South Park, Family Guy or The Simpsons?

The earlier episodes of The Simpsons up until around Season 9 - 10 are genius, nothing beats it.

Someone said Futurama too. I'd go (in their peak) Simpsons > Futurama > Family Guy > South Park.
I loved the Simpsons before they started to tread on current events and introduce guest stars. They're always trying to make a statement that noone wants to hear. I watch shows like that when I want to avoid shit like that.

Can't go wrong with South Park. They rip the piss out of anyone.

Don't get me started on Family Guy. Recycled garbage with no actual plot. Might as well just have 10 minute shorts instead.
In regards to family guy, although in many cases the plot is bollocks, these scenes cracked me up harshly:

Simpsons has been shite for more than a decade, though. That said I liked the movie.

But South Park wins.
South Park > Futurama > Simpsons > Family Guy

If the Simpsons had been stopped rather than turning shit it would be first, but it's awful now and has been for years so it falls down big time for me.
Jesus just checked and Simpsons are up to season 21. That means its been shit for over half its entire run, it needs putting out of its misery.
South Park > Family Guy > Simpsons for me.

I'm too young to appreciate the early seasons of Simpsons, so for that reason I'm out.

Family Guy at its best is brilliant, for example S05E01 (the Star Wars episode), and S07E02, the bird is the word. South Park has been a little hit and miss from season 11-12 something, but still is the best of them. Cartman at his best is brilliant, like in Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy, where he's the hallway monitor in school, to name an example that nobody's mentioned already.
Jesus just checked and Simpsons are up to season 21. That means its been shit for over half its entire run, it needs putting out of its misery.

Exactly, which is why I don't think it can be classed as the best ever even though it's early stuff was so brilliant.
South Park > Family Guy > Simpsons for me.

I'm too young to appreciate the early seasons of Simpsons, so for that reason I'm out.

Family Guy at its best is brilliant, for example S05E01 (the Star Wars episode), and S07E02, the bird is the word. South Park has been a little hit and miss from season 11-12 something, but still is the best of them. Cartman at his best is brilliant, like in Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy, where he's the hallway monitor in school, to name an example that nobody's mentioned already.

The Urinal Deuce episode was brilliant as well, Cartman's theory that Kyle was responsible for 9/11 was hilarious.
The Urinal Deuce episode was brilliant as well, Cartman's theory that Kyle was responsible for 9/11 was hilarious.
Yeah that was amazing :lol:

Think they had a really good run there on S10, with the WoW ep, then the Urinal Deuce and then Miss Teacher, wasn't it?

Also, the high school musical episode, think it's S12E13 or something, with that kid Briden Guermo and his dad, is fecking ace :lol:
Yea that was a good run of episodes.

The high school musical kid is quality, and his very camp dad slapping everyone :lol:

The Super Adventure Club episode had me in stitches, and the story behind the episode makes it even better.

Just thinking about some of these South Park episodes has me in stitches, and for me thats the difference, as brilliant and as clever as the early simpsons were, they dont have me in stitches like South Park does.

I love the episode where they all get weopons, and Kenny throws a knife or something into Butters eye, and then they dress him up as a dog so as to avoid having to take him to the hospital and be caught :lol: Or something like that, its been a while since I last saw it, I think it resulted in Cartman walking naked across a stage, thinking he was invisible :lol:
Towelie, Trapped in the Closet and The Biggest Douche in the Universe are also very, very good episodes :lol: Especially trapped in the closet is fecking hilarious if you've seen the R. Kelly "hiphopera" as he himself calls it..

But one of the best episodes the latest years has to be the Fishsticks episode.. That's just pure comedy gold, and it'll hopefully go down as one of the best SP episodes ever.
Up to season 10 Simpsons > South Park > Futurama > Family Guy > New Simpsons.

And I've only just started getting into South Park but it is absolutely brilliant. Found it hilarious. Though I originally found Family Guy hilarious as well because it was so random, but this quickly becomes tiresome. Still enjoy it though.
But one of the best episodes the latest years has to be the Fishsticks episode.. That's just pure comedy gold, and it'll hopefully go down as one of the best SP episodes ever.

