Sergio Ramos | Signs new 5 year contract

What do you think of Sergio Ramos as a potential signing?

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Lol after months of De Gea rumours it would be funny if we lined up next season with both DDG and Ramos. :lol:

If we keep buying Spanish (and south american players) De Gea might start thinking he's in Madrid! :D
Is Hunter respectable Journo? If there's such a thing! :)

He's decent when it comes to the big clubs in Spain, for him to come out and say is very, very encouraging.
Isn't this led than we bid lat week?this summer confuses me so...
Get the feck in! That's solid news, very similar to Ballgue when he broke the Di Maria news!

This is on, and will be done, I'm sure of it now.
Lol after months of De Gea rumours it would be funny if we lined up next season with both DDG and Ramos. :lol:
I was fearing Madrid would be lining up with both De Gea and Ramos!

However I think this makes it all the more likely De Gea will be going the other way.
This is amazing, we went from thinking De Gea was going to go to Madrid for nothing to Ramos actually wanting to go to United.
I'd place a lot more stock in the daily broadsheets and local Spanish radio than a desperate conglomerate that is slowly growing in its own irrelevancy.
I wonder if that's a realistic fee. I doubt it gets accepted, but I would be very happy with that deal.
Is this new information or is it just from last week when he was supposed to have said it in a meeting with them?
Imagine. We've possibly got more Spanish players than Madrid anyway.
Well they've got 9 (possibly 8) Spaniards (Casillas, Ramos, Carvajal, Arbeloa, Nacho, Jese, Illarramendi and Pacheco) and United have 4 (possibly 5).

We probably have more first team Spaniards though :lol:
The key to this is Ramos WANTS to leave the club and only wants to join United.

Is this new information or is it just from last week when he was supposed to have said it in a meeting with them?

Hunter was on Talksport Thursday morning and he didn't say then he wanted to leave. In fact he said his preference was still to stay at Madrid.
This is both confusing and frustrating at the same time.
:lol: I was typing it on my phone whilst looking at the screen with SSN on.

Ramos tells Madrid he wants to leave club & join Manchester Utd. Straight quote off the yellow bar my friend.

feck it's hard to post on here on an iPhone.
Graham Hunter said last week that Ramos does not want to leave the club and Madrid would not sell for less than 200mil (release clause)

I highly highly doubt he would be coming out and sayings it's on unless he knew for sure. He'd stick to his original opinion unless he had solid info to state otherwise.

It's ON :drool:
Nothing has changed. Ian Herbert was sending this to print almost a week ago.
The only change is Graham completely going back on his word, in a way that seems like he has been properly briefed. There must be something in it. Quotes like 'Ramos doesn't want an auction, he wants United' seem promising.
I keep trying to pull away from this and keep getting sucked in. Going by the reaction, this Graham Hunter chap is quite respectable so there might actually be something in this
Isn't Hunter usually pretty good with the Spanish side of things? At any rate he's stuck his neck out on this one.
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