Film Robocop v Terminator 2 v Total Recall

I do agree it's not fair to compare budgets. It's probably a testament to Robocop that it still holds up brilliantly, even despite its rather hilarious special effects (particularly when ED209 is involved). It doesn't really impact the film IMO.

I can't imagine T2 still holding up today if the effects were crummy.

Fixed that for you :D

Everytime I watch Alien I appreciate it more and more. Aliens is a classic but it was so reductive in terms of making the Alien just a bug that could be downed by a few blasts of a pulse rifle. The original idea of an indestructible bioweapon was much better.
Allen is my favourite film, I'll not argue. The real sci fi masterpiece. Think this is about sci fi action, I'm not sure though.
I've never been taken out of a film due to special effects of a certain era.
If anything,if we're talking about pre-CGI based films,its makes me more appreciative of the work of your Harryhausen 's,Tippett's,Sam Winston's,Dick Smith's (make-up genius) and Trumbull's to name a few.
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Although big budget sequels are produced the better films. I'd prefer to go for the originals. So the multiple choices should be stretched to


And after a hard time deciding, personally I'd go T1. The original Terminator put the shits up me.
Arnie as the antagonist or the protagonist,which works better for you guys ?
I watched Robocop at the cinema in Nottingham and made the mistake of going with mates and a girl who i was trying to get off with. When we came out and went to the pub and discussed it I had to agree with her that the violence was over the top whilst my mates were all whooping and loving it.

I did end up with her for a bit so I suppose it was worth it, but I still feel some shame. When that dissolving man is hit full speed by RoboCop's interceptor and his body explodes it's a fecking magnificent moment. But I agreed with her that it was OTT just to get into her knickers.
I watched Robocop at the cinema in Nottingham and made the mistake of going with mates and a girl who i was trying to get off with. When we came out and went to the pub and discussed it I had to agree with her that the violence was over the top whilst my mates were all whooping and loving it.

I did end up with her for a bit so I suppose it was worth it, but I still feel some shame. When that dissolving man is hit full speed by RoboCop's interceptor and his body explodes it's a fecking magnificent moment. But I agreed with her that it was OTT just to get into her knickers.

How fit was she on a 1-10?
They absolutely nailed all the main and sub characters in Robocop. You just remember everyone for something different.

- Jesse the black antagonist for "does it hurt, does it hurt" and having that high pitched voice. "She was sweeeeeeeeeet."
- Clarence for being just the biggest bastard.
- Dick Jones for being the smarmy corporate dick.
Bob Morton as the overly-ambitious backstabbing exec with his David-Platt looking face.
- Emil, the Bearded antagonist for "I bet you think you're pretty smart" gas station scene
- Officer Lewis is perfectly unassuming
- Sergeant Reed as the stereotype hard-nose cop
- Hell, even the "I'd buy that for a dollar guy".

And that's only eight characters off the top of my head. There's at least half a dozen more that are memorable. Never seen a film with so many characters, major or minor, which stay in your head.
They absolutely nailed all the main and sub characters in Robocop. You just remember everyone for something different.

- Jesse the black antagonist for "does it hurt, does it hurt" and having that high pitched voice. "She was sweeeeeeeeeet."
- Clarence for being just the biggest bastard.
- Dick Jones for being the smarmy corporate dick.
Bob Morton as the overly-ambitious backstabbing exec with his David-Platt looking face.
- Emil, the Bearded antagonist for "I bet you think you're pretty smart" gas station scene
- Officer Lewis is perfectly unassuming
- Sergeant Reed as the stereotype hard-nose cop
- Hell, even the "I'd buy that for a dollar guy".

And that's only eight characters off the top of my head. There's at least half a dozen more that are memorable. Never seen a film with so many characters, major or minor, which stay in your head.
Might help that we've probably both seen it a million times tbh. God Bob Morton does have a David Platt face :lol:
Easy choice. T2. All were great but this is one of the best films ever made and still looks great even today. The other two show their age.
Arnie as the antagonist or the protagonist,which works better for you guys ?
I prefered him as the antagonist, but Robert Patrick was excellent in T2 and might just be slightly better at it. He gives it that extra layer of creepiness with his robotic talking non-Austrian voice "Say, that's a nice a nice bike..."
- Hell, even the "I'd buy that for a dollar guy".

Tbh all commercials in Robocop were brilliant and sort of gave the movie it's own character.

The only movie able to copy that atmosphere was Robocop 2 with it's own set of commercials.
I'd argue any day that Robocop is the more cult one of the three. As mentioned, much lower budget, less known actors, and obviously a completely novel and somewhat plausible scenario. Like a Tarantino movie its also full of quotes that survived til today and more shock value.

I do love the other two in their own right but with Total Recall as a distant third. Only thing I really remember from that one is three titty girl.
What? Why those 3 movies? James Cameron vs Paul Verhoeven is not much of a fight for Cameron. T2 transcends the action movie genre and is a blockbuster movie. Robocop is interesting and is one of those films that could do with a remake. Total Recall, don't get me wrong I love that movie, but that's a movie hard carried by Arnold.
T2,entertaining yet dumb. Making Arnie the hero was one of the poorest choices Cameron has made regarding his work.

