Ronaldo has lost his baby boy

Awful news. Tragic. I remember the birth of my son, he wasn’t breathing and we thought we had lost him. That moment and it was brief was the worst feeling I’ve ever had. I can’t imagine what we would have done if he didn’t make it.
Tragic! I can't even imagine the pain. RIP little one. Wishing them strength, and good health to the little girl.
Horrible news. So sad for him. Hope he’s given as much time and space as needed to heal from this.
Awful awful news.

RIP and hopefully he takes All thr time he needs to deal with this heartbreak
Devastating news. RIP little one and may Ronaldo and Georgina have the strength to make it through this.
Death of a child is the worst kind of a pain a parent can suffer. Wish him, Georgina and the family strength in such a horrid time.
As parents of twins (boy and a girl) , me and my wife both had tears reading this. Can’t even begin to imagine the pain for them. May Allah give them strength and peace.
Horrendous news! Just can't even begin to imagine what they are going through :(
Makes you realise how insignificant football really is.
Possibly the most heartbreaking thing that a parent can go through. Condolences to Cristiano and Georgina.
It's always very sad to hear of a child dying. Hope he's allowed to have the rest of the season off to grieve in private with his family
Deepest condolences to Ronaldo and his family.

Football doesn't matter at times like this...........