Roman Abramovich plans to sell Chelsea | SOLD for £4.25BN

Cry me a river. How many other clubs have paid a price for shitty owners running them into the ground, and then the club getting point deductions which lead them to relegation?

In your case you had an owner pump his blood money into your club to buy you success. Now you might actually face some consequences for that? It’s long overdue. fecking plastic club.

The entitlement of Chelsea fans. Womp

Push your sanctimonious shit to someone else or speak to me like a normal person ffs. I'm allowed to feel something about my football club without it being entitled. What's entitled about not wanting to have points deducted?
Now, if they really want to punish Chelsea, I hope the UK government sells it to Mike Ashley.
EPL is rotten to the core. Let's not just laugh at Chelsea when you have the likes of City, Newcastle knocking around. State sanctioned sports washing is an ugly ugly stain on the EPL. I just look at the whole product now and think it's all pretty disgusting.
Push your sanctimonious shit to someone else or speak to me like a normal person ffs. I'm allowed to feel something about my football club without it being entitled. What's entitled about not wanting to have points deducted?

As said by others, I hope the club ends up in a fan ownership structure.
So the process can continue with the same interested parties. Cool.
Yeah but the whole good for the club mindset is now gone. Wouldn’t the government pick a consortium now over a sole, rich benefactor?
Edit even that that’s needing Roman just handing it over.
This is rather surreal. What a mess. This should have never happened in the first place (Roman buying Chelsea).
Cry me a river. How many other clubs have paid a price for shitty owners running them into the ground, and then the club getting point deductions which lead them to relegation?

In your case you had an owner pump his blood money into your club to buy you success. Now you might actually face some consequences for that? It’s long overdue. fecking plastic club.

The entitlement of Chelsea fans. Womp

hear, hear!
Push your sanctimonious shit to someone else or speak to me like a normal person ffs. I'm allowed to feel something about my football club without it being entitled. What's entitled about not wanting to have points deducted?
You’re not wrong. Some United fans were crying for Saudi not too long ago. You didn’t choose the owner. You didn’t choose the war. The only thing you can be accused of is fully supporting winning under him. We are all duplicitous that way and there was no precedence in your case. Chill. Fans gonna fans.
This is rather surreal. What a mess. This should have never happened in the first place (Roman buying Chelsea).

This the issue, how he was allowed to buy the club is staggering, same goes for the glazers, abu dhabi, saudis and the list goes on, absolute farcical.
This is fun. I’m really enjoying this. Hope this goes on for a while and the club gets completely ruined.
You’re not wrong. Some United fans were crying for Saudi not too long ago. You didn’t choose the owner. You didn’t choose the war. The only thing you can be accused of is fully supporting winning under him. We are all duplicitous that way and there was no precedence in your case. Chill. Fans gonna fans.
Dont lump as all in that.
Shame we haven't been able to hear from @smithy7364894 and @gary8374792 on what an unjust tragedy this is.
You’re not wrong. Some United fans were crying for Saudi not too long ago. You didn’t choose the owner. You didn’t choose the war. The only thing you can be accused of is fully supporting winning under him. We are all duplicitous that way and there was no precedence in your case. Chill. Fans gonna fans.

Every man and this dog knew where and how Abramavic acquired his wealth, just like everyone knows about the oil states clubs and their human rights abuses. Yet the clubs fans, the media, the pundits etc laps it up. feck them and the fans of these clubs. Chelsea have got their comeuppance (even if it 20 years too late) and I have no doubt city, newcastle and psg will have their day too!
EPL is rotten to the core. Let's not just laugh at Chelsea when you have the likes of City, Newcastle knocking around. State sanctioned sports washing is an ugly ugly stain on the EPL. I just look at the whole product now and think it's all pretty disgusting.
Yep. The praise that has followed City and now recently Newcastle makes me want to vomit.
Dont lump as all in that.
I added some for a reason. There was a thread. And a fair few wanted them. I apologise if you weren’t a part of that. But numbers were there to be seen. In fact, today itself there is a poster in the PSG thread asking if Qataris can now dump the PSG project and buy us.

