Film Robocop v Terminator 2 v Total Recall

T2 and Robocop are classics. TR isn't really.
This one is so difficult.

Robocop is, in its own right, a veritable masterpiece of its genre.

Robocop's budget was $10m
T2's budget was $100

Verhoeven had a choice between background (Blade Runner visuals) or costume. Without the budget it was one of the other, so, he chose the costume and had to improvise with setting and filming in order to portray a futuristic and gritty city that was falling apart. Verhoeven also managed to pull off the insane feat of filming Delta City in a fairly well known city (Dallas) and make it seem like a completely fictional city.
That alone is worthy of being factored into any argument. That Paul Verhoeven crafted a movie such as Robocop from a fraction of T2's budget it a testimony to his vision.
Robocop explores real, deep, often theological and complex concepts through seemingly simple characters, also.


T2 is great entertainment (and has some layers to it, sure; namely the emotionally distant father, the influence of technological development on the family unit - note the brainy techno-wizard who is instrumental in creating the death machine has a pretty normal family life as opposed to our heroes. That isn't by accident.)

But Robocop is on another level: a scathing satire of American 'cowboy'/'hypercapitalist' culture and a Christ allegory (that secondarily satirizes idolatry of religious perversion) What if Jesus were a cowboy? And what if a culture took this as unironically and as seriously as life and death? Where does a society like that end up?
Total Recal
Terminator 2

How anyone can have Cameron's T2,which is practically a big budgeted dumbed-down remake of his 1st , over Verhoeven's two sci-fi classics is mental.
T2,entertaining yet dumb. Making Arnie the hero was one of the poorest choices Cameron has made regarding his work.

Arnie was far,far better as the silent antagonist.
You stick a Human against a unstoppable killing Machine and you have something interesting and ,for the viewer, a emotional link.
Machine vs Machine, who the feck cares ?
I may need to revisit Robocop.
I remember as a kid, loving it, but to be honest, didn't really understand it, just the idea of a robot cop was cool.

As I got older, I came to the opinion that Robocop just didn't get that great a reception, and was always overshadowed by T2 whereas this thread definitely gives mixed opinions.

Must admit, I'm shocked at the lack of love for total Recall though
Everyone should revisit Robocop going by the majority on here.
I think people should also revisit T1 and T2 and surely they'll come to the conclusion the first is narratively and,especially interms of tension, a stronger film.
Everyone should revisit Robocop going by the majority on here.
I think people should also revisit T1 and T2 and surely they'll come to the conclusion the first is narratively and,especially interms of tension, a stronger film.
That's because it's basically a horror movie.

T2 is great entertainment (and has some layers to it, sure; namely the emotionally distant father, the influence of technological development on the family unit - note the brainy techno-wizard who is instrumental in creating the death machine has a pretty normal family life as opposed to our heroes. That isn't by accident.)

But Robocop is on another level: a scathing satire of American 'cowboy'/'hypercapitalist' culture and a Christ allegory (that secondarily satirizes idolatry of religious perversion) What if Jesus were a cowboy? And what if a culture took this as unironically and as seriously as life and death? Where does a society like that end up?

Exactly,Robocop is a Science fiction masterpiece. Its a film with far more layers and substance than that of T2.
I actually find the comparison embarrassing. Robocop is a greater film.

That's because it's basically a horror movie.

Yeah,and its works far better.
Cameron's best SCI-FI films are The Abyss and T1,even if he plagiarised the later.

T2 exciting yet is abit of an after thought,for me.
Exactly,Robocop is a Science fiction masterpiece. Its a film with far more layers and substance than that of T2.
I actually find the comparison embarrassing. Robocop is a greater film.

Yeah,and its works far better.

In your opinion it does.

As an action movie, there are few that compare to it. The Matrix or MMFR maybe. As pure entertainment T2 is far above Robocop IMO.

I also think T1 and Robocop is a more apt comparison.
Total Recall for me!

