Rashford - New contract or sell?

What to do with Marcus Rashford...

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Rashford's defensive stats by the way, still looking at where his effort was supposed to have dropped.
It's definitely still the ones who forgot he'd spent 6 straight seasons scoring, assisting and running for the team prior to that 18 months and overlooked that he'd just broken his fecking back, had a traumatic experience with the national team and his club team was absolutely in the pits.

Sorry, but there's no backward justification for this. It was as dumb then as it is now, and Rashford getting back to his usual self isn't the reason for that, the 250 games he played before he lost form were.
The reasons for his decline is up for debate, but it was clear that he was in decline. That's it. That's all I'm saying. And when a player is in a terrible decline for a year and there's a poll, most would say get rid if contact renewals were being discussed.
At the time of the poll he scored 5 goals in 32 matches and was bloody awful. Everyone was, but the poll was about Rashford.
My vote to sell was based on his form, his demeanour on the pitch and more importantly it was based on the medias reporting of PSG's 'alleged' interest at £100m. £100m at the time would have been a huge amount to fund the team building. It wasn't just 'I hate Rashford and want him gone at any cost', it would have just been a huge amount of money for an underperforming player who seemed to have lost his way. For me, that day, that vote, it seemed a pretty reasonable position and I'd probably reach the same again. Obviously now, as I'm told, I was just fecking stupid and shouldn't have an opinion :)

I'm still pretty pragmatic about it and for me, there's no guarantee his current form will continue. I'm not suddenly thinking he's going to win us the league singlehandedly and that his current form will be permanent. I hope it is of course, it's great watching him emerging from his bad spell but I'm also realistic enough to know things can always change, for better or worse.
In the summer was a viable option for sure.
I think saying we should have sold our current best attacker last summer is a daft opinion. There was a massive malaise around the club, and those that accounted for this and considered Rashfords talent levels were right to do so. Those who suggested he should be sold were wrong and the evidence is now there for all to see.
It's definitely still the ones who forgot he'd spent 6 straight seasons scoring, assisting and running for the team prior to that 18 months and overlooked that he'd just broken his fecking back, had a traumatic experience with the national team and his club team was absolutely in the pits.

Sorry, but there's no backward justification for this. It was as dumb then as it is now, and Rashford getting back to his usual self isn't the reason for that, the 250 games he played before he lost form were.

He’s only hit double digits in the league three times. And ten and eleven goals respectively isn’t exactly that impressive in two of those seasons. Add that to the fact that his overall play has been largely shit his entire career and I just have to ask what the feck are you on about ?
The reasons for his decline is up for debate, but it was clear that he was in decline. That's it. That's all I'm saying. And when a player is in a terrible decline for a year and there's a poll, most would say get rid if contact renewals were being discussed.
That's because most people are reactionary and make bad choices about emotional topics like their football team. It's not something that needs a defence, call it what it is, silliness.
My vote to sell was based on his form, his demeanour on the pitch and more importantly it was based on the medias reporting of PSG's 'alleged' interest at £100m. £100m at the time would have been a huge amount to fund the team building. It wasn't just 'I hate Rashford and want him gone at any cost', it would have just been a huge amount of money for an underperforming player who seemed to have lost his way. For me, that day, that vote, it seemed a pretty reasonable position and I'd probably reach the same again. Obviously now, as I'm told, I was just fecking stupid and shouldn't have an opinion :)

I'm still pretty pragmatic about it and for me, there's no guarantee his current form will continue. I'm not suddenly thinking he's going to win us the league singlehandedly and that his current form will be permanent. I hope it is of course, it's great watching him emerging from his bad spell but I'm also realistic enough to know things can always change, for better or worse.
Yeah, don't know what I was thinking by debating with divine soothsayers. Guess that comes with being fecking stupid.
He’s only hit double digits in the league three times. And ten and eleven goals respectively isn’t exactly that impressive in two of those seasons. Add that to the fact that his overall play has been largely shit his entire career and I just have to ask what the feck are you on about ?
He got double digit goals from wide as a teenager/player in his early 20's for 5 straight seasons (and was scoring at that rate in his first season too). Between the ages of 18 and 23 he scored 88 goals and got 55 assists in 271 appearances, more than 1 every 2 games despite playing well over 2/3rds of his games from the wing. That's an excellent record for someone his age no matter how you want to paint it.

And if you think Rashford's overall play 'largely shit his entire career' then there's clearly very little worth saying to you. You're doubling down on nonsense out of embarrassment.
Yeah, don't know what I was thinking by debating with divine soothsayers. Guess that comes with being fecking stupid.

Aye, apparently I am now “doubling down on nonsense out of embarrassment.” That’s what we get for debating 12 year-olds.
He got double digit goals from wide as a teenager/player in his early 20's for 5 straight seasons (and was scoring at that rate in his first season too). Between the ages of 18 and 23 he scored 88 goals and got 55 assists in 271 appearances, more than 1 every 2 games despite playing well over 2/3rds of his games from the wing. That's an excellent record for someone his age no matter how you want to paint it.

And if you think Rashford's overall play 'largely shit his entire career' then there's clearly very little worth saying to you. You're doubling down on nonsense out of embarrassment.
He's having an absolute mare here.
It’s not even been half a fecking season of good form from Rashford yet there are hoards of posts pointing the finger at the 85% who voted to get rid of a player who had been pure shit for 18 months and couldn’t even be arsed to run for the team at the time.

Who is in fact dangerously stupid in this scenario
Definitely the people who wanted Rashford out. Every single time. Without a shadow of doubt. It was always idiotic, knee jerk, channeling rage to 1 player and ignoring the circumstances of him losing his form. And I never understood why. The guy should be treasured by United. He's capable of being a top class player, he was an excellent youngster, shows up in big games regularly, is an academy product, is a genuinely good person who tries to do good things in the world rather than being one of the many selfish, and to be frank monsters that exist in the game off the pitch, and apart from injury hit seasons, has always been class with his performances improving.

Last season? He came back from his surgery into a disaster of a team who were already spiraling. Anyone blaming Rashford there is straight up an idiot because we spiraled before he came back in. The year before, his all round play suffered due to being forced to play through constant injuries (which needed the surgery), yet still scored 20+ goals and had 10+ assists. As a left winger.

If you are one of the 85% here, you were an idiot when it comes to Rashford. That's all there is to it.
I will go for leao from Milan.3 years younger and his stats are similar to rashford this season. I believe he has a higher ceiling than rashford.
I don't know what makes Leao better. He's talented and has big potential, but so does Rashford and I don't think there is much that would point to Leao ahead of Rashford. Same position, much tougher league for Rashford, yet he has more goals. Leao has onlynonce scored 11 league goals and never more than 8 otherwise, despite being 23 and in the serie a for so long. Rashford was far better in every single year during his development compared to Leao while playing in the Prem, and now has a top level coach and he is stepping it up further now.
You must be a fecking genius

Naw I'm just not thick enough to think people who are struggling 'must try harder' like Boxer in Animal Farm (that's a book). The fact that 85% of people around here might think this (and I doubt they do) is worrying.
Aye, apparently I am now “doubling down on nonsense out of embarrassment.” That’s what we get for debating 12 year-olds.

Losing a debate to a 12 year old is even worse. This isn't the hill you want to die on.
Naw I'm just not thick enough to think people who are struggling 'must try harder' like Boxer in Animal Farm (that's a book). The fact that 85% of people around here might think this (and I doubt they do) is worrying.
Oh it's a book, it's it? Way to get your point across. I'm sure you're a born winner.
He got double digit goals from wide as a teenager/player in his early 20's for 5 straight seasons (and was scoring at that rate in his first season too). Between the ages of 18 and 23 he scored 88 goals and got 55 assists in 271 appearances, more than 1 every 2 games despite playing well over 2/3rds of his games from the wing. That's an excellent record for someone his age no matter how you want to paint it.

And if you think Rashford's overall play 'largely shit his entire career' then there's clearly very little worth saying to you. You're doubling down on nonsense out of embarrassment.

And 76 of those appearances were off the bench. Going by minutes played, it was the equivalent of 200 full games.

Goes back to the same point - Rashford isn't world class, but up until last season* he'd been getting better year on year and consistently producing at a good level. I distinctly remember going back and forth with some people who were very vocal in this thread (until a couple of months ago :wenger: ) during that 2020/21 season, where myself and a couple of others were making the point that there weren't many forwards we could realistically sign who'd been producing goals and assists at Rashford's level. The most common response was "the stats are okay but his general play is rubbish and he doesn't press - we can easily get someone better".

You don't even have to look outside of our own team to see that particular reasoning doesn't have much substance - a large majority of posters on here were convinced that when we got Sancho, he'd end up replacing Rashford on the left wing rather than playing alongside him on the right because he was just a better player. Rashford, in the most wretched year of his career, still outperformed him last season. Then we were linked with Antony for most of the summer and again, the default consensus on here was that Sancho and Antony would be our starting wing partnership. Six months on and Rashford is clearly ahead of both of them in the pecking order - I wouldn't get too carried away saying Rafael Leao or whoever else could just walk straight into this team and immediately improve us.

* yes, he was absolute shite throughout 2021/22 and incredibly frustrating to watch - anyone who watched that season and was annoyed enough to say 'no, I don't want to renew this guy unless/until he turns his form around' heading into last summer was clearly well within their rights. The point of contention here is that the ones who voted to keep Rashford weren't just fanboys basing it on blind faith, either.
I think saying we should have sold our current best attacker last summer is a daft opinion. There was a massive malaise around the club, and those that accounted for this and considered Rashfords talent levels were right to do so. Those who suggested he should be sold were wrong and the evidence is now there for all to see.

His next deal was going to have to be a big one. Why would thinking that a player, who looked like he was not even interested in football, shouldn't be tied down to a 50m plus contract be daft?
Fair play to you for being able to predict the future though. To me this line of thinking is daft.
@Real Name @glazed You two are pretty irritating in your responses. The fact that neither of you can see that Rashford was gash when the poll had been created just speaks volumes of your stubbornness. It turns out you were right, thank god, but it was a long shot. All signs were pointing to a sad decline for Rashford.

Now, posters like @EtH and I have changed our opinion on the player. We will gladly admit we were wrong. But wow, it's annoying when some smug, childish poster comes along and say "Ooohh. I told you so."

At the time of the poll he scored 5 goals in 32 matches and was bloody awful. Everyone was, but the poll was about Rashford.

Tbf EtH has been pretty annoying too, seems to spend most of their day thinking up new reasons why Rashford's behaviour was a total betrayal of everything Manchester United stands for.

Not much admitting we were wrong over the last few pages. Lots of posters speaking like their opinions are the objective word of God though. Rashford was crap for at least a year, everyone knows that, but the energy some of you are putting into saying exactly how offensively, earth-shatteringly crap you feel he was is coming across like a vendetta against one of our own.

It isn't surprising, nor should it be annoying that people come to Rashford's defence. He's one of our own, a United player since he was 7, and frequently the brightest spark in our team over the last 6 years. Not to mention he seems like a genuinely great human being who works for the community and for making sure children have food.

Seems like this thread is full of people determined to put into words how totally shit they feel Rashford was in 2021-22 in order to save face on their answer to a 6 month old internet poll. Which annoys me cos it seems like supporting our players is coming second to defending our egos.
His next deal was going to have to be a big one. Why would thinking that a player, who looked like he was not even interested in football, shouldn't be tied down to a 50m plus contract be daft?
Fair play to you for being able to predict the future though. To me this line of thinking is daft.
Because he was young, homegrown and had displayed sufficient quality previously to suggest he was well worth persevering with. Also, no one that was in favour of selling him seems to be prepared to factor in the obvious decline and terrible atmosphere at the club at the time, along with his serious injury concerns prior. Why can’t you factor these in when considering why his form had dropped? Why does selling him seem like a good idea, when a replacement would probably require a similar salary, along with a huge transfer fee (given our past transfer dealing and inflated fees)?

I just think a bit of sensible, joined-up thinking would lead to the conclusion that selling him would have been an obviously bonkers decision, and I dare say our current manager would agree.
Tbf EtH has been pretty annoying too, seems to spend most of their day thinking up new reasons why Rashford's behaviour was a total betrayal of everything Manchester United stands for.

Not much admitting we were wrong over the last few pages. Lots of posters speaking like their opinions are the objective word of God though. Rashford was crap for at least a year, everyone knows that, but the energy some of you are putting into saying exactly how offensively, earth-shatteringly crap you feel he was is coming across like a vendetta against one of our own.

It isn't surprising, nor should it be annoying that people come to Rashford's defence. He's one of our own, a United player since he was 7, and frequently the brightest spark in our team over the last 6 years. Not to mention he seems like a genuinely great human being who works for the community and for making sure children have food.

Seems like this thread is full of people determined to put into words how totally shit they feel Rashford was in 2021-22 in order to save face on their answer to a 6 month old internet poll. Which annoys me cos it seems like supporting our players is coming second to defending our egos.
You know, it's sad that you wrote such a beautiful and eloquent post and tagged someone who fecking agrees with you.
He's never gotten top level coaching before this. Every United player declined the last few years while City players improved. And btw if ETH thinks he's good enough he knows better than all of you here.
Seems like this thread is full of people determined to put into words how totally shit they feel Rashford was in 2021-22 in order to save face on their answer to a 6 month old internet poll. Which annoys me cos it seems like supporting our players is coming second to defending our egos.

The interesting thing is not whether they were right or wrong to want to sell him. Obviously they couldn't have been more wrong. Nobody has ever been this wrong (except when SAF wanted David Moyes made manager obviously).

The interesting thing is how so many people could hold such a stupid opinion in the first place and seek to defend it even now. It's worth keeping in mind when you read the other posts by those voters.
Because he was young, homegrown and had displayed sufficient quality previously to suggest he was well worth persevering with. Also, no one that was in favour of selling him seems to be prepared to factor in the obvious decline and terrible atmosphere at the club at the time, along with his serious injury concerns prior. Why can’t you factor these in when considering why his form had dropped? Why does selling him seem like a good idea, when a replacement would probably require a similar salary, along with a huge transfer fee (given our past transfer dealing and inflated fees)?

I just think a bit of sensible, joined-up thinking would lead to the conclusion that selling him would have been an obviously bonkers decision, and I dare say our current manager would agree.

You do accept Rashford was in no position to negotiate a bumper contract last summer?
Ten Hag obviously agreed he didn't deserve one as he wasn't offered one. He gave him a chance to prove himself and to be fair to Rashford he has improved.
There was no option in the poll for the above option.
Our dilemma was obvious and I don't think it was near as clear cut as you are making out.
Rashford literally gave up in games last year, didn't try. This is pretty much inexcusable for any player never mind one earning massive money at one of the biggest clubs in England (this is why a replacement would have seemed like a good idea). The fans were rightly pissed off with Rashford and I've seen better players sold for less.
I think you lost when your defence was "I know less about football than a 12 year old" to be honest.
If the wage cap is true and psg come in and offer big money… does he stay at united for less money? Or go there for 350/400k a week?

ETH or money?
If the wage cap is true and psg come in and offer big money… does he stay at united for less money? Or go there for 350/400k a week?

ETH or money?

Maybe we should sell him before he runs down his contract and goes for a free?
There are probably less than 5 LWs better than him in the world. Which one do you think we can get?

There's definitely less than 5, other than Mbappe who's better? I guess Son and Mane are in the conversation based on previous seasons form. Vinicius is another?
You do accept Rashford was in no position to negotiate a bumper contract last summer?
Ten Hag obviously agreed he didn't deserve one as he wasn't offered one. He gave him a chance to prove himself and to be fair to Rashford he has improved.
There was no option in the poll for the above option.
Our dilemma was obvious and I don't think it was near as clear cut as you are making out.
Rashford literally gave up in games last year, didn't try. This is pretty much inexcusable for any player never mind one earning massive money at one of the biggest clubs in England (this is why a replacement would have seemed like a good idea). The fans were rightly pissed off with Rashford and I've seen better players sold for less.
I’m not sure what ‘literally gave up’ means (do you know the meaning of ‘literally’?). The stats posted by another poster above suggest his work rate was fine. And regardless of the options in the poll, no one made anyone choose an option. I didn’t vote in the poll as both options were daft. I would have played it exactly how it has gone, I.E. get a competent manager in and see if Rashford gets back on track, as he has always had huge, obvious potential.

I can’t see any sensible way to spin selling Rashford as a sensible option. It was silly then and silly now.
I’m not sure what ‘literally gave up’ means (do you know the meaning of ‘literally’?). The stats posted by another poster above suggest his work rate was fine. And regardless of the options in the poll, no one made anyone choose an option. I didn’t vote in the poll as both options were daft. I would have played it exactly how it has gone, I.E. get a competent manager in and see if Rashford gets back on track, as he has always had huge, obvious potential.

I can’t see any sensible way to spin selling Rashford as a sensible option. It was silly then and silly now.
He stopped running and defending, literally. You know it as we all were discussing it for last 2 months of the season. You can pretend it didn't happen but we all know it did.
He let his club down, especially the fans who payed good money to go see the games. I might forgive it but I certainly haven't forgotten it.
When Gary Neville brought it up on Sky Sports he knew his sulking game was up and decided to knuckle down but he really should have been more professional at a time when we were at such a low point.
Had nothing at all to do with pressing. He was literally walking around the pitch most of the time. No runs in behind. Bailing out on 50/50’s and even balls he looked favorite for. Half-hearted jogs while he should be tracking back, leaving his fullback 2v1 regularly…

It was shocking, and I find the amount of revisionism in this thread sad really. Four months of good form does not excuse or forgive that. I hope we wait to see if he can carry this form into next season before rewarding him with a new contract.
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