Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

So basically, this is Russia’s Brexit… but worse.

Wtf is wrong with Boomers as a generation? Serious question.
If I was in Russia and the phone went and somebody said hi Mr Tzu of we know where you live street... Do you support the special military operation

I would be all hail Darth putin and confirming my support quicker than they can say off to the gulag
Would they shoot down western planes that try to drop food in?

Speaking of which, the Candy Bomber died last month

Honestly, it's worth trying as means to show the world a starker contrast between democracies and autocracies. The Soviets did feck all during the Berlin Airlift that lasted nearly a year in 1948-1949, and that was despite the fact that West Berlin was already surrounded by East Germany. Nevertheless, we will need pilots with balls of steel to do that.

edit: When I meant "feck all", I meant that the Soviet did not shoot down planes carrying the goods.
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So basically, this is Russia’s Brexit… but worse.

Wtf is wrong with Boomers as a generation? Serious question.

Ah in the past different populations had vastly different versions of events. It's not new. The imperialist has rarely told citizens the truth. And nationalism is often built on pseudohistory.
If I was in Russia and the phone went and somebody said hi Mr Tzu of we know where you live street... Do you support the special military operation

I would be all hail Darth putin and confirming my support quicker than they can say off to the gulag

True, of course.

But also true is that, to generalise, Boomers are wrecking the planet and are a dangerous generation - Boomer leaders are utter maniacs.

Note - I’m talking generationally, I have friends and heroes who are Boomers (who agree with this point).
Honestly, it's worth trying as means to show the world a starker contrast between democracies and autocracies. The Soviets did feck all during the Berlin Airlift that lasted nearly a year in 1948-1949, and that was despite the fact that West Berlin was already surrounded by East Germany. Nevertheless, we will need pilots with balls of steel to do that.
Yeah who would sign up to pilot those planes in an active war zone?
No matter how ugly it gets (except for a nuke I reckon), the West won't step in. It is what it is.

And it's not like Putin is getting a totally free pass: Ukraine receives weapons and Russia is being heavily sanctioned. But yeah, other than that, Ukraine is on their own.
What about if chemical weapons are used? I could see that as a justification for at least a NFZ.
What about if chemical weapons are used? I could see that as a justification for at least a NFZ.

I think any WMD use would change the calculus for NATO. Putin using thermobarics and other massive/destructive non-WMDs is probably as far as he could go without drawing NATO in by using a WMD. Even if he does the false flag chemical attack as was reported yesterday, I think that would change the calculus.
Thanks. It's still crazy!

Listen, just load me up with breadcrumbs filled with a bioweapon and I'll shit in Putin's mouth. I did it with Ashley Young and I can do it again.

That's how you define a "dove of peace"!
So basically, this is Russia’s Brexit… but worse.

Wtf is wrong with Boomers as a generation? Serious question.

No media competence unfortunately. The technique outran their ability to adapt. Also it's easier to just stick with your opinion than admit you've been wrong all along. Admitting climate change in the end means that your generation caused it as a boomer. Probably the same with conspiracy theories and propaganda. If you've spent years telling your child that these internet media are lying and the state TV is the reliable source, pride is a huge obstacle I suppose.
There are bizarre tales of attempts to weaponise animals or use them to activate weapons. Humans are fecking nuts.
I think CIA tried to train a cat with a listening implant to spy for them against Soviet diplomats, spending about $20 mil on it only for the cat to get hit by a random taxi during its first field mission. Both CIA & KGB had so many weird projects during the Cold War :lol:
I think CIA tried to train a cat with a listening implant to spy for them against Soviet diplomats, spending about $20 mil on it only for the cat to get hit by a random taxi during its first field mission. Both CIA & KGB had so many weird projects during the Cold War :lol:

Ah you have to admire a creative mind!
No media competence unfortunately. The technique outran their ability to adapt. Also it's easier to just stick with your opinion than admit you've been wrong all along. Admitting climate change in the end means that your generation caused it as a boomer. Probably the same with conspiracy theories and propaganda. If you've spent years telling your child that these internet media are lying and the state TV is the reliable source, pride is a huge obstacle I suppose.

Indeed. Boomer leaders are very proud and stubborn also, almost to a rule.
That's a battle that is likely to take months, if not years.

Man, I hope Putin is whacked by someone on the inside. Not likely, I know, but one can dream.

I think it'll be much faster than that, the Ukrainian forces have done a great job but must be getting depleted now, it's unlikely they'll engage in prolonged urban warfare with massive damage to their own civilians. It's not going to be Stalingrad ver 2.0. Once the city is surrounded it'll fall quickly, maybe next weekend.

