Rooney Charged: Faces Two Match Ban for cursing | Appeal lost

Absolutely right Randall.

In all this, Rooney deserves to be criticised and warned if he ever does that again he'll be banned for 3 games or something. He shouldn't be swearing directly at the camera whatever the circumstances.

The most depressing aspect of it all however, is the continuing proof that the governing bodies of football, both at national & international level, are incompetent feckwits who make it up as they go along and apply no consistency or logic to the way the sport is regulated/played.

Yep, that about sums it up for me.

All (the level headed amongst us) are asking for us is some clarity and consistency in the way that rules are applied by those in charge.

It's very worrying the way the FA seem to be influenced by the volume of media coverage when it's clear that there are sections of the media who have a serious axe to grind with both the club and the manager.

In principal we should appeal but I doubt we will. Not only will it interfere with preparations for a crucial Champions League QF but you'd have to think that the FA would relish the opportunity to only increase the ban further.
if my wife had been in the house I'd have gotten a rest of the season ban for my swearing on Saturday.

FA, if you're reading this: go feck yourself!
Rooney shouldn't have sworn directly into the camera and deserves to be reprimanded. However he apologised immediately after and a stern warning from the FA should be the end of the matter. There is no need to make more out of this than is necessary.
However, in this instance you appear to be suggesting that swearing itself is not sufficient, and that it has to be 'down the camera'.

I'm suggesting that if you're stupid enough to go up to/look down the lens and swear at the viewers (or anything that could be perceived as) then you bring trouble and we as fans should not be surprised.

But it should be obvious to players that cameras are everywhere and that, whether on the pitch during the game, or on the sideline while celebrating a goal, there is a good chance of their actions and words being caught on camera.

True, the players should be aware but there's a big difference between being aware of the cameras and watching your words to fully DIRECTING abuse AT the camera/viewers. Most people wouldn't care about a harmless thing like Fletcher saying "fecking well done Chico" being picked up at the side of or off camera during a celebration but Rooney was swearing directly at it in an aggressive manner, which although doesn't bother me, would bother some and shows the game in a bad light, something the FA/UEFA/FIFA don't want. He wasn't sharing a moment with his team mates, rival players or the ref at all, that part of it was at/with the camera and for the camera alone.

It'd be incredibly hard to enforce fans, players, the ref not swearing during a game but what can be enforced is doing it down the camera.

By the way, Drogba wasn't punished for swearing at the camera, he was punished for his abuse of the referee.

Are you sure? I thought he was hammered for his whole behaviour, ESPECIALLY swearing down the camera, with the "its a f*cking disgrace" comment being the focal point of the media at the time. In fact the Guardian link below says banned for his behaviour and mentions it so I'd imagine UEFA considered the swearing heavily when dishing out the ban. Have you got any other links which says otherwise?

Six game ban as well (2 suspended) so covers it all I'd assume. Its certainly that part of his behavior which I remembered most anyway.

Didier Drogba handed six-game Champions League ban by Uefa | Football |

Rooney should have known better than to swear at the camera, I mean he's 25 years ffs. Having said that the FA are taking the piss, where's the ban for Essien's tackle or even the media inquest into that?

Even though, the FA have been extremely harsh, knowing that he had already gotten away with the Wigan incident Rooney was a complete twit for swearing. You can talk about heat of the moment all you want but he's old enough to know better but with Roonet you get the feeling that he'll never learn.

Agree. He shouldn't have done it and if he had said something like "f*cking get in" to a team mate we wouldn't be putting up with all this crap from the media/FA now.

When he talked down the lens for England about the fans booing it wasn't well received and he didn't swear that time either. Hopefully he learns from it because we don't need to be picking up silly bans right now, missing enough players as it is.
Rooney shouldn't have sworn directly into the camera and deserves to be reprimanded. However he apologised immediately after and a stern warning from the FA should be the end of the matter. There is no need to make more out of this than is necessary.

