I used to debate belief in God with all kinds of people on hiphop forums back in the day. From Black Hebrew Israelites, who were the most misogynistic men I've ever encountered, to 5%ers, with their linguistic gymnastics ('libraries = lies buried' was a particular favourite), to the Koranic Science guys, like our friend Roane here. I'd go back and forth with them for days, weeks, months sometimes, and we'd always end up at the same place - they have faith in things they cannot prove. That's what it all boils down to. They are either born into that faith, so it's part of their identity, or they arrived there after some sort of trauma, so they cling to it like a life raft. But they offer no answers, just interesting detours. And, after a while, you realise that the detours are all roundabouts, and they're just going round and round in circles.
Non-existence is the default position of anything. All swans were white until we discovered a black one. This doesn't mean that the black swan wasn't around before we encountered it, but it does mean that we couldn't say with certainty that there were black swans. If the Abrahamic god exists, where is the evidence of him/it, for it would surely have surfaced after two millenia? Therefore, one has to conclude that a belief that such an entity exists is based on faith alone. And you must acknowledge that or provide evidence to the contrary. It's that simple.