Three guarantees in life. Death, taxes and you twisting things to promote an agenda.
I brought it up because @Rooney in Paris tried to tar us all with the same brush despite the fact the Abramovic chants were drowned out by a significant majority in our last home game. I was merely trying to ask him how would he feel if I tarred and pigeonholed him on a minority he'll never meet. All my life I've had to deal with being branded things am absolutely nothing close to because of a minority I'll never meet, so unless you get the same you're in no position to comment on the matter let alone twist it to the disgusting level you have.
You’ve lost me here unfortunately and I’ve no idea what ‘disgusting level’ I’ve twisted things to. I’ve simply said how I’ve interpreted what you’ve said and others have agreed.
Perhaps you need to explain yourself more comprehensively rather than using whataboutism so often?