Red Cafe

The Kippax Kid said:
i doubt tareq was ever promoted.

however you were.


Tareq is one of the Caf's longest serving members and is well respected.

If people like the starter of this thread are happier elsewhere, then we'll have to live with it.

By its very nature, a messageboard is somewhere where you'll get diverse opinions...I think it's arrogance at its highest level to suggest that people shouldn't be allowed to voice those opinions - as long as they do it in a reasonably constructive way.

Just mouthing off abuse and saying its better elsewhere is far from constructive.
To be fair, Tareq is "Livvie's favourite Jordanian".

That doesn't mean any of us have to respect his opinion that we should never have sold Beckham.

Old doesn't mean quality. Look at Weaste for God's sake! ;)

That said, laker is the King of all Spastics.
jasonrh said:
To be fair, Tareq is "Livvie's favourite Jordanian".

That doesn't mean any of us have to respect his opinion that we should never have sold Beckham.

Old doesn't mean quality. Look at Weaste for God's sake! ;)

That said, laker is the King of all Spastics.

Livvie's favourite Jordanian for a reason.....he's never been anything other than polite and respectful to every other poster.

No-one says you have to agree with his, or anyone's, opinion. And difference of opinion encourages debate.

I belong to a few message boards. I don't think I'd have a tantrum and abuse the board or its posters just because I didn't agree with someone's opinion. That's just juvenile.
Livvie said:
I belong to a few message boards. I don't think I'd have a tantrum and abuse the board or its posters just because I didn't agree with someone's opinion. That's just juvenile.

Its also par for the course on here, and not all from the evil male RDR vile sexist pig contingent, either.
jasonrh said:
Its also par for the course on here, and not all from the evil male RDR vile sexist pig contingent, either.

Do they know you call them that Jason?
This doesn't even have anything to do with RDR.

It's just random idiocy. Last I checked, the response was pretty simular on both sites
jasonrh said:
To be fair, Tareq is "Livvie's favourite Jordanian".

That doesn't mean any of us have to respect his opinion that we should never have sold Beckham.

Old doesn't mean quality. Look at Weaste for God's sake! ;)

That said, laker is the King of all Spastics.

Point out one "quality" post you have made on these forums......

Chop chop!
WeasteDevil said:
Yes, and I still have not had my confirmation email!

You cnuts!

That's a very naughty word Weaste. ;)
I registered on the caf a little before the whole "civil war" leading to a "break away forum", etc began to happen.

All I have to say is that I did enjoy reading posts of some posters who don't post in here anymore. Some of them may have been right cretins but on the whole, and only IMHO, the caf was a better place before this break away or whatever. And I sincerely hope that it can get back to that.

That said, threads stared here slating the caf and the mods, by folks from the "other place" are highly stupid, and totally pointless.

If you don't like the caf, you've more than made your point by starting another forum and fecking off to it, have'nt you. So what is coming on here on stupid WUs and whinging about the caf going to achieve????
RapidRed said:
I registered on the caf a little before the whole "civil war" leading to a "break away forum", etc began to happen.

All I have to say is that I did enjoy reading posts of some posters who don't post in here anymore. Some of them may have been right cretins but on the whole, and only IMHO, the caf was a better place before this break away or whatever. And I sincerely hope that it can get back to that.

That said, threads stared here slating the caf and the mods, by folks from the "other place" are highly stupid, and totally pointless.

If you don't like the caf, you've more than made your point by starting another forum and fecking off to it, have'nt you. So what is coming on here on stupid WUs and whinging about the caf going to achieve????

Few things.

1. Dont tar all the members of that forum with the same brush. You wouldnt want it done to you because of what some newbies on here are ranting about.
2. There have always been "break away" forums, this is hardly a first. The girls have the Theatre of Dreams forum, for instance.
3. One of the mods on here started that "break away" forum in the first place. OK he wasnt a mod here at the time, but he is now :)
4. If people have issues with the Caf it is a deeply personal thing and just because they post in the RR forum doesnt mean its RR instigated.
5. The sooner everyone stops talking about "civil wars" the better. There are 3 forums each with their own "style". Everything else is just individuals.
Veng said:
Its an acronym, Charming Unassuming, Nice, Tolerent Sorts.

