Rasmussen sacked by team: All Tour De France stuff here


aspiring to be like Ryan Giggs
Apr 20, 2000
midtable anonymity
Le Tour

do you think they have to pay the congestion charge?

we could see a few british stage winners this year.

not sure who'll win win it. all the usual favourites are banned. i think it'll be from sastre, schleck, menchov, evans, kloden or leipheimer
There won't be a Brit stage winner. Everyone here thinks there will be, but Wiggins won't win the prologue, and Cavendish will have to beat McEwen in Canterbury.

You forgot Vinokourov.
There won't be a Brit stage winner. Everyone here thinks there will be, but Wiggins won't win the prologue, and Cavendish will have to beat McEwen in Canterbury.

You forgot Vinokourov.

forget vinokourov, he'll have a bad day in the mountains. same goes for valverde.

wiggins and millar can possibly win the prologue. cavendish has been a sensation and could nick a stage.
Wiggins almost made it today.

Quality ride - just didn't have enough in the tank. Wonder why no one followed his breakaway.

Hats off to him, but it was never going to last. The last stage before the mountains always ends in a mass sprint. Hopefull Hushovd will win a few more stages and end up with the green jersey once again.
i heard someone on the radio say that they have to consume 10,000 calories a day :eek: How is that even physically possible??? someone show me their diet plan, i'm just curious as to what they eat
i heard someone on the radio say that they have to consume 10,000 calories a day :eek: How is that even physically possible??? someone show me their diet plan, i'm just curious as to what they eat

For the non-dopers, lots of processed stuff like carbo gels, power bars etc etc. They eat in bed, on the road, basically round the clock to get the calories they need.

I read somewhere that they don't sleep very much - if you're doped you need to get up every few hours and pedal for a while to make sure your heart beats fast enough, otherwise you get a heart attack and die. If you're not doped, you still need to get up and have a power bar every few hours, or you won't be able to cycle the next day.
Patrick Sinkewitz has tested positive for testosterone. 'Kin Germans
Patrick Sinkewitz has tested positive for testosterone. 'Kin Germans

and that 2 days after hitting a fan whiilst on his bike and smashing his jaw into 4 broken bits. (the fan is even critical ill in intensive care.) he deserves some drugs.
For the non-dopers, lots of processed stuff like carbo gels, power bars etc etc. They eat in bed, on the road, basically round the clock to get the calories they need.

I read somewhere that they don't sleep very much - if you're doped you need to get up every few hours and pedal for a while to make sure your heart beats fast enough, otherwise you get a heart attack and die. If you're not doped, you still need to get up and have a power bar every few hours, or you won't be able to cycle the next day.

All this shit for a yellow jersey???? Aren't there any side effects to this weird food regimen??
Why do they continue to take these things even after so many have already tested positive?

Been thinking the same thing. I fear that many get away with it. If all the riders were caught then surely no one would try it?

I knew that something was wrong yesterday. Vino was too strong after the collapse on Sunday. But to take another persons blood is idiotic, that must be the easiest thing for the testers to find.
Is cycling is "dirtiest" sports in the world?

I think some sports may be just as dirty, like American Football perhaps. The rules aren`t so strict there I think. But cycling has the biggest amounts og cheating I`ve ever seen.
The amount of cheating found in Le Tour is astonishing!
I think almost everyone is drugged.
The most drugged up druggie wins.

I don`t think the sprinters are drugged to be honest. The likes of Hushovd,McEwen and Boonen wouldn`t have that much to gain from blood doping. The climbers and allrounders would though. I`m not sure that many of them are clean. Ullrich wasn`t, Landis wasn`t, Vino, Basso. The list goes on. Was Lance clean? It seems those who won before and after him cheated, it`s almost hard to believe that he didn`t as well. I hope he didn`t.
I don`t think the sprinters are drugged to be honest. The likes of Hushovd,McEwen and Boonen wouldn`t have that much to gain from blood doping. The climbers and allrounders would though. I`m not sure that many of them are clean. Ullrich wasn`t, Landis wasn`t, Vino, Basso. The list goes on. Was Lance clean? It seems those who won before and after him cheated, it`s almost hard to believe that he didn`t as well. I hope he didn`t.
I think he was. I mean Lance Amstrong. There is no way he could win without those aid.
I think Lance was clean and that he was one of the greatest atheletes in all of sports. After all weren't the allegations against just just pure speculation by some newspapers??
I think Lance was clean and that he was one of the greatest atheletes in all of sports. After all weren't the allegations against just just pure speculation by some newspapers??

Some were. I think a large problem was that the antidoping work at that time was poorly organized. But a lot of people close to him claimed that he used drugs.
Cycling.... after all the drug scandals does it even matter anymore???

that's the problem. and why would sponsors want to continue supporting this Tour when all this stuff is happening year after year?
I've lost a lot of interest in it due to the scandals. I used to watch it all the time.
How fecking stupid can that guy be? Did he really think he could get away with it? Un-fecking-believable...

The other riders are going ballistic, a feeling of anger and astonishment exists in the peloton. The comments posted on here prove why most riders feel this way.

Btw, lets get the record straight. I could do blood doping every day and I still would still take me 2 years to climb the Aubisque. They may be cheats, but talented cheats at that.

Take an effort to watch tomorrows mountain stage with the finish on the Aubisque. Look at the expressions of pain and exhaustion on the riders faces as they struggle on the climb, and tell me if you still lable them as cheats.

Golf's worse apparently... Anyway, unfortunately some of these riders have become so obsessed with the tour that they'd risk anything to win it. It's a real shame.
Is cycling is "dirtiest" sports in the world?

No, it just chooses to wash it's dirty laundry that much more publicly than other sports

I think Lance was clean and that he was one of the greatest atheletes in all of sports. After all weren't the allegations against just just pure speculation by some newspapers??

The French did not like Lance and what they perceived as a huge amount of arrogance in his character and the loudest allegations came from the main french paper l'equipe (spell?). They hold a huge amount of sway in sport over there (the yellow jersey for example is taken from the colour or it's pages - or that is the official explanation) and when there was a problem with one of Armstrong's 'B' samples a few years ago they were all over the story like a rash. There is no real foundation to say this was definitely a positive test though and the paper quietly admitted as much later.

Having said that, there have been other rumours and books written about the guy.

Btw, lets get the record straight. I could do blood doping every day and I still would still take me 2 years to climb the Aubisque. They may be cheats, but talented cheats at that.

Take an effort to watch tomorrows mountain stage with the finish on the Aubisque. Look at the expressions of pain and exhaustion on the riders faces as they struggle on the climb, and tell me if you still lable them as cheats.

Unfortunately that's not the point though is it Rams? It's the act of artificially giving yourself the edge over your rivals. It's just cheating - it's a fecking shame, my Dad and my cousin are cyclists and the cycling community is a great one, but at the top end (especially on the roads) it's a filthy sport.

It's great to see the GB track team doing so well though, they are surely clean, they can't be using all the lottery money and years of hard work and still be risking using they various other methods to gain that edge of their rivals.
Unfortunately that's not the point though is it Rams? It's the act of artificially giving yourself the edge over your rivals. It's just cheating - it's a fecking shame, my Dad and my cousin are cyclists and the cycling community is a great one, but at the top end (especially on the roads) it's a filthy sport.

Wolfy, tomorrow they are cycling 200k over 1 mountain of the 2nd category, 2 of the 1st category and 2 of the highest. They will be going through abosulte hell. And that after 2 and a half weeks of non stop racing. And all we can do is call it a 'filthy sport'... tradgic. But the riders only have them selves to blame.

There is a drug culture in the sport, but I think today will prove a revolution in cycling. The media had hailed Vino before the tour as the new clean hope. Now this dream is in tatters.

For years the organisation of the tour de france, ASO, have been very angry at the UCI for allowing these cheats to compete in le tour. The UCI president, Pat McQuaid, is even barred from visiting the Tour.
Hot off the press: Apparently the ASO have approached 11 teams to set up a new pro tour as of next year, in which the ASO themselves will control the doping tests. The new tour will thus be independent of the UCI. Their are punishments are being talked about such as life long banning after a first positive test.

Don't forget that cycling still leads the way in drug testing. In no other sports are so many substances banned. The technology for drug testing is light years ahead than in any other sports. Cyclists get tested for drugs many many more times then any athletes in any other sport what so ever.
:rolleyes: those guys that run next to the cyclists then get hit by motorcycles deserve what they get. freaking idiots. I understand that they're passionate about the sport and their favourite riders but c'mon ffs.
i think all team leaders are stoned, especially those who aim the win, whit a substance not detectable yet. Lance ...he to , must be, ...ulrich stoned up couldn't keep up whit him.