Perfectly put.This kinda common sense is lost on the F.A it seems

The FA today confirmed that Wayne Rooney would serve a two match ban for swearing after he scored his hattrick against West Ham. Even journalists who salivate at the thought of slagging off Manchester United, like Oliver Holt, have admitted what a balls up the FA have made of this.

So, how is it possible that the FA could have got it so wrong?

Two words.

David Bernstein.

The former Manchester City board member and chairman was appointed the chairman of the FA at the start of the year. When leaving City he said: “I would like to thank our wonderful fans for their backing. They have been fantastic in their support, which has never wavered even during the most difficult times. I have been touched by their kindness and enthusiasm. I have supported Manchester City since I was a boy and I am desperate for us to succeed.”

And you couldn’t make this up. The man who is so offended by Rooney’s swearing that he felt a two match ban was an appropriate punishment, worked for French Connection before joining City’s board and was behind their controversial range of t-shirts which included: “fcuk this”, “hot as fcuk”, “mile high fcuk”, “fcuk me”, “fcuk her”, “too busy to fcuk”, “fcuk football”, “fcuk fashion”, “fcuk fear” and “fcuk on the beach”.

David Bernstein.

The former Manchester City board member and chairman was appointed the chairman of the FA at the start of the year. When leaving City he said: “I would like to thank our wonderful fans for their backing. They have been fantastic in their support, which has never wavered even during the most difficult times. I have been touched by their kindness and enthusiasm. I have supported Manchester City since I was a boy and I am desperate for us to succeed.”

Oh come on... Rooney's is only going to miss a home match against Fulham and, er what's the other one again?



But at least Fergie will be on the bench for that Cup semi-final, right?


The FA today confirmed that Wayne Rooney would serve a two match ban for swearing after he scored his hattrick against West Ham. Even journalists who salivate at the thought of slagging off Manchester United, like Oliver Holt, have admitted what a balls up the FA have made of this.

So, how is it possible that the FA could have got it so wrong?

Two words.

David Bernstein.

The former Manchester City board member and chairman was appointed the chairman of the FA at the start of the year. When leaving City he said: “I would like to thank our wonderful fans for their backing. They have been fantastic in their support, which has never wavered even during the most difficult times. I have been touched by their kindness and enthusiasm. I have supported Manchester City since I was a boy and I am desperate for us to succeed.”

And you couldn’t make this up. The man who is so offended by Rooney’s swearing that he felt a two match ban was an appropriate punishment, worked for French Connection before joining City’s board and was behind their controversial range of t-shirts which included: “fcuk this”, “hot as fcuk”, “mile high fcuk”, “fcuk me”, “fcuk her”, “too busy to fcuk”, “fcuk football”, “fcuk fashion”, “fcuk fear” and “fcuk on the beach”.


You couldn't make that shit up. What feckin idiots the FA are.
This is just because:

1. It's Manchester United
2. It's Wayne Rooney

Any other player at any other club would get a fine.

The FA want to make an example of us and have always been harsher on punishing our players to make an example of us. Other teams' players get away with far more.

Best way the team can tell the FA to feck right off is by winning the games Rooney misses anyway.

This has been blown so far out of proportion it's absolutely ridiculous. It was heat of the moment, and he apologised. That should have been the end of it. This is completely and utterly stupid and pathetic that the media have made such a big deal about it. Anything to avoid praising a United performance, or conceeding that we might win the title.

The FA today confirmed that Wayne Rooney would serve a two match ban for swearing after he scored his hattrick against West Ham. Even journalists who salivate at the thought of slagging off Manchester United, like Oliver Holt, have admitted what a balls up the FA have made of this.

So, how is it possible that the FA could have got it so wrong?

Two words.

David Bernstein.

The former Manchester City board member and chairman was appointed the chairman of the FA at the start of the year. When leaving City he said: “I would like to thank our wonderful fans for their backing. They have been fantastic in their support, which has never wavered even during the most difficult times. I have been touched by their kindness and enthusiasm. I have supported Manchester City since I was a boy and I am desperate for us to succeed.”

