Are the people in Eastern Ukraine genuinely pro Russian or do they just not want to get shot?
I have never been clear whether the new Russian backed states actually have mass support.
There has never really been a Donbassian identity and so polling on independence or joining Russian never made much sense, but in short the answer is “no” or “not really”. Read something like this for a primer:
We essentially are where are because Igor Strelkov/Girkin entered Ukraine to foment unrest and start armed insurgency, capitalising on the political unrest post-Maidan. It’s not hard to offer people a large increase on their salary to become parts of militias in that part of the world. The escalation of events was driven by a few key maverick protagonists though, mostly Russian, many of whom were then were killed by Russia themselves once they outlived their usefulness.
Of course, there are people living there, mainly of the older generation, who see Russia/Soviet Union as their home and have a warped sense of what has gone since 2014, but the idea of there a burgeoning sepratist movement, as in Scotland or Catalonia is just not supported by any evidence.
Speaking Russian or voting for pro-Russian parties shouldn’t be seen as wanting to be occupied by Russian-backed forces or Russia itself, anymore than being a Remaimer in the UK would mean supporting the EU seizing in the UK. You can be a Russian-speaker, (formerly) Russian-facing, but still identify as a Ukrainian and despise what has happened since 2014. My mother-in-law in Lviv is one such person. You can be a dyed-in-the-wool Communist who was a proud party member, who like Putin thinks the demise of the Soviet Union was a tragedy, and still be aghast at what has happened, now spending everyday bickering with your wife of 50+ years over who is the more Ukrainian. My grandfather-in-law is one such person.
It’s a complicated issue, one you can spend a lot of time researching and reading, but the creation of the DNR and LNR was not an organic process from people living in the area. It was driven by outsiders.