Gaming Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PC, PS4, Xbox One)

Finally killed the stupid butterfly lady and no longer have any trouble with the purple guys. Starting to get the hang of it now.
Cheesing or full on?

I have to admit, that I cheesed her first phase on the try I beat her by chain sidestep striking her to death. Doesn't work the second phase though and I was out of seeds so I did the running around in terror until the illusions disappear thing.

The try before I killed her one of the stragglers back stabbed me to death just as I was about to finish her. Nearly destroyed my TV there..

The purple guys I can take on properly now. I'm finally able to calmly react accordingly to perilous attacks now instead of frantically mashing buttons when I see the indicator.
I have to admit, that I cheesed her first phase on the try I beat her by chain sidestep striking her to death. Doesn't work the second phase though and I was out of seeds so I did the running around in terror until the illusions disappear thing.

The try before I killed her one of the stragglers back stabbed me to death just as I was about to finish her. Nearly destroyed my TV there..

The purple guys I can take on properly now. I'm finally able to calmly react accordingly to perilous attacks now instead of frantically mashing buttons when I see the indicator.

Good man. Perilous attacks really aren't that bad as they give such a long window, so does normal deflecting though too. I don't think either of those are bad things though, as it can lead to more fluid combat (if you kept fecking it up, you wouldn't be comfortable chaining moves). In fact, I really like pressing deflect then holding block still hit or miss, it gives that extra edge instead of spamming and you can go straight into a move, or Mikiro if need be. Of course the whirlwind strike is massively OP to use after it, so I've been experimenting with different techniques to fight.

Where abouts are you now? I didn't play much yesterday, I'm about to (hopefully) beat the boss in Ashina castle (done everything else, including the side bits I found with a particular bastard in the way especially on hard mode!) then further explore the sunken valley which looks awesome. BTW if you grind money or items, I suggest ringing the demon bell, it apparently is why I'm getting loot drops a lot (though also why the bosses have been a lot tougher than I thought they should be early doors) :lol: Also I didn't realise that the gold balloon thing works after you kill enemies, so if you pop the loot one, kill a load of mobs (without collecting) then pop the gold one then it gives you loads of extra cash and some extra items.
Good man. Perilous attacks really aren't that bad as they give such a long window, so does normal deflecting though too. I don't think either of those are bad things though, as it can lead to more fluid combat (if you kept fecking it up, you wouldn't be comfortable chaining moves). In fact, I really like pressing deflect then holding block still hit or miss, it gives that extra edge instead of spamming and you can go straight into a move, or Mikiro if need be. Of course the whirlwind strike is massively OP to use after it, so I've been experimenting with different techniques to fight.

Where abouts are you now? I didn't play much yesterday, I'm about to (hopefully) beat the boss in Ashina castle (done everything else, including the side bits I found with a particular bastard in the way especially on hard mode!) then further explore the sunken valley which looks awesome. BTW if you grind money or items, I suggest ringing the demon bell, it apparently is why I'm getting loot drops a lot (though also why the bosses have been a lot tougher than I thought they should be early doors) :lol: Also I didn't realise that the gold balloon thing works after you kill enemies, so if you pop the loot one, kill a load of mobs (without collecting) then pop the gold one then it gives you loads of extra cash and some extra items.
I'm only just past the horse general. After I beat him I spend quite some time in defeating lady Butterfly. So I'm now going to press on through the rooftop section. Not a lot of time to play though.

Also just figured out that you have to actually equip your upgrade tools to use them after not being able to figure out how to do the moves for them.
I'm only just past the horse general. After I beat him I spend quite some time in defeating lady Butterfly. So I'm now going to press on through the rooftop section. Not a lot of time to play though.

Also just figured out that you have to actually equip your upgrade tools to use them after not being able to figure out how to do the moves for them.

Yeah that's a little weird having to equip the upgrades. I don't rush through games myself, I like to explore everything, try new mechanics and ideas and generally savour the experience. I've never understood the need to speed through a game in a few days.

Holy shit, I just got my steam controller through. I might actually have to restart as it's like playing a completely different game! The customisation is insane, it's going to take a lot of getting used to. Also I've only just realised you can actually customise every button in game too (I never bothered looking, just picked up the xbone controller and went for it), so I'm going to work on new binds. I'm thinking y for heals now, d-pad up to prosthetic switches, and maybe moving around block and dodge. Hell if I have to get used to this thing, I might as well get used to the whole game again. Like a moron :lol:
Yeah that's a little weird having to equip the upgrades. I don't rush through games myself, I like to explore everything, try new mechanics and ideas and generally savour the experience. I've never understood the need to speed through a game in a few days.