I don't agree with this thread, Putin at this stage of his life can't be negotiated with, only deterred. There will always be some idiot in Washington to come in with a new naive viewpoint. Putin himself has to create an off-ramp that he can live with, he won't listen to anyone in the West.
I think it'll be much faster than that, the Ukrainian forces have done a great job but must be getting depleted now, it's unlikely they'll engage in prolonged urban warfare with massive damage to their own civilians. It's not going to be Stalingrad ver 2.0. Once the city is surrounded it'll fall quickly, maybe next weekend.

I don't know. The Ukrainian people have made it pretty clear they don't want to be conquered. They appear completely unified and their determination can only have grown as the atrocities of the Russian armed forces have gotten worse. You may be right, but I don't see it going down that easily for Putin.
If they strap a bomb to me and I explode I'll be totally fine, right?
You guys may all laugh but Kyiv has a long history of weaponising pigeons:

With the whole of the Drevian ruling class cruelly exterminated, Olga hatched a plan to do away with the rest of them all together and announcing that she would be soon arriving at the Drevian capital of Iskorosten and asked for them to arrange a funeral feast where they could mourn over her husband’s death in that the very city.

Despite the not having heard from either of the missions they’d dispatched to Olga’s court, the Drevians set about preparing the feast and after drinking themselves insensible on mead, Olga’s soldiers put 5,000 of them to the sword.

Even this orgy of bloodletting wasn’t enough to satiate her need for vengeance and Olga gathered an army to wipe out her foes for good. The surviving Drevians begged for mercy and offered to pay in honey and furs to escape her anger.

She seemed to soften, although at this point you’d think they’d know better…

“Give me three pigeons,” she said, according to the Primary Chronicle, “and three sparrows from each house. I do not desire to impose a heavy tribute, like my husband, but I require only this small gift from you, for you are impoverished by the siege.”

The Chronicle records in great detail the feat of precision-guided pyromania that followed:

“Now Olga gave to each soldier in her army a pigeon or a sparrow, and ordered them to attach by thread to each pigeon and sparrow a piece of sulfur bound with small pieces of cloth. When night fell, Olga bade her soldiers release the pigeons and the sparrows. So the birds flew to their nests, the pigeons to the cotes, and the sparrows under the eaves. The dove-cotes, the coops, the porches, and the haymows were set on fire.

“There was not a house that was not consumed, and it was impossible to extinguish the flames, because all the houses caught on fire at once. The people fled from the city, and Olga ordered her soldiers to catch them. Thus she took the city and burned it, and captured the elders of the city. Some of the other captives she killed, while some she gave to others as slaves to her followers. The remnant she left to pay tribute.”
Mariupol is in a terrible, dire situation, according to various news sources. There is little food, virtually no drinking water, the shops and pharmacies are all empty, bodies are being thrown into mass graves and it's freezing cold.

There will be thousands of deaths due to starvation and disease if people aren't able to leave.
Yep, street scenes look like an apocalypse and corpses are everywhere. The Russians won’t open a corridor there.

I think it'll be much faster than that, the Ukrainian forces have done a great job but must be getting depleted now, it's unlikely they'll engage in prolonged urban warfare with massive damage to their own civilians. It's not going to be Stalingrad ver 2.0. Once the city is surrounded it'll fall quickly, maybe next weekend.
The intel suggests Russia is struggling to even hold their ground around Kharkiv and Kyiv. I don’t see that playing out.

Where are a few people getting the idea from that Ukraine has put up the resistance it has so far, and the West has implemented the sanctions it has, only for the Ukrainians to suddenly get cold feet and decide that a bit of Putin dictatorship would be the better part of valour? Maidan lasted longer than this, over three months, and that was entirely on the civilians. Russia will have to level major cities before people surrender.
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That's a battle that is likely to take months, if not years. ...

The Russians don't have months, let alone years. In 3 - 4 weeks from now their cumulative casualties - killed, wounded, desertions, surrendered, captured - will be reaching catastrophic levels.

So are we the Nazis now? I lose track.Denying people McDonalds and other consumerist tat is obviously more heinous than starving and freezing civilian populations to death.

We will look back and wonder how RT was allowed to be broadcast in the West until a week ago.
True, of course.

But also true is that, to generalise, Boomers are wrecking the planet and are a dangerous generation - Boomer leaders are utter maniacs.

Note - I’m talking generationally, I have friends and heroes who are Boomers (who agree with this point).
You’ve heard, “I’ve got gay friends”
You’ve heard, “I’ve got black friends”
Now you’ve heard, “I’ve got boomer friends”