Reddit ITKs v2 | Home of the muppets

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Which OP?

They seemed to, didn't they. Out of curiousity I checked that twitter as the Cavani announcements started pouring in and (s)he was slightly ahead of all of them.
The one saying everything was wrong
Grow up for feck sake. It’s just a bunch of bellends on Twitter attention seeking by trying to quickly jump on other people’s Tweets.

It’s easy to spot and incredible there is anyone left who hasn’t totally sussed this shite out. Believe what you want but stop saying people are getting stuff right when they’re clearly not, or posting after many other sources and claiming it as their own.

Oh and Cassidy, Romero to Aston Villa didn’t fall through. It was originally posted by a Spanish guy who doesn’t actually exist and all the usual suspects jumped on it the following day with ‘you heard it here first’.
His name on Discord? King James of Roadeshire.
Could it be they got everything wrong this window literally nothing they said related to United has happened and they are getting abuse for making people pay for more exclusive info and trying to create a cult on discord that has failed.

Im glad it’s being shut down. Just watch next summer they’ll try and make a quick buck again.
They’ve had their fun made their money and now no real consequences to their lies other than name calling. Nobody is threatening them just calling them out on clear BS and making comments about their appearance.

What did they expect? Lie to thousands of people and some will tell you how they feel.

Someone writing an anonymous mean comment isn’t the real reason for shutting down as you can just ban them from the sub like they’ve always done with anyone who even suggests this might be one big scam.
They’ve had their fun made their money and now no real consequences to their lies other than name calling. Nobody is threatening them just calling them out on clear BS and making comments about their appearance.

What did they expect? Lie to thousands of people and some will tell you how they feel.

Someone writing an anonymous mean comment isn’t the real reason for shutting down as you can just ban them from the sub like they’ve always done with anyone who even suggests this might be one big scam.
They've been exposed and are doing the internet equivalent of running away.
They do this every transfer window. Have no shame left really. They are acting as if it's a loss to the community.

We bought 2 young winger and these ITK had no clue. We got Cavani and these ITK had no clue.
They'll be back in January and people will for for it again.
Surprised it took this long tbh, was inevitable after how many times they moved their goalposts on each player we were linked with.
There is moving the goal posts and then there is taking a coiled steaming shit slapping a label on it as ITK and then spreading it around like fertiliser round the town and wondering why the townsfolk dont like you and have grabbed their pitchforks.
Guys, guys... I've got a hot scoop on a transfer Utd are after! It's going to BLOW your mind who it is! Donate to my Patreon to see who it is right now! (I'll post it in the reddit thread next week)

Amazing news for the Red Devils, guys! I have a journalist intern friend who has it on good authority that we'll get Player A! The stumbling block is image rights but he'll be a player by either the end of the week, and if not by the end of the month! Discuss now how we're going to play with Player A in our lineup!


Why are you guys so mean to me? What did I do? Things change! Feck all of you!
There is moving the goal posts and then there is taking a coiled steaming shit slapping a label on it as ITK and then spreading it around like fertiliser round the town and wondering why the townsfolk dont like you and have grabbed their pitchforks.
True, least they gave us some laughs with some of the 'ITK' information :lol:
Giving money to fake itks never made any sense in the first place, did anyone actually listen to one of their podcasts?
That guy shouldn’t be allowed to have children. If you’ve spent countless hours posting about imaginary transfers then you need your fecking hard drives checked.
Hope this sort of nonsense never sees the light of day on the caf again. It’s not funny, it’s not entertaining — it’s just fecking bullshit.
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