Holy shit, I just got my steam controller through. I might actually have to restart as it's like playing a completely different game! The customisation is insane, it's going to take a lot of getting used to. Also I've only just realised you can actually customise every button in game too (I never bothered looking, just picked up the xbone controller and went for it), so I'm going to work on new binds. I'm thinking y for heals now, d-pad up to prosthetic switches, and maybe moving around block and dodge. Hell if I have to get used to this thing, I might as well get used to the whole game again. Like a moron :lol:
Oh wow, you can change that? I kept thinking vs Lady Butterfly how shite D-pad up for healing was..
Oh wow, you can change that? I kept thinking vs Lady Butterfly how shite D-pad up for healing was..

Yeah, since you can pause just keep healing in your inventory bar (no need to add anything else) and set use to Y. I've also switched dash to bumper and block to A now to see, since it's quicker to press a button than bumper..

Though to be honest the steam controller is unlike anything else, so whether or not I keep that last change I don't know as there's little paddles underneath I might set to dash/block.
Just got this. Killed the ogre guy in the estates. Struggling with the shinobi hunter though. Died like 6 times.
Just got this. Killed the ogre guy in the estates. Struggling with the shinobi hunter though. Died like 6 times.

Hold block through the entire fight, get used to using the parry and mikiri counter that way. Forget dodging past or jumping (unless he sweeps of course, which I think he rarely does?).

The aim is to chip him to about half health, then you can build his posture up quickly via Mikiri for a deathblow (giggity).
Cheers buddy. I went exploring and ran into The Headless. What the feck. Gonna have to come back to that wayy later.
So will this game firmly scratch the Bloodborne (my favourite game a long with GoW) itch or will I need to wait for BB2?
Cheers buddy. I went exploring and ran into The Headless. What the feck. Gonna have to come back to that wayy later.

Yeah he wrecked me too. Past him is the demons bell though, I found it by accident by shitting myself and trying to run from him :lol:

So will this game firmly scratch the Bloodborne (my favourite game a long with GoW) itch or will I need to wait for BB2?

Yeah it's much in the same vein as BB, though the combat is different in that it's more about blocking/deflecting than it is dodging. Don't let that put you off if you wasn't into the parrying in BB or the souls games though, it's not difficult to do.
Yeah it's much in the same vein as BB, though the combat is different in that it's more about blocking/deflecting than it is dodging. Don't let that put you off if you wasn't into the parrying in BB or the souls games though, it's not difficult to do.

Cheers. Good to hear. I'll have to get it soon then.
Got some more time in. Killed the Flaming Bull and the Armored Fella. The boss fights are really cool in this. Tense as feck. I have to say, that once you get to the initial difficulty wall it gets better. Not sure if I'm just more used to the game now or it's something else, but I'm enjoying it more now.
Got some more time in. Killed the Flaming Bull and the Armored Fella. The boss fights are really cool in this. Tense as feck. I have to say, that once you get to the initial difficulty wall it gets better. Not sure if I'm just more used to the game now or it's something else, but I'm enjoying it more now.

Nice. I've been off exploring, gone too far, and ran into one or two things I probably really shouldn't at this stage :lol: (like a couple of feckers with dual blade staffs who are normal enemies, but feck you hard if you are unaware!)

I'm really still trying to get used to the steam controller, I can tell it will work out great, but the learning curve is harsh. I'm not playing at my best yet, but I'm still progressing with the demon bell on.
Nice. I've been off exploring, gone too far, and ran into one or two things I probably really shouldn't at this stage :lol: (like a couple of feckers with dual blade staffs who are normal enemies, but feck you hard if you are unaware!)

I'm really still trying to get used to the steam controller, I can tell it will work out great, but the learning curve is harsh. I'm not playing at my best yet, but I'm still progressing with the demon bell on.
Ah the guys in straw hats? Eventually I just found a way to stealth kill them. Nigh un killable one on one, but someone just told me you can jump slash them out of the air when they jump over you, causing them to fall down and you can damage them badly.
Ah the guys in straw hats? Eventually I just found a way to stealth kill them. Nigh un killable one on one, but someone just told me you can jump slash them out of the air when they jump over you, causing them to fall down and you can damage them badly.

