This generation is eating itself. I put no faith in the generation to bring society together. Absolute faith in them to make their corner (and in time a majority) of the world better. But they’re as incendiary as Trump at the edges, and instead of course correction, those fringes are being supported.
Their actions fcuking suck, but because they’re on the right team, they’re defended. That’s MAGA. That’s the blue line of the Police. They are becoming everything they hate.
Well put. Regarding those who want to improve the world, I'm always trying to remind myself that historical changes have often come about throught actions that must have been viewed as over-the-top, even nasty, at the time, like the Suffragettes, for example. So while I'm no fan of vandalism and such, I'm of course hoping that some good will come out of this.
However, while I can see what
@Pogue Mahone refers to as progressive values, there is at the same time definitely an authoritarian streak in this whole youth/young adult culture. The number of viewpoints one can have is very narrow. And, as is common in such structures/societies, fear of being the next victim guides their actions. What is the best way of guaranteeing your own survival or standing within the group? Well, make sure you name and shame someone else. And yes, in time they will eat themselves, as most of these will at some point have been shamed, ostracized or decided to take another path in life.
Without the youth being aware of it themselves, I would argue that their actions contributes to freedom of expression being more under threat than it has been for a long time. Not in the classical sense, that you have no forum for your opinions, but rather the self-censorship that this culture forces upon society. I have little or no interest in debating 99% of current topics, and certainly not on Twitter and its like. But maybe, once in a while, I could have a dissenting or minority opinion. In today's climate, it would probably just remain unsaid. Being guided by a basic courtesy and respect for other people regardless of race, gender, religion, etc, might no longer be sufficient. One poor wording (or an unpopular opinion) could set off a chain event. Now, while I don't think the world loses out on too many golden nuggets by my non-contribution, in turn it will also prevent me from hearing counter-arguments to my own position. When enough people think like me, only the screamers on either side are left.