RAWK Goes Into Meltdown (2012/2013)

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I've never really looked at RAWK that much until recently, but it really is an unbelievable place!

Of the 40 topics listed on page 1 of their Transfer Forum, no fewer than 28 have been locked by mods. (Yes, I was so amazed I actually counted them.)

The whole place is an uproar of bickering, recriminations, paranoia, scape-goating, authoritarianism and the most incredible delusions.
On top of that there are restrictions on threads. You couldn't mention Spurs in the Gylfi thread :lol:, they dont have matchday threads, and so on. They try hard to live in their la la land.
LOL, needs to be posted there.

Don't be surprised if the entire 8 week ban get's overturned and an apology is issued to Suarez, Suarez's family for bringing his name into this & Liverpool FC for wasting their time when they should be concentrating on football.

Would love to see Suarez do the 5 fingered salute to the crowd.

Ah it was the gift that just kept giving. :lol: cornerstone moment in RAWK history.

That was their conclusion yes. I think the conclusion was wrong, but it's blurred because Evra may have interpreted it in a different manner that what it was intended. The cultural differences are clearly a factor, that's not a defence against the verdict but it should have mitigated the penalty.

Finally some classic RAWK!

koolkamal@RAWK said:
Folk dancing and music have largely remained intact, interestingly due to the Victorian and Edwardian composers who collected the traditional tunes and wrote them down, Cecil Sharp being the most important. This dispensed with the oral traditions that established them, but as a result it’s possible to find pubs all over the country that have regular music nights where people will bring their instruments for an ad hoc performance to perform, meet and learn new tunes.

Including a Cecil Sharp shoutout! :lol:

And they're such a bunch of unbelieveably conceited shits.
After all these years, I'm still stunned and amazed.

koolkamal@RAWK said:
We pride ourselves on being different to other fans; did this mean we were now the same as everyone else? The very fact that this debate was taking place suggests that we continue to be unique in our desire to remain Liverpool and in our respect for our history.

I can never get over the ridiculous connections these posts make: 'In 55BC, Julius Caesar invaded Britain...and that's just like Shanks arriving at Anfield after leaving Huddersfield Town' or 'The Viennese composer Antonio Salieri was once accused of poisoning Mozart, just like how the craven Carra stabbed Rafa in the back'.

I can never get over the ridiculous connections these posts make: 'In 55BC, Julius Caesar invaded Britain...and that's just like Shanks arriving at Anfield after leaving Huddersfield Town' or 'The Viennese composer Antonio Salieri was once accused of poisoning Mozart, just like how the craven Carra stabbed Rafa in the back'.
Fun RAWKspotter game!
Guess the title of/the general theme of the thread in which this post appears

LFCpostCOM@RAWK said:
Wittgenstein was a genius philosopher, a real master of the Socratic method, and he posed a question to his students once: "Tell me, why did people once think that the sun revolves around the earth?". One responded "because it looks as though it does". Witgenstein then said "Well, what would it look like if it had looked as if the earth were rotating?".

Yes, of course it's the Unemployed Rafa thread.

Rafa is the Svengali-cum-Charles Manson of RAWK members' emotions. He dazzles them with cryptic quotes like "Football is a lie" (???)

I can never get over the ridiculous connections these posts make: 'In 55BC, Julius Caesar invaded Britain...and that's just like Shanks arriving at Anfield after leaving Huddersfield Town' or 'The Viennese composer Antonio Salieri was once accused of poisoning Mozart, just like how the craven Carra stabbed Rafa in the back'.

:lol: whar???

Even the best of them write like amateur journalists. To be fair, even professional scribes like Martin Samuel can't begin an article on Rooney's metatarsal without mentioning the legend of Achilles...so you can see where the RAWK lot get their style tips.

However, you'd expect people who so obviously aspire to being pro writers to know basic literary trivia like the fact that 'Oscar Wilde's Portrait of Dorian Grey' is actually titled The Picture of Dorian Gray. That may seem picky of me, but it's all-too typical; these people pose as experts on all matters cultural - let alone on the subject of sport - when they're actually little better than the average football forum poster.
Fair enough too.

not Rawk said:
Hardly think Carroll has an attitude problem. Found the change from one club to another a bit hard, but when I see him on the pitch I can hardly see attitude as an issue. Probably lack of confidence I'd put it as which he showed a lot of it in the last 3-4 months of the season. Anyway have had enough to say about Carroll, I hope he stays, he will be one of the better strikers out there in 3-4 years.

Maybe it's one of those 10 year cycles. Kind of like the Vault in Borderlands. All fanfare and no delivery..
Must be Irony Giant.
So when we reap the seeds of what Kenny has sown in the next few years with our young bright manager blowing teams away with football they said could not be played at this pace in the Premiership. And when the pundits claim that these are all players who had no confidence under Kenny, or no guideance. I want people to remember that some of these foundations were laid by Kenny as well as those previous as well.

Sometimes I wonder if they truly believe in the shit they are spouting.

I think the RAWKers are just so desperate for a decent life that they are willing to pour all their hopes onto their football team.

Its like pimpled-faced teenagers watching porn and hoping that life is almost as good as that. Eventually with too much watching of porn, you lose a sense of what reality is. After a while, this virtual life become your actual "reality."

It says more about the real misery that is life in Scouseland more than anything else. Kind of sad in many ways.
Suarez case was never about racism, it was about Manchester United, Evra, Ferguson, The FA and the British media stitching up Liverpool Football Club. Anti-racism has really been the great loser in all this, and instead all the case has done is demean the idea of racism to a concept that can simply be used as a political ploy and a witchhunt buzzword to be sounded off arbitrarily in order to nullify and discredit arguments and reputations. The likes of Clarke Carlisle, Piara Powar, Jason Roberts and Gordon Taylor have taken it upon themselves to hoist their own media careers up on the back of their Sheer Moral Outrage And Indignation™, which the jingoist and nationalist British public have inexorably, obliviously lapped up like the vapid, small-time, unassuming dullards they are.

:eek: fecking hell..

They had the opportunity to stick the knife in, and they took it. Ferguson spent twenty five years chasing after our record, and you think we don't matter to him? The man hates us. He instigated the whole thing, and his post-match comments that day deliberately singling-out and attacking Suarez for non-existent diving prove it. We got no decisions from referees from that point, and the media started up their hate campaign against our best player. You think he does these things without thinking about the consequences? It is all deliberate, because the man is a politician.

No, really.. fecking Hell. :eek:
On Suarez & his latest interview:

Oh jeez, the idea of him crying over it is heartbreaking. Poor thing...
They're still saying there was no evidence apparently. Which is true of course. The only proof they had of any racial language was his confession in multiple languages alongside the confirmation of said confession from Damian Commoli, apart from that where's the evidence la... total stitch up.

Idiots. Luis Suarez, we know what you are... etc etc.
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