This argument ignores the historical and structural context of racism. Racism has never been just about individual insults, it has always been tied to institutional power, oppression, and structural violence. The language used in these interactions is often a reaction to that reality, not an attempt to reinforce or create a new system of racial hierarchy.
Speaking in absolutes makes the discussion simplistic and ignores the nuance of power dynamics. There is a clear defence for her actions, which has been explained to you here and upheld in court when she was found not guilty. Acting as though the mere mention of "white" is equivalent to racism is a misrepresentation of the issue and lacks historical perspective.
Again, the problem here is that attempting to get the vast majority of the public to understand complex social nuances is urinating in the proverbial wind.
What is happening is what has been happening for years now.
Historically the definition of the term racism had always been ' the inherent belief that one race is genetically or socially superior to another'.
This was slightly different to the More recent alteration to the definition which now stipulates that this generally only encompasses those who are a minority or disadvantaged within their communities.
This was never the original meaning and has created an issue in itself.
If you tell the vast majority of white people they cannot be discriminated or suffer racism against them in a white majority country, what do you think their response will be?
Do you think they are going to think ' Hmm well historically black people were ill treated and marginalised and I have an inherent power advantage therefore I'm going to completely ignore anything that might happen to me because I don't have it as bad?'
Nobody in the general public is interested in power dynamics, they simply don't have the time, mental capacity, or interest.
All they care about is being treated equally as they see it.
Now I agree that this case wasn't racially aggrivated, the racist intent just wasn't there.
Replace what she said with black and it still wouldn't be racially aggravated, it simply isn't double standards, it's just not a racist statement either way.
My concern is with other comments, specifically sarcastic ones relating to 'poor white people' and 'historical context'
You cannot and will not ever have social justice or equality by blunderingly trying to force unequal social measures through regardless of historical or social context.
This is why the social and historical context argument falls flat. Yet it's seen as the catch all argument response here.
You might understand it, I might understand it, but the majority won't and never will. It just creates further division where there was none.
Since this has become more prominent I am sure the country and West as a whole has become more racist, not less.
If something isn't working don't keep doing it.