And you couldn’t make this up. The man who is so offended by Rooney’s swearing that he felt a two match ban was an appropriate punishment, worked for French Connection before joining City’s board and was behind their controversial range of t-shirts which included: “fcuk this”, “hot as fcuk”, “mile high fcuk”, “fcuk me”, “fcuk her”, “too busy to fcuk”, “fcuk football”, “fcuk fashion”, “fcuk fear” and “fcuk on the beach”.


This has nothing to do with David Bernstein being Chairman of the FA.
The FA were a bunch of cocks before he became chairman and will be after he leaves.
I think it is just down to him not being sent off for the elbow , the FA have wanted to do him for something ever since.
Beginning to think the FA will backtrack, if we appeal, and make it a 1 game ban. United would take that. The fact he apologised without being prompted should count in his favour and give them an excuse to halve the ban.

The statement from the guy at the PFA was fairly positive about Rooneys post incident conduct so fingers crossed he'll only miss Fulham.
I find it utterly ridiculous how a player can break a player's leg, potentially ruin their career, get a red card and only be banned for 3 games whereas a player can be banned for 2 games just for swearing!

The FA are just doing whatever they can to deflect from criticism over the elbowing incident, something that was also blown totally out of proportion.
Anderson has been banned for 2 games by the FA for shitting on Fabregas. He brought the game into disrepute and did not behave like an ideal role model.

Children watch him and ask their parents if it's ok to shit on people.
feck off Geoff Hurst want Rooney to get a 5-match ban....
just a thought.
Did the ref hear it ? and if he did he must of not thought it worthy of a talking to.
If he had sent Rooney off for the swearing , would he have only got a 1 match ban.

That's the weird thing about this. All they're supposed to do is apply the same punishment the ref would have done had he seen the incident. Have you ever seen a red card and a two match ban for telling someone who isn't the ref or linesman to feck off? Mental :wenger:
So there's an advantage of being a foreigner. Berba could swear all he wants in Bulgarian, and no one will know

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Why not 10? Wonder how Rooney will celebrate his next goal...

walk up to the cameraman and say" be a good fellow and remove that lense away from my face and no i do not wish kiss your camera"

But you and i know he wont!
Some of you should read this, namely incidents not seen by match officials but caught on video section.

The FA had no participation in this.

huh? It's on the FA's site and it's the rules set by them hence the "FA Disciplinary Process". So how does the FA not have any participation in this?

And from you pointed out, the charge was able to be brought forward because the FA used video evidence to charge a player for foul/abusive language that was not seen by the match officials - well 100s of incidents of foul/abusive language go unseen / unheard by officials but, is caught on video - so why do you suppose they haven't taken the time to go through and charge all those incidents?

It's not about United - it's about the media and the FA bowing down to the pressure brought on by them. By that United / Rooney / SAF are the biggest targets in terms of media whichhunts as it sells them the most papers/viewers which in turn lead to the FA going after United/Rooney/SAF more than other teams.

The FA you so love are just a bunch of spineless inconsistent twits.
huh? It's on the FA's site and it's the rules set by them hence the "FA Disciplinary Process". So how does the FA not have any participation in this?

And from you pointed out, the charge was able to be brought forward because the FA used video evidence to charge a player for foul/abusive language that was not seen by the match officials - well 100s of incidents of foul/abusive language go unseen / unheard by officials but, is caught on video - so why do you suppose they haven't taken the time to go through and charge all those incidents?

It's not about United - it's about the media and the FA bowing down to the pressure brought on by them. By that United / Rooney / SAF are the biggest targets in terms of media whichhunts as it sells them the most papers/viewers which in turn lead to the FA going after United/Rooney/SAF more than other teams.

The FA you so love are just a bunch of spineless inconsistent twits.

What the feck are you giong on about, constantly attacking me for not believing in a conspiracy, your making a fecking fool out of yourself.