Ronaldo has lost his baby boy

Horrendous news, it's a pain I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Puts tomorrow's game into context, I couldn't give a toss about it

Condolences to the whole family
Sad news but anyone know what's the reason or how did it happen?
Before we had our 2 boys we had lost a baby at 12 weeks*. I can't imagine what it's like further along. Hope the family can lean on each other and RIP little guy

*weeks not months, big difference
That is awful news, so sad. Deepest condolences to the whole family.
Awful news. Tragic. I remember the birth of my son, he wasn’t breathing and we thought we had lost him. That moment and it was brief was the worst feeling I’ve ever had. I can’t imagine what we would have done if he didn’t make it.
The same happened to my boy who has a twin sister. Thanks god he is healthy and everything is alright.
I cannot imagine the pain. It must feel horrible for him and his wife. Lose a child is the worst thing that can happen in life. You are losing the best part of yourself.

RIP to the boy.
Absolutely terrible news, he should get all the rest from football he needs, I really feel sorry for him and his missus, having two good mates who experienced the same. I can't imagine how difficult it is to cope with it.
Sad news but anyone know what's the reason or how did it happen?
Anything can happen in childbirth and even more so when it’s twins, as they don’t often go to 9 months and are more fragile.
We have amazing health care this days, so this don’t happen as much as before but it still happens.
Anyway that’s very sad.
feck sake. That's awful. Will there ever be good fecking news again. Feels like everything has just been shit since like 2010. Poor Ronaldo and family.
Horrendous news and time for him and his family :(

RIP to the twin baby boy.

It's a different sort of pain losing a child especially at that stage. Hope him and his wife receive all the compassion and support they'll need from their loved ones.

Been quite the terrible day of news in the team between Bruno's accident earlier and now this
Awful news, I'm not yet a parent, though hope to be one day and can imagine it is devastating for him, Georgina and all others in their family

Hopefully we give him plenty of time for compassionate leave, and put him and his family in touch with organisations who can provide support, and that his little girl will be OK.
feckkkkkkk. Hope he takes however much time off he needs to recover from this.
So so sad. I know there isn’t really much else to be said and that football is trivial in comparison. This just makes you realise how trivial it is. It’s a shame we can’t just end our season here. Ronaldo must be absolutely devastated.
Feel for him, absolutely gutted for them. Me and my girlfriend know all to well how hard this is. All my thoughts and wishes are with them.
Awful news. It must be agony for the family, I hope they are able to stay well and that the little girl is ok. RIP to the little one.
Ugh, awful to hear. Puts everything else into context. Thoughts with him and his family.
I’m expecting my first child in July so this really hit home. I can’t imagine the pain they are both going through. Prayers with the Ronaldos.