Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Our brave soldiers are heroically fighting evil and defending mighty Russia in Ukraine!
Yep. Some wild claims about the war, and pretty much that will be all.

What we have seen here from Russian TV will likely be reason enough to not claim total mobilization, declaring millions of people cannon fodder is a recipe for disaster and revolution.
I was in St. Petersburg on this very day in 2010 and Moscow a couple days later. Won't lie, was an absolutely fantastic piss up, this is a proper holiday (although the 1941-1945 dates always made me chuckle a bit - don't ask locals what Russia was doing 1939-1941).

As a result I always try and tune in a bit each year to check out the military parade, as it's really fascinating.

Today's was literally identical to all the others. For all the random ones happening around the Federation, there's actually a striking absence of Z in Moscow and all the tech is the same. Having seen Russia's shocking display in Ukraine, it's weird watching it knowing that they are effectively showing all their quality tanks (T-90M/T-14) and they don't have 5,000 more.

Obviously the hench nukes/empty ICBMs on display are pretty terrifying.

Anyway, I reckon Putin might have some announcement up his sleeve later in the day. Maybe a referendum or something.
A big Boom of nothing, the speech was super Meh and didn't say anything new and not even any planes flying over Moscow, due to bad weather.

Raining or shine, planes always fly over the Champs-Élysées on Bastille Day. It's currently sunny in Moscow as shown on TV, so it's gotta be something else than just bad weather.
So basically the gist of the rethoric boils down to:

Putin: They're like Hitler.
Zelensky: No you!
I just can't see any Russian leadership accepting Ukraine leaving their sphere of influence for the EU/Nato

Putin may have made huge blunders during the war but the reasons for doing so still make geopolitical strategic sense

Understanding the internal logic of a delusion might be helpful. Accepting the delusion as reality and going along with it is not. The world moved on and Putin can not turn the clock back.

Russia's army is being belittled by Ukraine, laterally and metaphorically as it tries, proving the great power delusion is just that.

Most likely at some point in the next month or so the delusion will crack in the face of reality. Acceptance of the fact that Ukraine has left Russia's delusional sphere of influence whether Putin likes it or not will follow. Exactly how that happens is in doubt. With or without nukes going off etc.
Bad weather or «bad weather»?
It's hard to say. The weather is a bit shit & the planes were flying over Moscow during the rehearsals, so maybe it's true. It's hard to trust anything they say though even the stuff that sounds perfectly plausible.
In it's coverage of the event, Russian state-owned media "RIA Novosti" muted the sound, as crowd chanting "fascists, fascists!" to the Russian delegation

Thought their Doomsday plane was going to make an appearance overhead.

Hilarious that they couldn’t fly any air assets. Some great power.
The hardware that Russia shows at it's parades and the one you see them using in Ukraine seem from different era's almost. Almost as if the former was just for show, never to be used.
The hardware that Russia shows at it's parades and the one you see them using in Ukraine seem from different era's almost. Almost as if the former was just for show, never to be used.
They are. The T-72 that makes up the bulk of their tank force is a 50 year old tank design. The T-14 Armata that they roll through Red Square is from the past decade… but they only have 20 of them.
Putin didn't look particularly ill in his walkabout today. His right arm looked a bit knacked, but he still used it, so maybe nothing more than the sort of arthritis and stuff one has at his age. Pity, it would be handy if the old fecker did have something serious, as some have suggested.
Putin didn't look particularly ill in his walkabout today. His right arm looked a bit knacked, but he still used it, so maybe nothing more than the sort of arthritis and stuff one has at his age. Pity, it would be handy if the old fecker did have something serious, as some have suggested.

Unless they pumped him with drugs?
In it's coverage of the event, Russian state-owned media "RIA Novosti" muted the sound, as crowd chanting "fascists, fascists!" to the Russian delegation

Love it :lol: his face in this picture is epic:

They are. The T-72 that makes up the bulk of their tank force is a 50 year old tank design. The T-14 Armata that they roll through Red Square is from the past decade… but they only have 20 of them.
Tbf, a lot of US equipment has their original designs dating back similar number of decades (think M-1 Abrams, F-15, AH-64 Apache). It's just that there's been more iterations to upgrade sensors, weaponry and other elements that can be upgraded without major changes to the core design.
He got the exact footage Putin wanted though. They wanted to be attacked.

Ukraine are already conducting military attacks inside of Russia's borders. I don't think it makes a huge difference to Putin, if some halfwit diplomat gets a little paint on him.
Is it accurate to assume the more russia keeps failing in ukraine, the likelier it is for them to use nukes? Or do we think that's actually out of the question?