Arnie was far,far better as the silent antagonist.
You stick a Human against a unstoppable killing Machine and you have something interesting and ,for the viewer, a emotional link.
Machine vs Machine, who the feck cares ?
Personally I think Arnie being the good guy makes for a brilliant little twist but one of the great things about T2 and what goes unnoticed for the most part is Robert Patrick always plays as a character of authority that we the audience are meant to trust (The police officer throughout the movie, the suburban house mom and the guard at the hospital),T1 is great and possibly the better film overall(Similar to how Collateral is Mann best movie but Heat is his great achievement) but the terminator is simply just a killing machine sent back into time, where as T2 gives the Terminator context in the real world(The T1000 is basically a reference to the tough on crime politics of america) . For all the massive explosions and one liners, Cameron is still a weird 60's hippy at heart and I think he deservers some credit for that .
What? Why those 3 movies? James Cameron vs Paul Verhoeven is not much of a fight for Cameron. T2 transcends the action movie genre and is a blockbuster movie. Robocop is interesting and is one of those films that could do with a remake. Total Recall, don't get me wrong I love that movie, but that's a movie hard carried by Arnold.
Robocop doesn't need a remake, blasphemy.
T2, but all of them are enjoyable. T2 is just a milestone though, the effects and action set pieces still look amazing.
They absolutely nailed all the main and sub characters in Robocop. You just remember everyone for something different.

- Jesse the black antagonist for "does it hurt, does it hurt" and having that high pitched voice. "She was sweeeeeeeeeet."
- Clarence for being just the biggest bastard.
- Dick Jones for being the smarmy corporate dick.
Bob Morton as the overly-ambitious backstabbing exec with his David-Platt looking face.
- Emil, the Bearded antagonist for "I bet you think you're pretty smart" gas station scene
- Officer Lewis is perfectly unassuming
- Sergeant Reed as the stereotype hard-nose cop
- Hell, even the "I'd buy that for a dollar guy".

And that's only eight characters off the top of my head. There's at least half a dozen more that are memorable. Never seen a film with so many characters, major or minor, which stay in your head.

It's great casting, especially how they managed to get horrible rat faced looking bastards to play all the bad guys. You know as soon as you see Bob Morton he's going to be a total piece of shit, before he even says anything.

Sergeant Reed sticks in my mind so much that I'm certain he has played the exact same role in just about every cop film in the 80s and 90s. Whenever I think of the stereotypical perma-angry police sergeant from that era, it's him.
I'd argue any day that Robocop is the more cult one of the three. As mentioned, much lower budget, less known actors, and obviously a completely novel and somewhat plausible scenario. Like a Tarantino movie its also full of quotes that survived til today and more shock value.

I do love the other two in their own right but with Total Recall as a distant third. Only thing I really remember from that one is three titty girl.
Those were the first boobies I ever saw.
What? Why those 3 movies? James Cameron vs Paul Verhoeven is not much of a fight for Cameron. T2 transcends the action movie genre and is a blockbuster movie. Robocop is interesting and is one of those films that could do with a remake. Total Recall, don't get me wrong I love that movie, but that's a movie hard carried by Arnold.

Blasphemy. Plus it had a remake/reboot already. And it was utter shite.



It's great casting, especially how they managed to get horrible rat faced looking bastards to play all the bad guys. You know as soon as you see Bob Morton he's going to be a total piece of shit, before he even says anything.

Sergeant Reed sticks in my mind so much that I'm certain he has played the exact same role in just about every cop film in the 80s and 90s. Whenever I think of the stereotypical perma-angry police sergeant from that era, it's him.

I loved the tension in this scene. That moment when you realise that Dick Jones was in the bathroom stall all along and you knew Bob Morton was fecked. Dick Jones' speech in this was brilliant. To this day I know it off by heart.

There's a documentary being made which is a feature length retrospective on the making of Robocop series and it's impact. Here's a couple of 20 minute segments (it'll be six hours in total). Superb stuff. When this gets released it'll be the best production out there on this movie, easily.

You're right, it has :annoyed:

They are making another one it looks like. Or at least planning so with a director attached.
The Neill Blomkamp one ? Along with his rumoured Alien film I think this one has also been ditched.
Blomkamp is not attached, Abe Forsythe is. Guy who wrote the latest Terminator movie is writing.
Oh didn't know about this.
I knew Blomkamp was interest a couple of years back and was intent,if he ever got the Director's chair,he'd bring back Weller.
There's a documentary being made which is a feature length retrospective on the making of Robocop series and it's impact. Here's a couple of 20 minute segments (it'll be six hours in total). Superb stuff. When this gets released it'll be the best production out there on this movie, easily.

Yes! I watched one of these and it was really good. Haven't they got something like six hours of interviews etc..should be really good.
That scene in Robocop where the corporate arselicker tests ED-209 and gets blasted to shit is fecking hilarious.
Terminator 2 by a mile. The T-1000 is the ultimate bad guy. And Arnold well, we will never say his like again.

Wish he'd fecking stop though, he's a million years old

Thread should have ended right here.
T2 is one of the best films ever. I haven't seen the other two. The fact that you think they're good enough to warrant a debate about either being better than T2 makes me want to watch them now.