People like us, if we ever were to be bought by Saudis or someone might quit. But if it means winning a lot, many manymany new fans will replace us. All those 5-15 yr olds who want to support winners. And soon On some random message board one of them will try to underplay our owners actions while we adopt 6 cats to fulfill that gap in our life.
Every man and this dog knew where and how Abramavic acquired his wealth, just like everyone knows about the oil states clubs and their human rights abuses. Yet the clubs fans, the media, the pundits etc laps it up. feck them and the fans of these clubs. Chelsea have got their comeuppance (even if it 20 years too late) and I have no doubt city, newcastle and psg will have their day too!

Will you watch the World Cup? Wear Nike? etc
I have found that quite a few people using the term ''whataboutism'' on redcafe don't understand what it actually is. Whataboutism is an attempt to justify or to make wrongdoing appear less serious by pointing at others who are also involved in wrongdoing, or to argue that the person accusing you is just as bad. Being in full agreement with the sanctions on russia while questioning why the same standards aren't being applied elsewhere isn't whataboutism.

I'd point out that the poster himself described his position as "whataboutism". But I'll concede that the accuracy of the label depends on the argument implying that the sanctions on Chelsea are questionable unless the same is done to Newcastle, rather than arguing that Newcastle should face similar consequences, which seems open to interpretation.

However, in any case the main issue is that the whole argument rests on the completely false assumption that what we are talking about is standards for football clubs. It isn't, any more than it's about new standards for banks, holding companies or property holders. They are affected simply because they are owned by specific individuals who are targeted by specific sanctions in response to a specific situation. Which means there is absolutely no reason why this happening to Chelsea should mean it should also happen to other clubs with other kinds of owners. Completely irrespective of whether those owners are more or less admirable than Chelsea's owner. If you want to make that argument, you'd have to argue the UK government should impose sanctions on Saudi Arabia.
Every man and this dog knew where and how Abramavic acquired his wealth, just like everyone knows about the oil states clubs and their human rights abuses. Yet the clubs fans, the media, the pundits etc laps it up. feck them and the fans of these clubs. Chelsea have got their comeuppance (even if it 20 years too late) and I have no doubt city, newcastle and psg will have their day too!
Sure. I agree. Still not gonna stop him from hurting as a fan, right?

I’m hoping this Serves as a precedence for anyone trying to whitewash their past to no longer bother with English clubs. It needed to be said. Unfortunately it took a warfor the Govt to realise the implications but so be it.
I have found that quite a few people using the term ''whataboutism'' on redcafe don't understand what it actually is. Whataboutism is an attempt to justify or to make wrongdoing appear less serious by pointing at others who are also involved in wrongdoing, or to argue that the person accusing you is just as bad. Being in full agreement with the sanctions on russia while questioning why the same standards aren't being applied elsewhere isn't whataboutism.
That depends. It is in a discussion on Russia.
Every man and this dog knew where and how Abramavic acquired his wealth, just like everyone knows about the oil states clubs and their human rights abuses. Yet the clubs fans, the media, the pundits etc laps it up. feck them and the fans of these clubs. Chelsea have got their comeuppance (even if it 20 years too late) and I have no doubt city, newcastle and psg will have their day too!
Yeah well it seems sports washing only works if you don't kill or threaten to kill the people you're actively washing.
Whilst I’m not a fan of Chelsea (one of their fans pulled a knife on me at The Racecourse ground years ago) the idea of taking assets off people because you don’t like their friends is a dangerous road to go down. If I was a Newcastle fan I’d be worried. Hopefully Citeh will be next!

Its good that that’s not happening then.
Forgive my Whataboutism.

The Uk government takes action on this, but let the mass murderers take over Newcastle. If you're going to make a stand against something then make a stand.
It is not Whataboutism. You have every right to point out what seems to be double standards... But there isn't one actually.

The government doesn't care about owners with blood money. The war crimes (see Yemen) committed by other owners do not matter. That's why half of the money circulating in the PL has very shady (and despicable) origins. But right now the government is applying pressure on Putin's regime because the UK is against the war Putin has waged over Ukraine. Chelsea is one of the regime's tools and it makes sense to take action against all of the regime's tools.
EPL is rotten to the core. Let's not just laugh at Chelsea when you have the likes of City, Newcastle knocking around. State sanctioned sports washing is an ugly ugly stain on the EPL. I just look at the whole product now and think it's all pretty disgusting.

I came to this conclusion a while ago too. Thought I’d have a go at supporting lower league clubs and it’s just as big a mess down there too just on a smaller scale. Full of crooked owners looking to make a quick buck at the expense of the community. It just so happens the crooks happen to be local. Football is a real mess.