Semi-Finals: Italy vs Spain | England vs Denmark

Feel for Maguire, he gets penalised so often for simply winning aerial battles.
That flash of the red card had me momentarily delighted.
Italy would destroy either of these teams it has to be said.
It’s clear that no one is destroying anyone at this stage in the tournament anymore . Whoever goes through will play a tight, close game against Italy.
Honestly. How is that even a free kick let alone a booking.
What a prick.
This ref isn't doing us any favours, that's not a yellow (and if it is then both players had their arms up so should be booked).
It’s a fair yellow as Maguire has to control his hands better, he clearly hit him in a face and this could’ve been avoided
Bloody hell, that football you and Spain gave us was a different planet away from the shit we're seeing tonight. I'm only watching because it's England or I would have turned off by now.
Yeah, Spain’s football yesterday was much better than England’s so far today. I still can’t believe that Spain only managed to score 1 goal in 120 minutes.
Referee felt guilty for giving England a free kick so had to book Maguire to make up for it.
Refs did warn against that at start of tournie. Soft as shit yellow but thats modern stupid rules, hows he supposed to jump with him hands by his side.
He went in with a high elbow that hit the defenders face. Take off your tinted glasses.

Could have gotten away with it, but didn't.
Maguire playing for United
That's never a yellow
Playing for England
That's a stonewall yellow :lol:
That kid looking at his mom behind the goal when England scored made me smile:)