Rashford considering his future...

When a player has been playing shit like Rashford, he should take the criticism like a man and be aware that the fans especially the ones who paid the money to attend the game are unhappy with his performance.

Criticism shouldn't be viewed the same way as abuse or hate because they are not the same thing. A mature employee would take criticism from customer like a man and use it to motivate yourself to improve your performance. The same with footballers, cooks, and everyone.

Nobody who sticks around at a football stadium for ages to shout abuse at a player is offering any kind of constructive criticism. They’re likely just taking out frustrations at their own unhappy life on somebody else in a really unhealthy way.

They should probably take their issues like a man and go to therapy.
Or you know, using him as a squad player? Sancho can be used on either wing. Rashford can play up top or on the right occasionally but is best as a LW. Do City sell Bernardo Silva, Sterling, Grealish, Gabriel Jesus, Mahrez because they don't necessarily start every game? No they have a group of attackers to rotate with and push each other on. We have Sancho, Rashford..... martial..... Elanga.... Amad...??? You're saying we sell Rashford, leading us to need to sign a starting striker, a backup striker, a starting winger, and a depth winger now. Its literally horrible squad management to sell a player like Rashford after a bad year when he can provide so much.
Not sure MR wants that.
Nobody who sticks around at a football stadium for ages to shout abuse at a player is offering any kind of constructive criticism. They’re likely just taking out frustrations at their own unhappy life on somebody else in a really unhealthy way.

They should probably take their issues like a man and go to therapy.
''Come on guys, after that performance''

Is that an abuse?
Do you know what happened before that conveniently cut video?

Aside from that there’s also the old adage of straws and camels backs

Rashford reached to a boiling point and lost his cool right after someone said ''Come on guys, after that performance''.
When a player has been playing shit like Rashford, he should take the criticism like a man and be aware that the fans especially the ones who paid the money to attend the game are unhappy with his performance.

Criticism shouldn't be viewed the same way as abuse or hate because they are not the same thing. A mature employee would take criticism from customer like a man and use it to motivate yourself to improve your performance. The same with footballers, cooks, and everyone.
worst post ive read in a while

people should man up to abuse and criticism then.....

You should read up a bit on mental health
You just gonna keep ignoring the part about a conveniently cut video then

Real mature

If someone abused him, why didn't he lose his cool right after he got abused? Why did he lose his cool right after someone said ''Come on guys, after that performance''? Do you get it now, it's called immaturity!!
Still find it weird that grown men hang around on a regular basis to get a 24 yr olds signature.

I get it the one time if you want it for your kid or something. But by his own admission the guy's there on the regular shouting for Rashford. Time to grow up me thinks.
worst post ive read in a while

people should man up to abuse and criticism then.....

You should read up a bit on mental health

I think you should be the one who read up bit on mental health if you still think abuse and criticism are the same thing despite of me already telling you they are different.
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You just gonna keep ignoring the part about a conveniently cut video then

Real mature

Do you know the video was cut or are you guessing?

I'm all for someone having a go back at loudmouth twatish fans but offering the guy out was going too far. I bet he feels a little silly today.
I think you are totally over looking the fact it is he unhappy with reduced playing time due to his serious dip in form. Its seriously doubtful he'd ever be happy with a back up role. Making it a challenge to keep him
He has reduced playing time due to the form though. We need some good man management here to make him understand and feel valued that there is absolutely an important role for him once his levels improve again. Its not an unreasonable thing. Little talk of him being unhappy with reduced playing time, of course he's unhappy but you don't sell a player because they are unhappy with reduced playing time after a bad spell. Up to them to get past the bad spell and force their way back in. Not like we are spoiled for choice, 2 good back to back games and he'll be a starter again, simply as the competition for places is virtually non existent.

And long term even if we sign a winger. Manage them like City or Liverpool do. Who is the backup or starter out of Diaz/Jota/Mane/Firmino for Liverpool? What about between Mahrez, Sterling, Grealish, Foden, Jesus, Bernardo Silva? None are backups, all are rotated and have a fair shot at starting any game. That's what we need to develop and Rashford can easily be part of a group like that.
would you yell your criticism across the restaurant then to use your comparison?

