RufRTs Obama Windup

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To help redistribute wealth from the more well off to the less well off, thereby reducing inequality.

I am with RufRT on this one, after it has taken tax, the state should never get itself involved in the private finances and wealth of individuals.
No, if there are thousands of times more self-made rich (or let's say, 'successful') than inheritors of wealth/sucess, as you speculated, then mobility would have had to have increased massively in recent years, as would economic growth (assuming most of those profits have not been made directly from the pool of inherited wealth).

You make that sound so simple, small business can collapse as quickly as they rise, its just like life and death, most of them don't succeed or succeed for a short time - years to a decade, so no I don't think it necessarily means what you suggest, but its those who are trying to be innovative or stimulate creativity that matter, the small business man/woman provides 60% of Americas jobs, thats who I'm talking about, I'm talking about those like myself who create jobs, there are approximately 24 million of us
You make that sound so simple

It is simple, it's virtually a mathematical banality.

I'm talking about those like myself who create jobs, there are approximately 24 million of us

Well if your earlier guess is correct, that means that only 240,000 - or even only 24,000 - Americans inherited the bulk of their wealth.

small business can collapse as quickly as they rise, its just like life and death, most of them don't succeed or succeed for a short time

And that's the point.
It is simple, it's virtually a mathematical banality.

Well if your earlier guess is correct, that means that only 240,000 - or even only 24,000 - Americans inherited the bulk of their wealth.

And that's the point.

As I said it was just a guess, and you seem so keen to disprove fine have it... it just makes me wonder and maybe its to do with the circles I run in but the fact that I know literally dozens of business owners and not 1 single lottery winner or inheritance yuppy its really weird considering how disproportionately off that ratio is, surely I should have met 1 by now, clearly I must be living in some kind of alternate reality... I must be you've clearly proved that. I'm not sure how you so successfully led me off track because these points are not important to me, are you a lawyer per cahnce or just a Pedant
I'm a bit of pedant.

Maybe the reason you've not met any is because you're a self-made man who moves in self-made circles? Maybe you like the energy and vivacity of American dream types and unconsciously gravitate to them?

By the way, I'm not suggesting inheritors of wealth don't work hard. Most probably do, and end up with more than they started with. It's just that the system's skewed towards them.
The German assessment of Obama post Massachusetts ;

Center-left daily Süddeutsche Zeitung writes on Thursday:

"Obama made a serious misjudgement. Right at the beginning of his first year in office, he saved the banks, rescued the automobile industry from collapse and passed a huge economic stimulus package. He had hoped that these enormous deeds would give him the space to address those issues which are dearest to him: health care reform, climate change and investment in education."

"Those issues, however, are clearly not priorities for people in the US at the moment. Scott Brown campaigned on two promises, both of which apparently struck a nerve with the electorate. He wants to block health care reform and he wants to find ways to reduce the enormous budget deficit. It is here where the roots of dissatisfaction with Obama are to be found. His reform agenda, in its current form, is highly suspect to Americans. And they have the impression that, if he continues piling up debt, he will be gambling away the country's future."

The Financial Times Deutschland writes:

"For Obama, the election in Massachusetts means that he will have to re-evaluate his political style. He could now focus his concentration on his political base and push through his policy agenda. After all, he still has a majority in Congress -- he could back away from his strategy of bipartisanship ... which would mean giving up much of what he spent his first year in office creating."

"More likely, however, is that Obama will interpret the Massachusetts loss as a signal that he should move further toward the middle and make more concessions to the conservatives -- even if this alienates his base even further, a base which had high expectations from the 'yes we can' candidate."
"For everyone else in the world, this means that they will have to bid farewell to a candidate for whom the hopes were so high. They will have to say goodbye to the charisma they fell in love with. Obama will be staying home after all."

The left-leaning daily Die Tageszeitung writes:

"In addition to health care reform, Obama's reputation has primarily been harmed by the high unemployment rate and the increasingly unpopular war in Afghanistan. It will become even more difficult in the future for the president to push projects through successfully. Not just because Republicans now have a means of preventing it, but also because the Democratic camp is deeply divided. Some would like to see the party shift toward the center -- wherever that may be -- whereas others want the party to position itself to the left. Such a battle is hardly a good sign for the mid-term elections in November. Massachusetts could prove to be an omen."

The center-right Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes:

"Of course the president rejects the interpretation that the Massachusetts election was a referendum on his first year in the White House. But he cannot ignore the fact that his health care reform package is not popular, the situation of the country's finances is seen as threatening and many voters blame the high unemployment rate on the party in power -- on the Democrats, led by Obama. The result is a second year in office full of very different challenges than the first. To save what there is to be saved, Obama will have to be prepared to fashion a bipartisan compromise on health care -- a compromise with a Republican Party which has tasted blood and can now dream once again about a return to power."
Obama's plan to control spending and the deficit :lol::lol::lol:

"The plan Obama will propose breaks down as follows:

- Freeze discretionary spending on non-security-related programs and government agencies whose budgets are set annually by Congress. Affected programs could include subsidies for farmers, child nutrition, and national parks.