:lol: I'd forgotten about that, absolute genius!
Don't we have 4 or 5 of these threads now?....You're just spamming now elvis..spam spam spam

Old Simpsons series 3-11 are almost perfect as TV comedy - I can and have watched them hundreds of times ...Can't even watch the new stuff, it's like watching an old girlfriend get fat and dumb after being hit in the head with a pipe and kept alive on life support

South Park was and still is occasionally hilariously funny and fanasticaly daring and original

Family Guy is a weak attempt to meld those two together without a narrative, a constant stream of Star Wars jokes for fat 30 somethings and the occasional unfunny broadway musical number...was funny when it was now almost always makes me very angry that it's reach a plateau in culture next the other two genuine behemoths of the genre...Has it's moments, but I generally think it's a sketch show for the ESN

Futurama - occasionally hits the heights of season 11 Simpsons

King of the Hill - Never really got it
The Simpsons being shit for 50% of it's run is a problem I avoid by not counting anything after season 12 as The Simpsons.

Pre-then it pisses on all of them, just look at the Simpsons quote thread (which I might bump), You couldn't do that for any of the others....It's a bit like Gazza - he got fat and shit and stupid towards the end of his career, but if you're asking me who was better, Gazza or Emile's still fecking Gazza isn't it?

Only every second or third South Park episode is any good now....but when it's good, it's still very good.

Family Guy should...just.....stop
The Simpsons being shit for 50% of it's run is a problem I avoid by not counting anything after season 12 as The Simpsons.

Pre-then it pisses on all of them, just look at the Simpsons quote thread (which I might bump), You couldn't do that for any of the others....It's a bit like Gazza - he got fat and shit and stupid towards the end of his career, but if you're asking me who was better, Gazza or Emile's still fecking Gazza isn't it?

Only every second or third South Park episode is any good now....but when it's good, it's still very good.

Family Guy should...just.....stop

South Park has hardly dropped in quality over. . .what. . .15 years? which must be an unparalleled feat. The great thing about South Park is they're still not too scared to cross the imaginary boundary whereas Simpsons has turned into a family show. Simpsons is perhaps the seminal adult cartoon sit com but the last decade has tainted it. As for Gazza/Heskey comparisons, that's not even close. I reckon the best South Park eps are probably better than the best Simpsons one's.
Well then we could get into a Best/Ronaldo - Pele/Fat Ronaldo comparison game...are the pioneers more worthy than the pretenders?

I love SP at its best, but I still think early Simpsons tops it for had decent pathos in it too which South Park doesn't. It was more rounded as a complete show....Until they started making Homer a dick head obviously, and sending them to foreign countries cos they'd run out of ideas
Well then we could get into a Best/Ronaldo - Pele/Fat Ronaldo comparison game...are the pioneers more worthy than the pretenders?

I love SP at its best, but I still think early Simpsons tops it for had decent pathos in it too which South Park doesn't. It was more rounded as a complete show....Until they started making Homer a dick head obviously, and sending them to foreign countries cos they'd run out of ideas

Well they're both great at their best, so I guess it comes down to personal preference. I just love the way SP pushes the boundaries. I'll probably rewatch the earlier Simpsons episodes and see why they were so brilliant - perhaps we just got bored of watching Homer strangle his kid. Who knows eh. I think Matt Groening said something about it not having the same shock factor.
What about American Dad, anyone like that. I've seen the first couple of seasons and prefered it to Family Guy, not a patch on South Park or Simpsons obviously but has its moments, Roger the alien is pretty funny.
If anything South Park has gotten a lot better over time. Also for any episodes in the last season anyone was disappointed with I urge you to re watch, they all seemed so much better the 2nd time round for me.

The Simpson’s are unwatchable these days sadly. But I suppose the very best Simpson’s episodes back in the day are better than the very best South Park episodes so for that reason they probably edge it for me
American Dad's better than all of them at the minute. But The Simpsons in the early to mid nineties is peerless.