So, why am I not able to join your forum?

Ahhh! It's a froum for newbies?

What the hell are you afraid of?

I've been here for years!

I'm a newbie, let me in!

Ah, Slabber cannot do it can he? He can never lose face, the face he has never shown.

Poor Slabber!
Also, excuse me if I am wrong, but I came out of the elections in 4th or 5th spot!

Thanks Slabby!
Redcafe mods arn't allowed, for some reason

Probably because everyone just bickered with them on the last place, then you went mad and gave it a grass backround, among other things.

I reckon they Redcafe mods should be allowed, for what it's worth. I'm not in any position to speak on the behalf of others however
WeasteDevil said:
Also, excuse me if I am wrong, but I came out of the elections in 4th or 5th spot!

Thanks Slabby!

There is a "no-caf-mods" policy still in force. I think its to do with what you did to them on the other other forum :)
noodlehair said:
I reckon they Redcafe mods should be allowed, for what it's worth. I'm not in any position to speak on the behalf of others however

Maybe when the status quo is back.

(no puns please)
Veng said:
Few things.

1. Dont tar all the members of that forum with the same brush. You wouldnt want it done to you because of what some newbies on here are ranting about.
2. There have always been "break away" forums, this is hardly a first. The girls have the Theatre of Dreams forum, for instance.
3. One of the mods on here started that "break away" forum in the first place. OK he wasnt a mod here at the time, but he is now :)
4. If people have issues with the Caf it is a deeply personal thing and just because they post in the RR forum doesnt mean its RR instigated.
5. The sooner everyone stops talking about "civil wars" the better. There are 3 forums each with their own "style". Everything else is just individuals.

1) I don't mean to criticize all posters on the other forum/s. I am only referring to those who have been coming on here in the past few weeks on completely mindless WUs with the sole purpose of disrupting this forum and causing trouble to the mods and other posters.

2) I do not/can not have any complaints about forming other forums. Anyone who wants to is free to do so. I was merely commenting on the state of this forum before and after the other forum/s was formed, not complaining about those who formed it.

3) I did not know that/ its pretty irrelevant to this discussion.

4)I too was complaining just about individuals, never said that it was collectively planned.

5)I absolutely agree, that why my comments about thread like this one and the posters who start it :)
Veng said:
There is a "no-caf-mods" policy still in force. I think its to do with what you did to them on the other other forum :)


Him you mean?

If he still insists on such a thing he's a dick of the highest order.

Can I talk to Spoony please?

Veng said:
Few things.

1. Dont tar all the members of that forum with the same brush. You wouldnt want it done to you because of what some newbies on here are ranting about.
2. There have always been "break away" forums, this is hardly a first. The girls have the Theatre of Dreams forum, for instance.
3. One of the mods on here started that "break away" forum in the first place. OK he wasnt a mod here at the time, but he is now :)
4. If people have issues with the Caf it is a deeply personal thing and just because they post in the RR forum doesnt mean its RR instigated.
5. The sooner everyone stops talking about "civil wars" the better. There are 3 forums each with their own "style". Everything else is just individuals.

And you go along with this shite? :lol:

You know feck all!

"Theatre of Dreams"?

Hypersky was its name, and it wasn't a breakaway forum, it was a place to try and get away from people like you lot.
WeasteDevil said:
I still do not have my password!

Seriously... are you feeling alright mate?

Seems like someone else is posting using your account ;)
Veng said:
Maybe when the status quo is back.

(no puns please)

You may well be right

Though you could easily let them join on the condition that they behaved themselves. What are they going to do?

The problem would be the looney brigade on the Republic site swamping all over them. But that's not really the mods that are the problem then, is it

Still, you may well be right