Souness at it again…

Even if we win a quadruple, he will claim its a fluke and that we were lucky as our players are average at best.
Connor Moore impression of him (and Roy and Carra) is absolutely amazing. I don't even watch Souness talking garbage anymore. I go straight to Connor.
Connor Moore impression of him (and Roy and Carra) is absolutely amazing. I don't even watch Souness talking garbage anymore. I go straight to Connor.
Connor Moore impressions of almost everyone are ridiculously good. Especially the f1’s. The guy is a genius.
He’s definitely trying to walk it back. But even his August ramblings weren’t all that crazy. Kroos and Modric were always more box office than Cas. The only strange bit is Sounness underrating a player who’s way more similar to the way he used to play than either of those two.

Plus I think there’s a lot of us on here that have been as surprised as he is by the range of passing we’re seeing from Cas at United.
How much are we being paid to talk about it. The guy is an idiot who used to be able to kick a football around a pitch and is getting paid way over the odds to do it.
Make no mistake Souness was a top player. I bet to this day Spurs bitterly regret letting him go.
Those Sabitzer claims... He's not watching the game, is he? He's tried to back/heel cleared it twice already in this game that's exactly what he was doing there. He's not tried to 'do him'.
He’s a horrible, horrible bloke. By all means argue it’s a red, but the idea that Sabitzer is trying to deliberately break his opponents leg (which is what he claims) is infantile and pathetic.
Sabitzer definitely didn't try to "Do him" as he suggested. What a prat.
Souness was just looking for his next topic to get on talkshite to earn a few more quid. He's got a hard on for UTD players, Pogba had it Casimero before he'd kicked a ball for us,Sabitzer now imo it was a booking, he was late and there was no follow through it's like he stopped on contact I think that's what VAR has seen as well. Yellow no complaints.
Who cares about objectivity in punditry?

It's entertainment, bring on the bias, the arguments, the silliness.

It's not politics or science, there's nothing riding on what Graham Souness thinks.

It's not that important and of course he's bias. He'd be lying if he pretended otherwise.
Can’t believe this guy is still chatting rubbish about us. The guy needs to focus on his own crappy team and criticise them for being mid table. He should be banned from punditry in all our games.
Who cares about objectivity in punditry?

It's entertainment, bring on the bias, the arguments, the silliness.

It's not politics or science, there's nothing riding on what Graham Souness thinks.

It's not that important and of course he's bias. He'd be lying if he pretended otherwise.

There is bias and then there is Souness.
He can't stand anyone disagreeing with him and is pretty rude and condescending whenever anyone does. Loves saying that anyone that doesn't agree with his opinion doesn't understand football.
He can't stand anyone disagreeing with him and is pretty rude and condescending whenever anyone does. Loves saying that anyone that doesn't agree with his opinion doesn't understand football.
Those are the best guys to have on TV. It's called entertainment and having this senile old bastard losing his shit at Utd being back is just so entertaining. I have watched enough Bundesliga to know Sabitzer isn't the type of player to get a player injured.
I've seen headlines today ,horror tackle etc ffs if Sabitzer follows through with his leg he snaps it in real time and slow motion the other players leg which is planted on floor doesn't move. Imo Sabitzer stops the action , and that shows the player is not out of control . It was a yellow card that I wouldn't complain about and even if it was red no complaints, but the ref apparently saw it and told VAR it was OK he was closest not us not Sourness so maybe you give the ref some credit, instead of the other way round which is easier.
If a tackle truly bends someone's knee sideways, they are going to have at least one knee ligament injury, and be out for months

Faes was still present at the end of the match, and committed a couple of worse tackles himself
I remember him and Carragher sniggering away to themselves last season...
It's a tricky one because he's won a lot in his career as a player but he is so out of touch with the modern game it's almost like he is talking about a different sport. Souness is the truest definition of the term dinosaur I've ever seen.

I'll miss his awful takes and the high horse he is on when criticising our players tackles despite being the dirtiest player to play the game.
The lunatic at it again. Even on the back of a 7-0 win for his team he doesn’t half come out with nonsense. Calling Gary out for something he supposedly said off air as well was utterly ridiculous.

Also acting like some sort of prophet because he called a Liverpool win.
Bloke lost all credibility when he quit talkSPORT because he couldn’t handle Simon Jordan and his arguments.
Wanna slap the smug off his face but we keep giving him ammo to take the piss with these constant batterings Vs Liverpool.

I just hate it.
The lunatic at it again. Even on the back of a 7-0 win for his team he doesn’t half come out with nonsense. Calling Gary out for something he supposedly said off air as well was utterly ridiculous.

Also acting like some sort of prophet because he called a Liverpool win.
Smug pair of t,,,,s
The lunatic at it again. Even on the back of a 7-0 win for his team he doesn’t half come out with nonsense. Calling Gary out for something he supposedly said off air as well was utterly ridiculous.

Also acting like some sort of prophet because he called a Liverpool win.
He saw the drugs delivery come in I reckon
Is it really that harsh to wish death someone?