Sorry but we must have been watching different players because he has that thought process that most top midfielders have shared, that is knowing 4-5 moves in advance and being absolutely aware of the entire team to make the best possible decision. He's obviously far off the standards the likes of Scholes or Modric have set in that regard but he's absolutely on that right path. What has actually stopped him from having a strong impact on the game is us lacking any sort of tactical shape or consistency that will allow him to get the best output from the team. It is what he enjoyed at Juve and lacks at France, and the difference is there to see. For a CM it's utterly important that the rest of the team follows his lead, like a quarterback in NFL. The sooner the entire team can adapt to his style the better it is for us, the man has tremendous vision and the ability to execute that with perfection.
I mean, really, just look his body language and speed of release as soon as he gets the ball, he's got the clarity of how to set an attack in motion and precisely why he's so highly rated. People rave about the likes of Herrera, Mata and Mkhi, and these blokes are so slow in terms on what to do next with the ball it's painful to see. Unless there's an obvious pass they just take a lifetime to think and end up passing it back to Valencia. There's barely any creativity or imagination in their play and they're miles behind Pogba in that regard. Some of the passes and lobs he played last season through the middle to set up our forward were absolutely another level and that is the standard of a top player. We have been pushed down to mediocrity of Moyes dinosaur level footie or van gaal's wait for another century to create a chance style that we have forgotten what to rate higher. It's players who can come up with a moment of magic or imagination who matter the most for any top team. Pogba has that and Martial and Rashford are capable of reaching that level, whereas the others I named will never get above their average standard where are they are only good enough to drive linear predictable attacks and barely ever try anything risky or catch the opposition off guard. It's shocking for players like Mata who is the epitome of safety first football, and is supposed to be a 'creative' player. I was excited when we got us looking at his numbers and thinking finally we have a player who can be our David Silva and cut teams open through the middle but he's not even close to that. [/offtopic]
We clearly are watching different players as Pogba does not have this thought process at all. He is capable of it but most of the time his thought process is more about whether he can get a shot away, or beat a man, or play a Hollywood ball. He is constantly guilty of not playing the right pass or making the right decision at the right time. It is a massive glaring weakness in his game. It's basically the ONLY weakness in his game and often has a huge negative impact on his performance in a game, so I find it really bizarre that anyone could reach the opposite conclusion. When you are resorting to blaming the entire rest of the team and tactical set up to justify one player underperforming, you know you are on the wrong path. Same excuses have been used on here in the past for countless players. If a player's decision making is good, that would by default make them very easily adaptable tactically. Scholes for example slotted in easily to 3 completely different Ferguson teams, in different roles each time.
He is certainly capable of moments of magic and winning a game, but he is not as good as he should be because of his tendency to go looking for these moments too often, when they are simply not there. That is bad decision making. There have been countless times this season alone when he has ignored a simple pass to play a team mate in, in order to try something bordering on ridiculous.
This is absolute bullshit - seriously how can you literally come up with something like that. This is the place United players are rated the highest. If you think people underrated United players in comparison to outsiders (again, I can't digest that thought being in a group of United fans) then god forbid if you ever go outside and see how our players are rated.
This thread would be considered a pisstake anywhere else on the internet, and I'm not saying it is a pisstake but it exists because we rate Rashford higher than anyone else would. Throughout the transfer season people were against buying any foreign quantity including Neymar when we already have a top prospect coming up. Heck, we opposed the transfer of Van Persie because we wanted Welbeck to lead the line. You will not get higher ratings for United players anywhere else on the internet, which is obvious given its the United forum but it's hilarious to think non United players will be rated more on here.
About time some of you get your head out of these crap conspiracy theories of people rating players based on nationalities and amazingly their name's spellings. Everyone here has watched as much as everyone else here and no one is a casual fan per say who would talk like that - that's the level you find in facebook, twitter etc discussions, not on a proper forum where people's content is judged before they are allowed to participate in main forums.
People rate players who take their teams deep into CL, win leagues and perform highly in that in comparison players of a team finishing 6th and barely looking like title contenders until this season - shock, horror. Our squad has been bang average right since Fergie's last days and there's no bias of any kind in that. Your post would make sense if someone the likes of Mata and Mkhi were driving us to the top titles. Of course we were excited during their transfers because naturally we hope the transfer to work out perfectly but it's not always the case. Mata was two-time Chelsea player of the season and at one point one of the best players in the league, he hasn't shown that level even once at United, there's no mystery in why his ratings went down after his transfer. The likes of Pogba, Bailly and now Lukaku haven't had that dip - because they have performed to the expectations or at least shown enough promise. Stop coming up with seriously insane theories like United players not being rated in a United forum, it makes no sense. In fact if a player isn't being his own club's fans that only means he simply hasn't delivered, fans are the last group in the world who would go against their own players.
You claim it's complete bullshit, yet in your previous post which I've just quoted, this is literally exactly what you have done. You dedicated an entire mini rant to doing the EXACT thing which you then in your very next post claim to be bullshit've even used the exact same two players that I named as examples to do it!
Not only that, but then you go and do the exact same thing again with Mata in THIS post. Mata's "numbers" have actually been better at United than they were at Chelsea.... Chelsea also did not win or contend for the league while Mata was there, and even failed to finish 4th during one of these player of the year seasons.
Yet you are claiming he was a better player for Chelsea than for United. He is the same player. Again, really bizarre how you reach your conclusions. You call something bullshit then dedicate a massive paragraph to showcasing to everyone exactly why it isn't bullshit at all.
This is also exactly why you are setting up Mbappe for a massive fall. Placing stupid, non reality based expectations on him, then having to try and defend yourself or ignore reality if and when he doesn't live up to them.
There is no unfair comparison at all with comparing two teenagers who have done everything they possibly could have at the stage in their career which they are at. The idea Rashford would be nothing if he wasn't a United player is even more stupid than everything else you've come out with. If a player at Liverpool for example had helped them to three major trophies with match winning goals and performances, scored winning goals against Chelsea, Arsenal, Everton, etc...and regularly put in MOTM performances, at the age of 19, the idea I wouldn't know of or rate said player is so stupid I don't even know why I'm having to bother pointing the stupidity of it out. There would almost definitely be a thread on here with someone like you calling us all idiots for comparing one of our own players to him.
I don't actually care if he is or will be as good as Mbappe or vice versa, because it is simply not possible to know this one way or the other at this point in time, let alone be aggressive about your certainty of it.