But why is there any need to prepare the Russian public when most of them only know what the state-controlled media (which is now all of the media) allows them to know?
If he wanted to, Putin could use a tactical nuke on Kyiv and then use the state-controlled media to deride all Western claims about is as just more fake news.
Don't agree.
He and his generals have already scaled back on their invasion plans.
They know now that the objective is to take as much territory in the East of Ukraine.
And Putin will be able to claim victory with that. And they don't need to escalate to anything like the use of tactical warheads.
They have been and increasingly are suffering heavy losses.
The deployment of tactical weapons will not get them any closer to victory and will invite retaliation from the West.
He is looking for a way out, not an escalation.
You’re probably right, but that’s how Stalin overcome Hitler in WW2, basically through a share volume. This is going to be a meat grinder as you say though.Why do I feel this will go even worse for Russia if they do go for full mobilisation?
First of all, calling reservists quickly becomes a huge drain on the economy. Not only are these people not working and paying taxes, now you also have to pay and feed them. Secondly reservists are largely untrained, less disciplined, harder to motivate (especially in an offensive war) and as a result they suffer higher casualty and desertion rates than the regular troops. That in turn saps morale even more, but it also creates an operational headache for command due to their untrustworthiness.
Sometimes it’s better to know that you have left a flank unprotected and make plans based on that, than believing that it is protected when in fact the battalion of reservists who mans it will flounder and desert the second they start coming under heavy fire.
The war will get bloodier and costlier if they commit reservists. But mostly for Russia. Ukraine is already all in.
Just searched one of the largest Russian social network (oddnoklasniki) for the posts that had the following formulation: “died during special military in Ukraine” - had around 50k hits. A lot of those might be duplicates and whatnot but the true number of causalities must be immensely large as often a single post reports on multiple deaths at once (also if you take into account those that don’t get reported at all).
The facial recognition? Seems like a logical move in order to foment discontent within Russia as well as give families some semblance of closure.I know war doesn't ever really make any sense but this is taking the piss isn't it?
Iraq-Iran in the 80s maybe?When was the last formal declaration of war? WW2?
He is a conspiracy nutOliver Stone (director) has been sharing pro-Russian narratives on his twitter feed.
Disappointing in the sense that some of those narratives have been debunked already so they're just factually wrong.
Why though? What turned him? I just don't get it.He is a conspiracy nut
Have you seen JFK?Why though? What turned him? I just don't get it.
According to this estimate, the Russians now have somewhere between 78,200 (Ukraine government figures) and 57,000 (open source evidence) military personnel out of action. Even the lower figure is 30% of their original invasion force.
Have you seen JFK?
Why though? What turned him? I just don't get it.
Thanks, interesting to hear a Greek perspective.I have seen the same stance with many Greeks that were strongly anti-western and now they are with Putin, even though Putin is actually the opposite of everything they believe. Why does this happen? If you have spent all your life pointing that the West is the devil on this Earth, and then you also accept that the other side is even worse ... where does this leave you?
Yes, there are a few people that can remain anti-western and still accept that everyone else is even worse(!), but the majority of people cannot live with such a dark and hopeless worldview. Especially during a big war like this, you feel the need to take sides. If you want to remain consistent with your past anti-western life, then you have to take Putin's side, which means that you have to trick your mind to believe that black is white. Unfortunately, we have seen many times before that people can do this, Trump supporters, religious wars when both sides talk about God's love and yet they kill full of hate, and so on, there are many examples of disconnect in History.
The facial recognition? Seems like a logical move in order to foment discontent within Russia as well as give families some semblance of closure.
I feel like there will never be full retreat from Russia until they start losing their own non military assets. When Ukraine is ready, they must just start attacking Russia. Currently only Ukraine Civilians are “collateral damage “ and none from the Russians side.