Yeah, jump slash is very good against them, I just forgot about it the first time I went in :lol:

That's kind of my main problem with any games that rely on perks to enhance the game, rather than skill progression, if it isn't done right most of them are just situational and used very rarely. Like the prosthetics, bar the shuriken and occasionally firecrackers, there's no real use in them really. Still, the sword combat alone is strong enough to carry the game through though, it is fun in that aspect.
Yeah, jump slash is very good against them, I just forgot about it the first time I went in :lol:

That's kind of my main problem with any games that rely on perks to enhance the game, rather than skill progression, if it isn't done right most of them are just situational and used very rarely. Like the prosthetics, bar the shuriken and occasionally firecrackers, there's no real use in them really. Still, the sword combat alone is strong enough to carry the game through though, it is fun in that aspect.
Agreed about the prostethics, they're just glorified win buttons for certain mobs, like the little guys that use theirs hats as a shield. Apart from them or the normal plankshield guys I never use the Axe. There's simply no point in doing so.
The Genichiru (or whatever his name his) fight at the top of the castle is great. It shows off what the fighting style is capable of (and could be expanded on properly in a sequel).

It also shows how you don't actually need any of the perks/prosthetics bar maybe the Mikiri counter. In fact the game is far better if you forget most of them bar the mikiro and shuriken.
The Genichiru (or whatever his name his) fight at the top of the castle is great. It shows off what the fighting style is capable of (and could be expanded on properly in a sequel).

It also shows how you don't actually need any of the perks/prosthetics bar maybe the Mikiri counter. In fact the game is far better if you forget most of them bar the mikiro and shuriken.
Is he as hard as all the feck this boss topics online claim?
Is he as hard as all the feck this boss topics online claim?

No, he's actually fun because he's not a cheat and the lock on doesn't lose him, it's a fair fight. The key is to keep on the attack and whittle him down posture wise. In fact I beat him earlier, and the first deathblow came when I only hit his actual health twice. It was all sword fighting and you can win without touching him too much.

That's the strength of the game, if the whole thing was like this then it would be brilliant. There's no need for all the fake difficulty stuff, just make us fight Lady B and this guy over and over, levelling up and finding new stuff to wear in between :drool:
Sounds promising. Think Im currently going the other way though, through Senpou Temple.
Sounds promising. Think Im currently going the other way though, through Senpou Temple.
Oooph, killed Genechiro, now that's one awesome fight.

When I finally got him he barely touch me at all. Only once in his first form, then I got him up to almost full posture damage and suddenly I froze nearly died and went through 5 healing gourds barely finishing him with a mikiri counter in the end. I did find the loaded axe with the follow up attack quite handy after a stagger for massive posture damage.

Tense stuff :lol: My wife thinks much less of me for screaming noooo nonononono eeeeek quickquickquick YEEEEEEEEESSYHEAYHAEEAHAEAEHAA to my tv..
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I was so close to giving up on it, despite being early on in the game - going as far as to check the trade in value. But a productive session had me fell 3 mini bosses and the guy on the horse. Just been narrowly beaten by the Blazing Bull, that I wasn’t prepared for.

Having mobs around bosses is absolutely moronic though...has made me more frustrated than perhaps anything in Dark Souls. Just so tedious...
I was so close to giving up on it, despite being early on in the game - going as far as to check the trade in value. But a productive session had me fell 3 mini bosses and the guy on the horse. Just been narrowly beaten by the Blazing Bull, that I wasn’t prepared for.

Having mobs around bosses is absolutely moronic though...has made me more frustrated than perhaps anything in Dark Souls. Just so tedious...

It eases off with that as you get further in, still stupidly placed enemies with cheap moves, but less of a chore.

I'm finding it waaay too easy to do the lore/sidequests and find things though. It really misses the soulsborne message system and players helping each other find the weird stuff. The glowing reviews all seem to ignore the huge amount of content left out compared to those games too. I mean I guess it's ok treated as a seperate game, but it's still glaring how much it would benefit from more content.
Oooph, killed Genechiro, now that's one awesome fight.

When I finally got him he barely touch me at all. Only once in his first form, then I got him up to almost full posture damage and suddenly I froze nearly died and went through 5 healing gourds barely finishing him with a mikiri counter in the end. I did find the loaded axe with the follow up attack quite handy after a stagger for massive posture damage.

Tense stuff :lol: My wife thinks much less of me for screaming noooo nonononono eeeeek quickquickquick YEEEEEEEEESSYHEAYHAEEAHAEAEHAA to my tv..

:lol: My GF is used to it, in fact she's worse.