The kids are waiting outside to see their heroes which is great. There are obviously a strange group who stay behind after a game to shout criticism at players who havent performed. You think this is fine? what is the purpose of doing that? thats not support.... thats just intentionally venting at a player who is a bad place in terms of performance. what is the purpose of that? its not like Rashford hasnt been trying

I said Rashford over reacted and his poor performances coupled with the 'criticism' and abuse he receives is obviously affecting him mentally. Rashford has been a good pro and an example to others in the past. To see him react like that shows to me he is frustrated and under pressure rather than immature. When have we seen this before? The yelled criticism from fans isnt going to help that. These are exactly the kind of people who would have been yelling at Fergie in 1989 or 1990.

We'll agree to disagree but for me the fans play a role in encouraging players and supporting them when they are in bad places. You carry on though eh.

You seem to use a couple of labels; criticism and abuse. I'm not sure how you or others differentiate those negative sentiments.

Your analogy that someone wouldn't shout across a restaurant is flawed, if only because of proximity to the potential individual underperforming and the feedback mechanism and listening that exists. Why you blame fans for club failures is interesting. It is failings, only by, what seems, your expectation that the proximity of players to customers and historical use for feedback from such proximity shouldnt occur.
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Not sure what the abuse is in that video. They yelled at him about his performance and then in much lower tones spoke to themselves about him being shit. Hardly abuse.

However, I see his reaction as showing his frustration and it seems to me like he does care (hopefully about performing for united and not just about himself). A player who didn't care wouldn't even be bothered to respond to any of that, I think.

I believe he should be given 1 more season to try to get back to form. However, if he is unhappy with his reduced playing time which is obviously due to form and completely justified, then he can move on.
I hope rashford joins liverpool so that even the most deluded utd fan (@Nou_Camp99) is forced to give him dogs abuse.

How am I delusional? Up until this season Rashford has been a very good player for us.

I think you're all bring incredibly pathetic and trying to take out your frustration on him. He was only a substitute the other night. What did the rest of them do? Sweet feck all.
I wonder what is an acceptable form of criticism by fans. As per several posters here, shouting about performance is unacceptable. Shouting when player walks down the road is bad. Boos are for bad suppoters. Handkerchiefs are for pussies. Whistling is yuck.

Looks like being a supporter means accepting shit effort from players. And clapping like a robot.
When a player has been playing shit like Rashford, he should take the criticism like a man and be aware that the fans especially the ones who paid the money to attend the game are unhappy with his performance.

Criticism shouldn't be viewed the same way as abuse or hate because they are not the same thing. A mature employee would take criticism from customer like a man and use it to motivate yourself to improve your performance. The same with footballers, cooks, and everyone.

Which begs a larger question about society in general: how much are young adults and teenagers being taught about taking criticism and building stronger resilience nowadays? It's almost crazy to believe that younger adults and teenagers look so fragile compared to those who came just before them (let's say anyone closer to 30 years and older).
If he at least showed the bare minimum - effort, I'd have more sympathy. It's not only bad form, he actively avoids working for the team. Almost looks like some random bloke pulled from the OT crowd and made to walk around the pitch in an United shirt.

Unless he has some serious injury we don't know about - it's inexcusable. If he has an injury and can't walk - just come out and say it.
Just an absolute circus isn't it? You ever see this kind of fiasco coming from City and Pool at the moment? No they're too busy building good teams and winning stuff. Meanwhile us... The camp around Rashford are taking the absolute piss. Any sensible club would have him gone yesterday, it's not like he's even good at the moment it's beyond a joke. The Barca rumours... Hmmm I remember a lot of those with Rashford when was it?? Oh yes, around about the time of his last contract negotiation! "thinks" could there be a link...? Could there?

