RedCafe FM10 Experiment


They mean exactly what you think they do. 1-20, as always.

As for the club, here goes.


Name: Psmith's FC
Short Name: (Like Man Utd) PFC
Six letter Name (Like MUFC) PFC
Second Nickname:
Year Founded: 1988
Stadium Name: Redcafe
Stadium Build Date:1988

Tactical Attributes (1-20, and there's no limit).
Attacking: 18
Depth: 18
Directness: 15
Flamboyancy: 19
Flexibility: 14
Free Roles: 15
Marking: 18
Offside: 10
Sitting Back:10
Use Of Playmaker:15

Preferred Formation:4-3-3
Second Preferred Formation:4-4-2
Defensive Formation:4-2-3-1
Attacking Formation:4-3-3

coulours - anything
Cheers Solius for the pm:

Patience: 17
Interference: 15


Name: FC Searl United Wanderers AFCSC
Short Name: FC
Six letter Name: FCSUWA
Nickname: The Twatters
Second Nickname: Green Beans
Year Founded: 1989
Stadium Name: Elton John Lane
Stadium Build Date: 2008

Tactical Attributes (1-20, and there's no limit).
Attacking: 17
Depth: 18
Directness: 14
Flamboyancy: 15
Flexibility: 18
Free Roles: 15
Marking: 19
Offside: 11
Pressing: 16
Sitting Back: 12
Tempo: 15
Use Of Playmaker: 15
Width: 15

Preferred Formation: 4-3-3
Second Preferred Formation: 4-4-2
Defensive Formation: 4-2-3-1 (Defensive style, LM,CM,RM, not LAM, CAM, RAM)
Attacking Formation: 4-3-3

Home: White with a golden trim
Away: Black As feck
GK Home: Pink, all pink
GK Away: White and yellow
Patience: 1
Interference: 20

They mean exactly what you think they do. 1-20, as always.

As for the club, here goes.


Name: Emirati United
Short Name: Emirati Utd
Six letter Name EUFC
Nickname: The 'Roos
Second Nickname: Camel Humpers
Year Founded: 1972
Stadium Name: Hill
Stadium Build Date: 1999

Tactical Attributes (1-20, and there's no limit).
Attacking: 19
Depth: 10
Directness: 3
Flamboyancy: 19
Flexibility: 17
Free Roles: 19
Marking: 5
Offside: 17
Pressing: 17
Sitting Back: 1
Tempo: 18
Use Of Playmaker: 17
Width: 20

Preferred Formation: 4231
Second Preferred Formation: 433
Defensive Formation:451
Attacking Formation:424


Home: All white
Away: All red
Is there legislation in The Nation of Redcafe preventing Redcafe having naming rights on two stadiums? Or does no one dare question such fascism?
Feck, someone beat me to it?
Looks like we're all waiting on Mr. Parkin then.
Patience: 12
Interference: 12


Name: Atletico Blackheath
Short Name: Blackheath
Six letter Name: ATLBKH
Nickname: The Heathens
Second Nickname: Snobs
Year Founded: 1978
Stadium Name: Pond Road
Stadium Build Date: 2005

Tactical Attributes (1-20, and there's no limit).
Attacking: 19
Depth: 18
Directness: 12
Flamboyancy: 13
Flexibility: 18
Free Roles: 15
Marking: 17
Offside: 15
Pressing: 16
Sitting Back: 10
Tempo: 17
Use Of Playmaker: 16
Width: 14

Preferred Formation: 4-4-2
Second Preferred Formation: 4-3-3
Defensive Formation: 4-5-1
Attacking Formation: 4-3-1-2

Home: Green With White Trim
Away: White With Green Trim
GK Home: Jose Campos Style Fluorescence
GK Away: Grey
He pm'd it to niMic, as he is a newbielewbiedoodaa
Oh, it'll still take a few days. And first I have to figure out why the country/league is made, but cleaning out the squad didn't seem to work.

You're as bad as Xander, the both of you are a fecking disgrace [/drogba]
Okay, I'm going to start inputting the clubs. That is, the differences to the clubs. I've already made one club, and just duplicated it and put the clubs in the divisions.

I ran into a problem when I tried checking it with just that one team, though. The league was indeed changed, so was the nation. And the clubs were also the new clubs. However, the original players were still at the club, despite me clearing out the squad. Perhaps it will fix itself when I start putting new players in, we'll see.

Anyway, here's the league setup.

RedCafe Premier League
  1. cold-zebra
  2. AlwynP
  3. SecondFig
  4. x42bn6
  5. Paz
  6. Anderson Searl
  7. cina
  8. Flying Fox
  9. EdWeatherall
  10. phelans shorts
  11. Stobzilla
  12. R.Nilsson8
  13. Psmith
  14. Karan Mittal

RedCafe Championship
  1. Xander45
  2. cw1984
  3. Count Duckula
  4. nyrfan818
  5. Jacob
  6. GDH
  7. Solius
  8. Paz
  9. Leg-End
  10. uae
  11. UBERScholes
  12. Walrus
  13. James Parkin
  14. FlawlessThaw
  15. niMic

I'll see if I can't possibly have the starting squads ready later today.

I'll try to start the actual Experiment this week, but I can't promise anything.
So whats the deal with players, randomly generated/assigned or do we get some sort of say in who we get?

I was considering letting you have a say, but it would take too much time and would be too big a project to set up. I'll randomly assign you a full 4-4-2 team. Some might end up with better players than others (some certainly will), but that's the luck of the draw. I'm assuming you want that, and not completely equal teams? Spices up things, a bit.
I was gonna suggest releasing all players from their clubs and let there be a free for all for signings.
I was considering letting you have a say, but it would take too much time and would be too big a project to set up. I'll randomly assign you a full 4-4-2 team. Some might end up with better players than others (some certainly will), but that's the luck of the draw. I'm assuming you want that, and not completely equal teams? Spices up things, a bit.

If it's random assignment of players then thats fine.

Academies better be up to scratch.
You could just leave teams with an empty roster and set our team reps at random levels and see what that would do with attracting regens/players.
If it's random assignment of players then thats fine.

Academies better be up to scratch.
You could just leave teams with an empty roster and set our team reps at random levels and see what that would do with attracting regens/players.

Rep-wise, I want to give every team the same chance at attracting players. The Championship clubs will have the same rep as the Premiership clubs, to start with. Though obviously players will prefer the top division. They will also start out with the same huge amount of money. The way I figure, if someone starts out with a worse or better squad than everyone else, that only adds to the game. It makes it more fun if that club makes it in the end, or if that club is relegated and goes bankrupt :D

And it's not completely random. That is, I'm not taking from all the players in the database. I just did keepers, for example. There I took the 58 highest valued players (as seen by United), and had a random draw 1-29, connected to a 1-29 number of your clubs. So around half the worlds "top" players in every position will be in this division. Some of the best won't be, though. So no team will be poor.
Okay HsJ, you're in. You'll start in the Championship, making it a 16 team division. But only if you're quick ;)

I think I'm going to scrap the idea of giving you all a starting 11. It was a lot of work, but most of all it was a little bit unbalanced. I only got so far as GK, LB, RB and CB, but someone had already managed to grab the highest valued goalkeeper and the highest valued RB.

You guys decide. I can either keep doing that, or I can give everyone 2 high valued players, irrespective of position.