It flew under the radar in my country, as opposed to T2, which was just SO commercialized. Robocop was too weird for my young and impressionable mind. Especially when that gooey man got hit by that car.
In your opinion it does.

As an action movie, there are few that compare to it. The Matrix or MMFR maybe. As pure entertainment T2 is far above Robocop IMO.

I also think T1 and Robocop is a more apt comparison.

One uses horror gimmics and the other is a dark satire,dont really see the comparison.

I think a better comparison would be Aliens and T2. Both films that go against the grain to a certain extent to their previous films and both directed by Cameron.
Also both films could be argued as remakes. They have a similar narrative structure.
One uses horror gimmics and the other is a dark satire,dont really see the comparison.

I think a better comparison would be Aliens and T2. Both films that go against the grain to a certain extent to their previous films.
The point is you can hardly compare two films of different genres and massively different budgets. T1 is closer to Robocop than T2 is, that was my point.

As far as Aliens goes. I love it and consider it better than Alien. It's not as good as T2. It's one of my favorite James Cameron movies along with The Abyss which you mentioned.
I see.

Personally, I prefer Alien to Aliens,though I must admit the later has been getting abit of a kicking in recent times.
I certainly prefer Aliens to T2. I just dont think there's a great deal in T2 that makes more want to re-watch.
All of the movies mentioned in the thread are very good. I hate ranking stuff like this. It's not a crime to enjoy them all. All are very good in their own right.
Aliens is very much a film of its time. Dialogue wise,its dated.
Still,when that film gets going its an absolute roller-coaster in suspense.
Starship Troopers is also better than Total Recall.
Starship Troopers is massively underrated.
I think T2 for action, but as grinner said, Robocop has the best lines. Surprised by the dismissal of Total Recall. It's massively entertaining- dark, funny, incredibly violent at times and a few decent lines too.
First of all T1 is a better sci fi than T2.
If we are chatting about best sci fi action, we need Aliens and Predator in the mix.
What are we discussing the best film of the three or best sci fi action film.
T2 > T1 > Total Recall > Robocop

Threw T1 in there for kicks.

What's the best Sci-fi film of all time? Back to the Future, obviously.
Robocop's visuals haven't aged well, but that also goes in its favour from a nostalgic point of view. It looks charmingly shitty.

T2 still looks impressive even now, though it had a crazy budget for the time so it should be expected.

I prefer T2, but Robocop is great. I've somehow never seen Total Recall.

Bitches leave.
First of all T1 is a better sci fi than T2.
If we are chatting about best sci fi action, we need Alien and Predator in the mix.
What are we discussing the best film of the three or best sci fi action film.
Fixed that for you :D

Everytime I watch Alien I appreciate it more and more. Aliens is a classic but it was so reductive in terms of making the Alien just a bug that could be downed by a few blasts of a pulse rifle. The original idea of an indestructible bioweapon was much better.
First of all T1 is a better sci fi than T2.
If we are chatting about best sci fi action, we need Aliens and Predator in the mix.
What are we discussing the best film of the three or best sci fi action film.
Typical. Trying to find a sneaky way to inject The Matrix into the discussion.

I see you there...
T1000 shits on the other two. Proverbially, of course, cause machines cannot defecate, unless Edward Furlong taught him that too, off camera.
Everyone should revisit Robocop going by the majority on here.
I think people should also revisit T1 and T2 and surely they'll come to the conclusion the first is narratively and,especially interms of tension, a stronger film.
Robocop is made on 10% of the budget of T2 and around 1/5 of the budget of Total Recall. It's not an even playing field.

I do agree it's not fair to compare budgets. It's probably a testament to Robocop that it still holds up brilliantly, even despite its rather hilarious special effects (particularly when ED209 is involved). It doesn't really impact the film IMO.

I can't imagine T2 still holding up today if the effects were crummy.
Out of all the quotable lines in Robocop this is the one with the most substance and its a real kicker "I can feel them... but I can't remember them."