Russian invasion of Ukraine | Fewer tweets, more discussion

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BBC: Russia bans British airlines from its airspace

This is actually huge for UK airlines, dozens of routes rely on Russian airspace, this move cuts off usual paths to parts of Asia and Oceana. Alternatives in many cases will be found, but Russia's sheer size makes 'going around it' totally unfeasible for certain destinations.
United Europe (if there is one) will suffer much less than Russia.

Unsurprisingly Eastern European countries are braver than our "superpowers". It's unfortunate but has always been like that, nothing new.

The only world super powers are USA and China. Meanwhile the UK have supplied Ukraine with lots of hardware and continues to do so.

Probably other western European countries have done so too. Germany haven't, but their response to all of this has been abysmal.
I said this would happen last night, that the big superpowers would be cowardly and it'll be smaller nations doing more to help.
It's nothing to do with big or small, and all to do with the fact Estonia, like Ukraine shares borders with both Russia and Belarus, unless my geography is wrong.
Putin using the Nazi narrative again and saying they haven't attacked civilians, putting some blame on American consultant and experts. This fecking guy.
The only world super powers are USA and China. Meanwhile the UK have supplied Ukraine with lots of hardware and continues to do so.

Probably other western European countries have done so too. Germany haven't, but their response to all of this has been abysmal.
Bless them, the helmets suppliers.
Estonia are afraid they might be next?
Probably, but in this case (some other NATO countries) would think long and hard whether to help or not, because once you send the arms you are taking a side. And being on a frontline of a possible attack does exert a lot of pressure. Well done Estonia, got some balls.

Read a bit about this group of people. Are they as savage as some suggest ?
Sadly, yes. It’s basically a medieval religious autocratic monarchy with almost non-existent opposition (those who dare to oppose Kadyrov often get killed, alongside with their families… or families are forced into killing the outlier that brought shame to their family…). It’s scary as feck. Kadyrov is given free reign over the region and is showered with money as he is the alternative to a separatist regime that wanted to leave Russia. He’s also often used as a boogeyman in internal and now external politics. To show you the extent of Kadyrov’s power & influence it’s widely known that Boris Nemtsov was murdered on his orders just outside of Kremlin a couple of years ago… and the general consensus is that it wasn’t a decision that was first cleared by Putin (although we’ll never know the full truth).

In the last few months he had launched a personal war against a family of a former federal judge, literally threatening to cut his head and the heads of his entire family off. He has managed to capture his wife, a woman in a very poor state of health, and he keeps her hostage on made up charges (the rest of the family sneaked out of the country). The decapitation threat was later repeated by multiple state officials and he also summoned a meeting to shame the judge’s family — with the attendance of that meeting exceeding the population of Grozny, Chechnya’s capital.

It’s unfair to equate all of Chechnya to Kadyrov Chechnya, but his unlimited power means that most of those Chechens that dare to oppose him left the region to stay alive and to keep their families safe. Scary stuff.
Seems the Russian offer to negotiate is likely a bit of mind games, although one can't rule out that Vlad has been taken aback by all the resistance, intense sanctions, and demonstrations at home, and may be looking for an offramp.
Bless them, the helmets suppliers.

The shame I feel when reading about this can not be put into words. We're such a rich county, spending billions on so much shit, live in so much wealth generally speaking and we have the audacity to send helmets...might as well just not send anything at that point. It feels like an insult.
I mean, that's disturbing on every level known to man. Taking out military targets is one thing, but shooting unarmed civilians, tanks running over cars, bombing orphanages and public housing estates is entirely another.

If these actions continue - and they very likely will - NATO will be forced to intervene as they are war crimes.
Not going to happen regardless of what russia gets up to.
The americans dont give a shit about their own people why would they care about ukranians? Especially when they can keep Russia trapped in an expensive guerrilla war on its own border more or less indefinitely. They're probably fecking thrilled about the situation.
Seems the Russian offer to negotiate is likely a bit of mind games, although one can't rule out that Vlad has been taken aback by all the resistance, intense sanctions, and demonstrations at home, and may be looking for an offramp.
Or arrest Zelenskiy in Minsk.
Seems the Russian offer to negotiate is likely a bit of mind games, although one can't rule out that Vlad has been taken aback by all the resistance, intense sanctions, and demonstrations at home, and may be looking for an offramp.
Going full on in densely populated Kyiv with all the attention in the world will not help him. People are armed to teeth. Tanks/ armoured vehicles on streets will be easy targets. Too high of a risk for him at this stage hopefully. Or maybe he is just getting prepared for a total onslaught at night properly and does not care if there are thousands of civilians killed.
I mean, that's disturbing on every level known to man. Taking out military targets is one thing, but shooting unarmed civilians, tanks running over cars, bombing orphanages and public housing estates is entirely another.

If these actions continue - and they very likely will - NATO will be forced to intervene as they are war crimes.

They will not. I don't think there's anything that Russia can do that would make NATO intervene in a non-NATO state.
I have been very very impressed with the Ukrainian Army I have to say. They are no Afghan 'army', that's for sure.

I think they have achieved their core objective already, which is to show the civvies that they really are willing to fight hard for Ukraine.
If he dies does Ukranian resistance fall or does he achieve a martyrdom that actually inspires further resistance?
I think it was Maidan that actually will power the resistance. That’s what taught Ukrainians how far they were willing to go.
Seems the Russian offer to negotiate is likely a bit of mind games, although one can't rule out that Vlad has been taken aback by all the resistance, intense sanctions, and demonstrations at home, and may be looking for an offramp.

Nah, he knows the offer will lead nowhere and has it on the table simply to be able to say they offered it and whatever comes next is due to the Ukrainian leader not wanting to negotiate.
Sorry if already posted

BBC: Russia bans British airlines from its airspace

This is actually huge for UK airlines, dozens of routes rely on Russian airspace, this move cuts off usual paths to parts of Asia and Oceana. Alternatives in many cases will be found, but Russia's sheer size makes 'going around it' totally unfeasible for certain destinations.

Anchorage airport in Alaska about to be the busiest airport in the world
People have been taking on an 80km journey on foot and in vehicles from Ukraine to Poland to avoid conscription. This American journalist living in Ukraine details some of the things he’s witnessed: