simpsons >>> South Park >>>>>>>>>> New Simpsons >>>>>>>>>>> Bad Aids >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Plague >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Family Guy
Nah, haven't seen it. Which number's the episode, you know that?have you seen something something something darkside?
Miles better than blue harvest IMO much more family guy.
But one of the best episodes the latest years has to be the Fishsticks episode.. That's just pure comedy gold, and it'll hopefully go down as one of the best SP episodes ever.
This is fecking hilarious too, the part about TwitterI'd forgotten about that, absolute genius!
Simpsons > South Park > Futurama > Family Guy
The Simpsons being shit for 50% of it's run is a problem I avoid by not counting anything after season 12 as The Simpsons.
Pre-then it pisses on all of them, just look at the Simpsons quote thread (which I might bump), You couldn't do that for any of the others....It's a bit like Gazza - he got fat and shit and stupid towards the end of his career, but if you're asking me who was better, Gazza or Emile Heskey...it's still fecking Gazza isn't it?
Only every second or third South Park episode is any good now....but when it's good, it's still very good.
Family Guy should...just.....stop
Well then we could get into a Best/Ronaldo - Pele/Fat Ronaldo comparison game...are the pioneers more worthy than the pretenders?
I love SP at its best, but I still think early Simpsons tops it for everything...it had decent pathos in it too which South Park doesn't. It was more rounded as a complete show....Until they started making Homer a dick head obviously, and sending them to foreign countries cos they'd run out of ideas