Gaming RedCafe FIFA12 Tournament - League & Knockout (PS3)

Whew. Good games Stu :) I don't think you're that bad, you remind me a bit of myself in the early stages of the competition, though you're defending better than I did.

As for the two players hunting you down, I use x a fair bit when I don't have the ball so it puts pressure on your players and restricts the space which worked quite well.

In the first game, the lead could have been greater. You didn't play too badly but I had so many chances. That one towards the end where I had the player on the right of the pitch with the ball and another right in front of goal with nobody near him and I decided to shoot... JUST missed.

And for some reason your defence played quite high up the pitch which worked well for me - especially in the second game where I attacked on the break out wide.

Second game, I had a feeling you'd get a draw if not the win. The two headers you conceded were so unlucky. You had the momentum in the first 10 minutes I thought and it felt for me that your players were so much faster than mine. Then when I scored the first it probably knocked a bit of wind out of your sails but you still kept going, only for your defence to concede a worse one just after half time I think. You did have a lot more chances and like I said, could have got a result out of it if it wasn't for terrible luck.

Good luck for the rest of the tournament, I think you'll do quite well. Certainly not as bad as you made yourself out to be.

Lol. Kind words mate. I don't know how to change tactics or anything and my defending is pretty terrible. Tbh I've been owned all night. Played 2 players h2h who I dominated throughout but they nicked Jammy goals and I could only hit the post several timed. Not a good night all in all.
No probs, if I'm online just drop me a PM. I think the problems with my internet happen during peak times, so I may not be able to play then.

Something'll sort itself out. Until then, I'm available for anyone who wants a game.
Thanks for the hammering Wazza. I had a couple of chances but it was all you. That 2nd goal was a joke btw! :lol:
That winger you scored the first with was a pain in the arse. You turned me inside out about three times before waltzing into the box and smashing it across my keeper. I was a tad upset. The second goal just enraged me with it's annoyingness!
Urban (Lyon) 2 - 1 StuCol (Marseille)

Very sorry for winning that like that Stu. I couldn't hit the target all match, and then I score two goals like that... you played much better in that one
I was devastated by that first goal. Could not believe he got through that crowd of defenders. Then won it with the last kick of the game :( :lol:
I might have to withdraw, the connection in my apartment blocks is utter dogshit. :(
I was devastated by that first goal. Could not believe he got through that crowd of defenders. Then won it with the last kick of the game :( :lol:

I don't know either, I was lagging pretty bad that whole game. I was telling him to shoot from the edge of the area, and he just kept on running :lol: I was getting ready to rage and then suddenly he bursts through and scores!

I'm sorry to win it in such a way, I know just how much it hurts. You were much, much better in that second game
I've neglected this of late, but by tomorrow night (23:00, GMT) I'll have the weekend to catch up. Holla at me, Group B folk.
Need to get some games in, I think I need to play pretty much everyone a second time. As well as some people for the first team? I'll be on from about 4pm GMT

Someone able to post who I still need to play?
Have been pretty busy recently but will be able to play a few games tomorrow in the day - any group Bs around?
I'm group B, on now and for a while after. BPK27, gimme a psn message
Plus any chance of an updated table Joe? Be nice to see where everyone is and what we need points wise.