Stobzilla, just added you.
I'm annoyed because I've plugged in an ethernet cable today between my ps3 and modem/router. Thought the problem was with the wifi...will investigate this.
Let's play 1 half and then we can play Arruda/Stob
Stob, I don't know if I've added you properly. Try adding me, Mekler101.
Well done McLovin, thanks for a good pair of games.
McLovin - PSNid is: thisis_markus. Give us an add. Anyone else who is up for it as well.
Arruda - Stop pressing X on goal kickstwice in two days that has happened to you now.
Stob, I don't know if I've added you properly. Try adding me, Mekler101.
Well done McLovin, thanks for a good pair of games.
I wonder who will be the proud caftard to finally lose a game with me, many have tried, all have failed.
Goal get in get in get in,
Add me?
Thanks Stob for a great game, well played mate. Sorry I ran off so quickly, its morning here and I had to feed the young lads. I'll be back on soon though, 20le keen for a game?
You stole one there United fan. I battered you.
20le add me up: thisis_markus