RAWK Goes Into Meltdown 23/24

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Thank Christ that Van Dijk slip came to nothing, never would have heard the end of that.

Thats what i was thinking when he slipped....thank you Robbo for that goal line clearance.
To bad Man city exist this would still be on if Arsenal were our only rivals.
yeah, we should never give up..if we finish 2nd, there's a chance city are punished..

on a plus note today, Gakpo looked good from the left..
Almost two hours after the game is finished and I'm still completely gutted. Haven't been as sad at the end of the game since I was 14 and Cantona's goal beat us in the cup final.

I know we shouldn't be defeatist, but I just don't see a way back for this team in either competition. Maybe I'm wrong, I hope to god I am, but I just don't see it. Our heads have gone, performances have been so chaotic and lacking brains. It's a sad way that this great era seems to be ending.

Man Utd in the cup was far worse.
Nah. It was bad, but we had Atalanta and the league to look forward too. Now, just feels shite
And Arsenal losing 0-2. Typical

I knew they would bottle it today, like us. Oh well looks like its Abu Dhabi's title
I don’t believe in God, but I do believe in football gods. And they’re City fans aren’t they?
Today is even more galling with Arsenal losing. Such a shame after getting through that tough period with the kids.

Just hope we play without fear now. Klopp deserves our best effort for the last few games.
Weird that the most optimistic period of the season was the one where we had the most injuries and absences

August - Top 4 hopefuls
December - Rebuild going much more smoothly than anyone thought it would
February - Might actually win 4 competitions
April - Limping towards disappointment

This dude is bipolar. 2 hours ago he was telling Klopp to feck off, sell Van Dyk and Salah and the title was over . Now he's saying they have a chance. What a knobhead :lol:

This dude is bipolar. 2 hours ago he was telling Klopp to feck off, sell Van Dyk and Salah and the title was over . Now he's saying they have a chance. What a knobhead :lol:

Yet here you are sharing his content earning him money
I saw the real loser mentality from the so called manutd fans here. Many of you blame our players lack of winner mentality. Amazing and embarrassing!

This thread has existed on this place for about 25 years. It's a caf tradition to laugh at those deluded cnuts every single time they feck up. We did it when we were world club champs and we are doing it even when we are a laughing stock.

If your are avidly a United fan then you'd understand why they must be mocked and ridiculed on all occasions. The smug entitled cnuts deserve every single laugh that is coming their way

This dude is bipolar. 2 hours ago he was telling Klopp to feck off, sell Van Dyk and Salah and the title was over . Now he's saying they have a chance. What a knobhead :lol:

I doubt he’s a real fan, he’s the Liverpool equivalent of Goldbridge. He has never been to a game. His ridiculous reactions and opinions are to generate attention and clicks. He’s not to be taken seriously.
This thread has existed on this place for about 25 years. It's a caf tradition to laugh at those deluded cnuts every single time they feck up. We did it when we were world club champs and we are doing it even when we are a laughing stock.

If your are avidly a United fan then you'd understand why they must be mocked and ridiculed on all occasions. The smug entitled cnuts deserve every single laugh that is coming their way
Well said.

This dude is bipolar. 2 hours ago he was telling Klopp to feck off, sell Van Dyk and Salah and the title was over . Now he's saying they have a chance. What a knobhead :lol:

Should stop watching football and instead apply for the next role of Humpty Dumpty. He doesn't even need to cosplay, his entire head is Humpty Dumpty. Just need to green screen the body and smoothen the skin using AI.

I see them laughing on shitcafe. Let them. They will feast and drink themselves merry and fall asleep in the tents this night, whilst we must retreat, lick our wounds; honour and bury our men. Their joy at our misfortune may sustain them in the gruelling months ahead. But they will grow complacent. They shall forget about the threat of the red menace. Whilst they are resting on their laurels, we shall rebuild. Stronger, smarter, tougher than before. As the nights stretch into August, they shall sleep contently, only to be woken by the beat of a drum. Softly at first, like the first beat of a butterfly’s wings, but soon increasing in sound and intensity, until it is deafening. By the time they realise what it is, it is too late. The red men are here, lined up to face them on the brow of the hill. Our soldiers, resplendent in red, hearts on their sleeves, calves in their socks, waiting to vanquish them once and for all. Hold fast, red men, We. Shall. Return. This isn’t the fall of Rome, it is the start of an empire.

If this quote had been made 10-15 years ago, I'd have believed that it was genuine but I wonder if RAWK has been infiltrated by people who are trying to one up each other to make up ridiculous sounding quotes like these nowadays.

It's been a long time since I've trawled RAWK. Is that old geezer who is supposed to be United fan from the 60s but slags off the club and Fergie every chance he got still around?
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