Register for your chance to see RATM live at Finsbury Park

Hence the meltdown. I understand.

I bet the bastarding touts are sticking them on ebay this very minute. Scum.

They've stopped the touting bastards, by making you submit a passport photo, which is then printed on the ticket. If you don't match the ticket photo, you're refused entry.
i think i've resigned to the fact im going to have to go up to Manchester and cut Gaz face off.
:lol: Would be funny if this gig resorts to some sort of a mass cult of people who skin the faces off people who have Rage tickets so they can gain entry

....Biscuit ....wanna join my cult?
I just get:

Failure To Connect To Web Server
Failure To Connect To Web Server

I hope they haven't blocked US IP addresses, I'm here in LA working.
Fuqing annoying whatever it is and I want to go to bed now since it's 2.45am.

Tbh, I hope they have. This should be a gig just for us Brits who got them to the top spot.
:lol: and just as TFP was starting to lose his racist tag. Quality outburst young man.

What? How is that racist, this is a gig that RATM have themselves said is for the guys who got them to number 1 and rightfully so, its also why its why its free. Now as far as I am aware people in the US cannot affect the UK charts nor can any other country bar those in the United Kingdom.
I think Paul is from the UK, he said he is out there working. He might only be there for a week.
What? How is that racist, this is a gig that RATM have themselves said is for the guys who got them to number 1 and rightfully so, its also why its why its free. Now as far as I am aware people in the US cannot affect the UK charts nor can any other country bar those in the United Kingdom.
I bought their fecking single in every possible format more than once. The fact that I happen to be here in the US for two months working (having registered perfectly well) should not make any difference. I'll have to use a proxy server I guess.
Hahaha, thanks guys. fecking septic tanks..
I bought their fecking single in every possible format more than once. The fact that I happen to be here in the US for two months working (having registered perfectly well) should not make any difference. I'll have to use a proxy server I guess.
Hahaha, thanks guys. fecking septic tanks..

And thats good but surely you can see my point of why other countries should not be able to apply for the tickets?
i don't think paul has a silly perm and glasses so your ticket wouldn't be much good Elvis.
I would happily acquire the necessary Elvis paraphernalia.

To be frank The Flying Potato, if a mere handful of people wanted to get into a lottery for the chance to pay hundreds and possibly thousands of pounds to come to bleedin' Finsbury Park for the day I think they should be allowed, don't you?
I would happily acquire the necessary Elvis paraphernalia.

To be frank The Flying Potato, if a mere handful of people wanted to get into a lottery for the chance to pay hundreds and possibly thousands of pounds to come to bleedin' Finsbury Park for the day I think they should be allowed, don't you?

Its a first come first serve system and takes the opportunity away from the people who it is aimed at. By all means they can go to Download and see them then but for me I just dont see how it would be fair if everyone in the world got in on this special occasion that is meant for only those in the UK
I would happily acquire the necessary Elvis paraphernalia.

To be frank The Flying Potato, if a mere handful of people wanted to get into a lottery for the chance to pay hundreds and possibly thousands of pounds to come to bleedin' Finsbury Park for the day I think they should be allowed, don't you?

Just read your tagline then your location :lol:
Have to agree with TFP, its only fair that those who contributed to the christmas number 1 are at this concert, which is why i'm a bit disappointed that you weren't made to prove you had purchased the single.
I fecking hate the internet. If this was real life i'd push my way to the front of the queue.
Just read your tagline then your location :lol:

Humour comes as standard in the face of mod pranks.
I am in a queue now (or "lining in line" as I believe they say here) thanks to daveproxy's server.
I am surprised at how ungenerous one or two of you are about this gig. I doubt the band would give it much thought if, as I said, a handful of people who had probably financially supported them for years invested vast amounts of money to come to Finsbury Park for the day, but if that's how you feel..
The free gig is a thank you to the people who got them to Christmas number 1 though, which is specifically the people who bought the single in the UK.
this experience has only further convinced me to queue for my Reading ticket again. fecking internet wankers tit wanks spade face mother feckers!!!!!!!!!!111!!
The free gig is a thank you to the people who got them to Christmas number 1 though, which is specifically the people who bought the single in the UK.

I know Nick but I'm talking (albeit jokingly) about a hypothetical group of maybe a hundred people who probably don't even exist and some people who aren't actually in the band, as far as I know, are being vociferous about 'the rules'.
Anyway feck them all. If I can't get a ticket then nobody should.
Probably all bought by cnuts for Los Angeles using proxy servers two hours too late...not.
Oh well. I hate Finsbury Park.
:lol: ok mate, those hypothetical people who don't exist can go, but only if they take you with them!