Exactly Point to Point.

Exellent assesment.
Fergie's gambling instinct was the thing which made it Absolutely rocking. That is why Fergie time existed and that's why we scored so many late goals and never gave up until the very end. Mourinho is not the clone of fergie but he thinks the same in lots of ways and that's why he has won the league and won every where in the world, and can Use some of the same Dynamics in Posession while in attack To make us better against all the smaller teams we drew last year as our transition was never resulting in some counter attacking dynamics.
Alsowhat you said about the european Philosophies being antidote to the fergie way was one of the exact reasons for Him being an under achiver in the european competions. Its a Key Paradox and difference between the PL and CL.
But one thing I would like to add in this is the Education and Play style Lvg Set up in two years for united and built his Foundations on was exactly that same european Philosophies and principles Of possesion based system. A high press and High line helps in recovering the ball in a proactive way which contributes in defense in a better way and wins back the ball proactively in the midddle itself
And Mourinho after the 3 defeats realized that and adapted to the same tactics and philosophies, so we found all the smaller teams park the bus against us. If we Play the same way this season like last season with a Mobile attacking focal point and Also add some same fergie /mourinho Direct counter attacking dynamics in the build up and play a Mix of Possesion based Principles while adding directness and faster transition In posession
When Required to score goals and create more space The goal scoring problems can be solved , While Having to Be proactive and high press in defense to win the posession back in the middle itself without having to drop a deep line defense will see us getting to a better level in european stages as well against top class european sides too because this team is capable of doing that with High pressing midfeilders like Herrera and Pogba Or a new DM and also defenders who can play a high line in bailly and lindelof with ball playing abilities in posession Like a Pep or klopp team does or barcelona or real madrid or bayern do too because of those similar possession based principles. They executed it better because they had great player to do so in the midfeild , Which i belive we also have.