Besides, she lost the plot with me long ago, it started with the time she walked in on me playing F1 2011 on my feedback wheel wearing my motorbike helmet and gloves...
It eases off with that as you get further in, still stupidly placed enemies with cheap moves, but less of a chore.

I'm finding it waaay too easy to do the lore/sidequests and find things though. It really misses the soulsborne message system and players helping each other find the weird stuff. The glowing reviews all seem to ignore the huge amount of content left out compared to those games too. I mean I guess it's ok treated as a seperate game, but it's still glaring how much it would benefit from more content.

Good to hear! Killed the bull now and finally got some momentum going...maybe I’ve just got better but still feels like I’m fighting against mechanics to a degree.

I’ve focused in the negatives a lot, despite it being a good game but as you say, some of the design choices are baffling. I too am missing the community aspect of DS...if it wasn’t for that aspect, I wouldn’t have found the Drake Sword and may have given up on the whole series at that point, as it was so hard and overwhelming. As you’ve also said, the whole bosses being immune from posture damage until the health has been taken down is almost a game breaker...don’t recall this mentioned in the reviews. I’m finally getting into it but it seems a step back in many areas and pretty flawed IMO.
Good to hear! Killed the bull now and finally got some momentum going...maybe I’ve just got better but still feels like I’m fighting against mechanics to a degree.

I’ve focused in the negatives a lot, despite it being a good game but as you say, some of the design choices are baffling. I too am missing the community aspect of DS...if it wasn’t for that aspect, I wouldn’t have found the Drake Sword and may have given up on the whole series at that point, as it was so hard and overwhelming. As you’ve also said, the whole bosses being immune from posture damage until the health has been taken down is almost a game breaker...don’t recall this mentioned in the reviews. I’m finally getting into it but it seems a step back in many areas and pretty flawed IMO.

There are a few bosses you don't have to take health from, Genichiro for example you can beat without actually hitting him and is such a great fight. But it's an underused mechanic. In fact, that sums up the game for me, there's a lot of great ideas but they are all under-developed, nothing really works like it should (for example the spear attachment. You get it, you hear about a guy with armour, you expect to be able to rip that armour off in the fight. Turns out you can't, so the whole thing is a bit pointless).

The swordplay is the saving grace, but it should have been so much more. Hell at this point I'd even take the whole Bloodborne style fresh armour that doesn't exactly do much, you just look different approach :lol:

I will say again though, that I'm still playing it and still mostly enjoying it. When I get a bit bored, I make sure the Demon Bell is on and go fight the blue monks in the castle for some fun swordplay. It certainly has something going for it, if it's all a little underwhelming.
The second snake eyes encounter is exactly what I mean by fake difficulty. It's just such terrible design that is neither fun nor difficult, just annoying aimbot trash.

It's so straight out of the DS2 playbook, it's not even funny anymore. But I'm going to laugh anyway :lol:
:lol: My GF is used to it, in fact she's worse.

Besides, she lost the plot with me long ago, it started with the time she walked in on me playing F1 2011 on my feedback wheel wearing my motorbike helmet and gloves...
Genechiro was amazing.

Thankfully 3rd phase wasn't as brutal as it could have been.
Ok Guardian Ape..

After about 10 tries I kill him, I think, ok there will probably be another phase.
Ah no, Shinobi Execution I did it. I walk away aaand. Well I wont wont spoil it but, feck you Guardian ape.

I do really like how if Genechiro is designed to teach you do deflect, the Guardian ape fight teaches you do jump and grapple effectively.

So many people watch tutorials and either cheese, or go for the quickest way. But I always highly recommend people learn for themselves and just try everything you can. Despite my talk of the flaws, and there are many, there's still plenty of touches that From just know how to do far better than in any other game in the genre (including Nioh).
I do really like how if Genechiro is designed to teach you do deflect, the Guardian ape fight teaches you do jump and grapple effectively.

So many people watch tutorials and either cheese, or go for the quickest way. But I always highly recommend people learn for themselves and just try everything you can. Despite my talk of the flaws, and there are many, there's still plenty of touches that From just know how to do far better than in any other game in the genre (including Nioh).
I didnt use the graple points at all. Just block and circle him to the left and strike at every opening. Second phase was completely different though,but felt great when I got the Eureka moment which I wont spoil.

Have you done the folding screen monkeys yet? Almost gave up and looked it up online, feckers.
The fight against the second drunkard really shows the learning curve in this game. I did Hirata at the beginning just trying to dodge his slashed in complete panic. Now I just calmly deflect and counter him to death. Gotta say, the game gets more enjoyable as you go along.