Should I buy a Wii or a PS3?

I have both a ps3 and 360. I play my 360 a lot more, but then its only because that is the console all my friends have and so I play it a lot more simply to play them on LIVE. Both are fantastic consoles, I don't see why you have to have a favourite. Both noisey as feck as well, though I can't see why that should be of any relevance.

My 40GB PS3 is fairly quiet actually. 65nm technology and all that.
Yes but the hdd you get for the PS3 is only 40gb, so the same can be said about needing to upgrade it too.

Weaste -1

No, because it's a standard part and costs sweet FA. I wasn't talking about PS3 in any case, I was talking about the value of the Elite vs Premium. For 60 quid more it's a no brainer. But you have to bring PS3 into this?


Only a360 atm but I'll probably end up getting a ps3 by the end of summer when a few more exclusive titles jump out at me. Gotta keep hold of the 360 though for Gears and possbily Halo Wars.
No, because it's a standard part and costs sweet FA. I wasn't talking about PS3 in any case, I was talking about the value of the Elite vs Premium. For 60 quid more it's a no brainer. But you have to bring PS3 into this?

Fair enough, but if you say that you may as well buy an elite for the extra £60, why not import a 60gb or 80gb PS3 for £60+ more. And yes i do have to bring the PS3 into it, I like to make it personal:devil:.

I concede that you are able to put a standard 2.5" sata hd in, but i doubt the person in question would know/or bother to.
Fair enough, but if you say that you may as well buy an elite for the extra £60, why not import a 60gb or 80gb PS3 for £60+ more. And yes i do have to bring the PS3 into it, I like to make it personal:devil:.

I concede that you are able to put a standard 2.5" sata hd in, but i doubt the person in question would know/or bother to.

My PS3 has a 500GB HDD in it for around 90 quid. Maybe one day it could be 1TB+.

Importing PS3s is not good on warranty terms, if it breaks you have a problem.

All I am saying is that for what you will need (this video download thing, and now MS allowing install of the disks onto the HDD, 20GB will go pop in about a month - if that) in future is storage space, and with what Microsoft charge to buy the 120GB HDD, the Elite is by far the better value.
All new 360s are equipped with the 65nm chipsets.

Not the GPU though. On the other hand, the whole of the PS3's innards are 65nm.

And the 40GB PS3 is the quietest of any current flavour of Sony or Microsoft console.

I can't believe it's taken me only 24 hours to turn into a fanboy. Oh well, might as well go all the way and say mIcor$oFT SUX!!!lolz
Not the GPU though. On the other hand, the whole of the PS3's innards are 65nm.

I can't believe it's taken me only 24 hours to turn into a fanboy. Oh well, might as well go all the way and say mIcor$oFT SUX!!!lolz

I knew it! Its something in the PS3, a heavy substance of some sort that turns you muppets into cows (nickname for PS3 owners)

And ive been told that microsoft fanboys are know as 'lemmings'
For playing online with friends i suggest xbox sitting on your own playing with your joystick ps3 if you have mates round wii.

Ive got all 3, i prefer xbox 6 year old prefers ps3.

Why did I understand none of what you just said?
Why did I understand none of what you just said?

Let me translate, he said:
For playing with your mates/xbox live he suggests xbox.
For playing by yourself he would recommend a ps3.
For having your mates around he says go for a wii (i just read the last part aloud "go for a wii":lol:, anyway back to translating)

He then says he has all three consoles; he personally likes the 360 but his six year old son likes the ps3.

Now after reading my translation read back his post again slowly and you'll see.

EDIT: here's a few commas to help you understand

For playing online with friends i suggest xbox, sitting on your own playing with your joystick ps3, if you have mates round wii.

Ive got all 3, i prefer xbox, 6 year old prefers ps3.
you may also thank be with a sexual favour later if you wish
Oo i see now. If he had included comma's in the first sentence it would have all made sense. How can anyone use such little punctuation and expect anyone to understand what they said.

Think of something dirty and we can work on it
Oo i see now. If he had included comma's in the first sentence it would have all made sense. How can anyone use such little punctuation and expect anyone to understand what they said.

Think of something dirty and we can work on it


My cock is getting wet just thinking about what we can do together and to each other. I hope you like lube and toys:drool: