that's class
1. The Daily Mail
The Daily Mail, what a no-brainer
A total spaz, like Jose Reina
Not only is it full of rubbish
Clueless tripe they shouldn't publish
But as you say, it sees itself
A cut above the tabloid shelf
Xenophobic, smug, bombastic
Vile drivel.
Verdict: Spastic.
Give it a fecking rest you cnuts
2. Lorry-drivers
It's true the roads would be much nicer
Without a single lorry-driver
When I broke down, and had to crawl
The flashed their lights, and honked, and bawled
Murderers belong in jail
Not driving, while they read the Mail
Annihilation may sound drastic
But they deserve it.
Verdict: Spastic.
These birds had the right idea about how to deal with lorry-drivers. Plus, I’d love
to bone them. Thelma and Louise that is, not truckers. That's revolting... how
could you even think such a thing...you gay spastics
3. Mushrooms
Once, re mushrooms, I agreed
With Davo, who wears drag, in Leeds
“They’re food for those with palates delicate -
Like women, benders, and the celibate”
And yet, in fry-ups, they’re essential
And Magic ones are fecking mental
So lay off mushrooms, they’re fantastic
Verdict: overall, Not Spastic.
Wales, as seen on magic muhrooms, before I took the liberty of annihilating it
4. Forum Spastics
You really are a lazy fecker
Your fourth choice is ‘the forum spacker’
Clueless denizens of gimp-fare
You’ve really gone out on a limb there
You’re meant to root out hidden monginess
Not just state the bleeding obvious
Right then. ‘Gibbering Forum Spastics’:
What a shocker -
Verdict: Spastics.
Hello lads
5. Ross Noble
I must confess, though it’s remiss,
I don’t know who Ross Noble is
But I’ve just looked him up on Google
He looks retarded, much like Noodle
His hair is lank, he’s lanky, gawky
He’s a comedian, and a Geordie
I can’t say I’m enthusiastic
Feck off Noble.
Verdict: Spastic
No thank you Ross, none of that, we’re just going to kill you