- Exempt from the freeze would be budgets for federal entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, as well as the budgets for the Pentagon, the Veterans Administration, the Department of Homeland Security, and foreign aid.

The administration claims this will save the country $250 billion over the next decade, or about 3% of the $9 trillion deficits the U.S. is expected to accumulate over that period.

Conservatives have mocked the freeze as not doing nearly enough to get to the root of the country's economic problems. The right-leaning blog chided the effort, saying that it would have "virtually no impact on the financial standing of the United States of America." On her Twitter page, right-wing commentator Michelle Malkin compared the freeze to "promising to slow down from 250 mph to 249.9." House Minority Leader John Boehner likened the plan to "announcing you're going on a diet after winning a pie-eating contest."

Liberals aren't happy either, arguing that less government spending will slow economic growth, and that cutting government services will harm those in need. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman labeled the freeze "a betrayal of everything Obama's supporters thought they were working for." Kevin Drum of Mother Jones echoed those sentiments, writing that "the liberal base has yet another reason to be disgusted with Obama." MSNBC host Rachel Maddow went even further, saying that the "counterintuitive" plan is a "completely insane" one that violates the basic principles taught in any "101 level college econ class."
I may not have the most popular thread in CE, but it has stimulated political discussion and it has been for the most part, civil.

Today, someone took it upon themselves to change the thread title and manipulate my sig.

Now, I can take a good ribbing just like anyone else, but I take exception to someone abusing their power of moderating to screw around with the thread title and my profile to reflect his opinion.

People may not agree with my viewpoints, but a free and frank discussion in CE should include all points of view, free of threats/moderator abuse.
Oh calm down you big girl. I had a "cockney liverpool fan who likes the cheese from Jan Molbys sweaty scrote" tag for 6 months...Everyone has a tag that takes the piss. Haven't you noticed?
Oh calm down you big girl. I had a "cockney liverpool fan who likes the cheese from Jan Molbys sweaty scrote" tag for 6 months...Everyone has a tag that takes the piss. Haven't you noticed?

But now you have "poster of the year 2009" so all is better....
I guess Raoul got pissed off that the thread has over time, demonstrated some validity. In the end, he took the juvenile route and decided to feck with the title.

I suppose if you can't get everyone in line with the same viewpoint, you start imposing you viewpoint with petty crap like this Raoul :)
I suppose if you can't get everyone in line with the same viewpoint, you start imposing you viewpoint with petty crap like this Raoul :)

I think the main problem is you're the only one on this website with a particular viewpoint.
I think the main problem is you're the only one on this website with a particular viewpoint.

If this is a free and open website, with frank discussion, why should that be a problem ?

Or should we all be leftist sheep ?
must be a big fan of soaring rhetoric

:lol: He is an excellent orator though. Rhetoric is a forgotten art nowadays. He's trying to back his speeches up with action, so I guess it's alright. In comparison I don't think I can remember any of Dubya's speeches.

Yeah, I guess messing with people's profiles and thread titles is the new mantra of moderators now :rolleyes:

It's just banter, that's it, you will need to show everyone that your tagline is false :)
I may not have the most popular thread in CE, but it has stimulated political discussion and it has been for the most part, civil.

Today, someone took it upon themselves to change the thread title and manipulate my sig. Now, I can take a good ribbing just like anyone else, but I take exception to someone abusing their power of moderating to screw around with the thread title and my profile to reflect his opinion.

People may not agree with my viewpoints, but a free and frank discussion in CE should include all points of view, free of threats/moderator abuse.
You don't give a rat's ass about "free and frank discussion". You exist on this forum only to annoy people, with a deliberate strategy of irritation, mockery, and windup. Then you are delighted with the moments when your strategy is shown to be effective, and people take offense at your posts.

So don't feign self-righteousness about someone editing your precious thread, or giving you a delightful new tagline. You've more than earned them both.
Don't worry RufRT you're not the only one. I got the pakistan tagline because of my tirade against them.
You don't give a rat's ass about "free and frank discussion". You exist on this forum only to annoy people, with a deliberate strategy of irritation, mockery, and windup. Then you are delighted with the moments when your strategy is shown to be effective, and people take offense at your posts.

So don't feign self-righteousness about someone editing your precious thread, or giving you a delightful new tagline. You've more than earned them both.

First post in 2 months on this thread, and its a pile on....nice Chris, but I would expect no less from you :)
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