Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

Is there any actual evidence that Putin has gone crazy other than some propaganda Twitter posts?

I can believe he hoped for more division in Ukraine itself but the idea the western allies wouldn't rally strongly against him is completely dumb considering its behind the reason for launching an invasion in the first place.

The idea he's just suddenly gone mad and that he'd launch a literally huge international military operation without any planning or strategising is even dumber.

Things that happen on the ground in a war are hard to predict and plan for. Things like sanctions and reactions from other states are not hard to predict or plan for. You'd assume worst case and strategise from that, the same as with any other crisis or emergency planning.
Agree with this. People are assuming a hell of a lot without any evidence to back it up. Russia also haven’t taken the kiddie gloves off yet either.
After we witnessed him bullying his spy chief...I'm pessimistic.

As I mentioned in newbs, if he gets whacked, next guy steps in place. We're got people like Medvedev somewhere along the line, who tweeted today, that death penalty could be reintroduced in Russia.
Any decent option, who ain't fecking maniac, are imprisoned, notably Navalny.
So what's Russia's next move? Are they going to go all out now on Ukraine? Not much else left to lose I guess?
UK MoD update. It's quite incredible that the UK is providing such regular updates even though it itself isn't fighting.

Agree with this. People are assuming a hell of a lot without any evidence to back it up. Russia also haven’t taken the kiddie gloves off yet either.
The unhinged rant should be evidence enough. And if by taken the kiddy gloves you mean carpet bombing cities - not they haven't yet.
I’d hope if North Korea were launching a missile at someone, we wouldn’t find out on redcafe! But all good, I get the point.

Thanks to you, for a moment, I did!

all good. This thread is as good as anywhere really for getting info, as there isn’t really a tolerance for “fake news”, So the sources tend to be of a higher grade. If only the transfer forum could follow suit…
Agree with this. People are assuming a hell of a lot without any evidence to back it up. Russia also haven’t taken the kiddie gloves off yet either.
I keep seeing this but surely wiping out cities goes against everything Russia wanted from this? To reach their objectives of installing puppet regime and to ride out sanctions then surely it’s kiddie gloves that’s needed?
Agree with this. People are assuming a hell of a lot without any evidence to back it up. Russia also haven’t taken the kiddie gloves off yet either.
I disagree completely. What is the endgame? Force regime change, set up a puppet government, and have years of simmering unrest, if not outright insurrection?

It's the same as Iraq and Afghanistan. It's not only a losing hand. It's doubling down on a losing hand.
I keep seeing this but surely wiping out cities goes against everything Russia wanted from this? To reach their objectives of installing puppet regime and to ride out sanctions then surely it’s kiddie gloves that’s needed?
Exactly. That will be the absolute resort. They aren’t going with anything like the full force and this is the only reason Ukraine isn’t part of Russia right now.
Still holding Kharkiv apparently, Turkish TB2 drones being put to good use there.

Wow what a world we are in living in.

Never thought I'd see a nation asking for help on a social media website during an invasion from a fake futurist billionaire who just killed a bunch of monkeys and spams memes all day so that he can pump and dump crypto.
Is there any actual evidence that Putin has gone crazy other than some propaganda Twitter posts?

I can believe he hoped for more division in Ukraine itself but the idea the western allies wouldn't rally strongly against him is completely dumb considering its behind the reason for launching an invasion in the first place.

The idea he's just suddenly gone mad and that he'd launch a literally huge international military operation without any planning or strategising is even dumber.

Things that happen on the ground in a war are hard to predict and plan for. Things like sanctions and reactions from other states are not hard to predict or plan for. You'd assume worst case and strategise from that, the same as with any other crisis or emergency planning.
I mean him going into Ukraine with nothing to win and all to lose probably does suggest there’s something wrong with his ability to assess reality.
Even if we may consider Putin as a 70yo autocrat surrounded by 60+ oligarchs and scared 60+ cronies who is living into his 1970s bubble, therefore underestimating the collective response of the world in so many aspects, we cannot underestimate what a failed action and a no-win game can do to his mind. That’s way defusion is vital once the eventual failure, if such, kicks into his bubble… with hopefully a way out for him up to the point he can’t be a threat anymore. The form and the way to make him believe he gets something out of this mess and defuse are in the hands of his peers at global level… aka the US and China imho.
Interesting point about how public everything has become. It's one thing to deliver weapons covertly, and no doubt Russian intel would know, but we have countries openly saying it. Future meetings between Russians and Western officials will be awkward.

Oh yeah. The really awkward thing in future conversations is going to be Germany sending weapons to fight Russia. Not Russia INVADING Ukraine.
Is there any actual evidence that Putin has gone crazy other than some propaganda Twitter posts?

I can believe he hoped for more division in Ukraine itself but the idea the western allies wouldn't rally strongly against him is completely dumb considering its behind the reason for launching an invasion in the first place.

The idea he's just suddenly gone mad and that he'd launch a literally huge international military operation without any planning or strategising is even dumber.

Things that happen on the ground in a war are hard to predict and plan for. Things like sanctions and reactions from other states are not hard to predict or plan for. You'd assume worst case and strategise from that, the same as with any other crisis or emergency planning.

the thing is, I’ve read the opinions of the foremost authorities on Russian politics, and not one of them can give a reason why Putin is doing this that makes you go “oh right, that’s why”
I work at an US corporate that also has a branch in Russia, am I right saying with SWIFT switched off they won’t be able to take any card payments? Which virtually shuts their sales off. Thinking about what SWIFT being turned off means in practical terms.
Like launching a full scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022?
This is the point. He's crazy enough to invade Ukraine, which means he's irrational, but apparently sane enough not to use nuclear weapons when confronted with a direct no fly zone within the Ukraine. He's either insane (quite possible) or he isn't (not much evidence on this front unless we conclude invading Ukraine is rational).

On the other hand, there are degrees of rationality. He might be "insane" enough to invade Ukraine but this doesn't necessarily mean he is literally irrational in every other sense.
This idea Putin is some kind of evil genius and that even the rumours of his ill health and his paranoid isolation during Covid are completely unfounded reminds me a bit of the myth of Johnson's bumbling fool act.

Sometimes things are simpler than you think. He's definitely deluded to an extent and the clips he himself released go towards confirming that notion.

I also saw a statement from an ex-Russia US ambassador who himself said Putin has changed and is acting a bit looney.

Or maybe I'm wrong.
It's fascinating isn't it?

This war had 4 fronts:

Cyber (Tech)
This is the point. He's crazy enough to invade Ukraine, which means he's irrational, but apparently sane enough not to use nuclear weapons when confronted with a direct no fly zone within the Ukraine. He's either insane (quite possible) or he isn't (not much evidence on this front unless we conclude invading Ukraine is rational).
Problem is if we assume he’s gone completely insane then all the sanctions may be enough of a reason for him to use nukes, or maybe a country sending them weapons is enough, or maybe it’s another country’s leader speaking ill of him is that. We just don’t know what his limit is. Maybe he will launch nukes for no reason at all.
I work at an US corporate that also has a branch in Russia, am I right saying with SWIFT switched off they won’t be able to take any card payments? Which virtually shuts their sales off. Thinking about what SWIFT being turned off means in practical terms.

I'm not sure SWIFT has anything to do with credit and debit card transactions. TSYS is the biggest player for card payments globally as far as I know.

But not being able to access SWIFT would make it impossible for issuers to settle with the credit card companies.
Little doubt the western response that’s been prepared and is now being carried out is designed to force regime change in Russia.

Without a doubt. Not that new regimes tend to be much better, it'll most likely be opportunists looking to seize power and lay all the blame on Putin to save the economy.

Can't be much worse though.
All due respect, @noodlehair, you are right in some ways, and also wrong. They may have all the information, but it doesn't mean they'll accept it. Too many instances where the man in charge won't be considering that. History is littered with leaders who make decisions and decide to reject that intelligence and information that doesn't fit their point of view. Hitler and Napoleon invading Russia in the Winter (it doesn't require a rocket scientist to tell you that's a bad idea), GW Bush and Blair in Iraq, Trump (basically every f*cking day, it's everywhere. Nobody knows if Putin is a rational actor at this point, and quite a few people want to give him, and the Russians, more credit than the deserve, in my opinion.

There's no way about this. The sanctions are a very obvious and predictable counter measure. We don't know for a fact if Putin has prepared for them or not, but the idea he hasn't is quite ludicrously stupid and based on no evidence other than the desire to believe he's just randomly gone nuts.

It's not really comparable to the scenarios you've mentioned with are ground based strategies and subject to unpredictable outcomes. The difference between inaccurately predicting your forces can defeat a legion of enemy tanks, and being so dumb as to just expect your enemy wouldn't possibly bother to use their tanks in the first place. The former is a strategic mistake, the latter requires you to be an utterly insane moron.

They haven’t considered taking enough fuel to the Ukraine..

I’m not confident they have a clue what the repercussions of being ostracised by the rest of the world will do to the country in the short, medium and long term.

They have enough fuel they just can't get it to their tanks quickly enough. Again this is just an example of how things never go to plan in a war.

If you me and half this thread seems to know what the sanctions imply, how do you figure that everyone in Russia would be too stupid to figure it out.

I mean come on now