I did it because from time to time a poster will put forward such passionate defences of the owners that I have genuinely started to question whether I am missing something. This thread isn't about defending them per se', I've created it to hear solid, logical arguments from pro-Glazer posters so that I can at least understand their viewpoint
Their ownership of the Tampa Bay Bucs has been better than average. Prior to the Glazers, they were a mostly losing franchise. Post Glazer they improved and became an average team, with one standout Superbowl win. I can't take much stock in that, however, as the American sports system is ironically designed with socialist principles despite their/our vitriol for even the word.
Skills makes a point worth digging into below:
They're quite hands off. If we finally get the on-field stuff right, they're perfect as the club will just be left on its own devices to do it's own thing.
Are they actually hands off? Let's go back to Sir Alex's days. Was there ever any confirmation that it was in fact the Glazers that tied our hands with transfers? Are they why we went with, as mentioned, Valencia, Owen and Obertan instead of Ribery or Torres or Robben?
Or was it Sir Alex making a point about agents and ridiculous transfers? Was it Gill?
Because we did still splash money on the likes of Berbatov and then an older Van Persie for a swansong. They also funded crock Hargreaves , Anderson and Nani. Expensive punts in honesty.
If it was the Glazers as expected, they certainly weren't hands off. In contrast, in the LVG and Mourinho years there was a considerable amount of spending. Was this to make amends for earlier years? Or were the Glazers just continuing to be a bit hands off and leaving the manager with the funds? If we go back to Jose's meltdown over his transfers not materializing, it had nothing to do with money from what's been said. It was that Ed Woodward didn't fancy the players. Again a case of Glazers letting the heads of football work it out amongst themselves ?
Leaves me with one last point:
Why hire David Moyes? Maybe it was, once again, Glazers giving authority and respect to Sir Alex.
It's almost a Catch 22. On the one hand, Glazers being hands off and empowering their football structure to act of it's own accord so long as the commercial side is smooth, should be a fantastic thing.
But on the flip, allowing Sir Alex (and Sir Bobby's?) favoritism decide our next manager, letting Sir Alex's moral high ground and ego bring in mediocre talents over quality while City were ominously spending big ...that didn't work out either. And now, letting the likes of Woodward hire, fire and sign managers and players at will...that's no good either.
Glazers are accountable. But not in the way I see most folks going on about here with just transfers. Unless we know for a fact they curtailed Sir Alex's spending, there's some blame to spread.