I like Wrighty a lot but he's completely wrong about that video. How much evidence is now needed to see Rashford's attitude is really, really bad. It's on the club to stop being a circus and to let this madness end. I'm sure Ralf will give them good advice on it, let's hope they take it.
I feel like one too many pr people /agent have got into his head since he started to be seen as a brand's dream to sponsor.

I don't think mentally he yet has the strength to handle the weight that has been put upon him on and off the pitch
This is his seventh season, and he's had only one ('19-20) where he scored the number of goals expected of a forward. Granted he was very young in the first two or three seasons, but last season he had 37 league appearances and scored 11, and it's not as though he was subbed in for the last five minutes in the majority of those games. I'm fine if we keep him next season, but if he doesn't come good by then, it's hard to justify sticking with him any further than that. This is turning into another Welbeck situation. He'll be 25 this year, and if he hasn't proven anything by then, odds are exceedingly low that he's really got it. A player who is horrendously bad for a literal entire season is very, very unlikely to have anything special. Last season he was only good in the Europa League as well, he did nothing in any other competition.
I feel like one too many pr people /agent have got into his head since he started to be seen as a brand's dream to sponsor.

I don't think mentally he yet has the strength to handle the weight that has been put upon him on and off the pitch

He has 2 older brothers on his PR team. I can't tell how much and what type of an influence they have on him, but whatever they do is not working the right way at all.

On top of being mentally weak himself, his entourage looks like a crock of shit as well. Total recipe for disaster.
A lot of people in this thread seem to have a deep insight into Rashfords mentality.
I wonder what is an acceptable form of criticism by fans. As per several posters here, shouting about performance is unacceptable. Shouting when player walks down the road is bad. Boos are for bad suppoters. Handkerchiefs are for pussies. Whistling is yuck.

Looks like being a supporter means accepting shit effort from players. And clapping like a robot.

Only when it's Rashford. When Fellaini was booed before the game, during the game and after the game the fans have a right. Now it's Rashford and it was not even abuse. It was perfectly acceptable criticism. That's now abuse.
No wonder this club is where it is. Lots of fans at least here are fans of the managers or the players.
If you can't take the heat don't get into the kitchen.
Now Eric was abused. Rashford, hell No.
Only when it's Rashford. When Fellaini was booed before the game, during the game and after the game the fans have a right. Now it's Rashford and it was not even abuse. It was perfectly acceptable criticism. That's now abuse.
No wonder this club is where it is. Lots of fans at least here are fans of the managers or the players.
If you can't take the heat don't get into the kitchen.
Now Eric was abused. Rashford, hell No.

As much as fellaini was scapegoat, I would.much prefer him in our side with his warrior attitude and work ethic over a lot of our primadonna players. I always felt ole moved on and snubbed too many players with the right attitude in favour of a lot mentally weak players
A lot of people in this thread seem to have a deep insight into Rashfords mentality.
You have a better explanation? All we see out there is a player refusing to bust his guts in his attempt to get out of a slump. How can a lack of effort be justified from the second he steps on that pitch?
He has 2 older brothers on his PR team. I can't tell how much and what type of an influence they have on him, but whatever they do is not working the right way at all.

On top of being mentally weak himself, his entourage looks like a crock of shit as well. Total recipe for disaster.
His PR team are doing major damage to him, but too dumb and brazen to even see it. Only a week ago day after the humiliating derby where Rashford was again dreadful and we have the story of him being unhappy and looking elsewhere. Fans dont forget this stuff, and PRashford have only themselves to blame. Even Ralf called him and his family out last week after it

Liverpool are interested, phone not stopped ringing...BUT... :lol: . His team are ridiculous
The rest of them played quite well in the first half. High effort levels at least.

Then Rashford comes on and somehow manages to work a fraction of the amount his team mates around him do despite them having burst a gut for 70 minutes.

He was poor no doubt. Pogba wasn't any better. Some of the players who started weren't great either.

He could come on for just 5 mins and that would be enough for some on here.

Utd fans need to start focusing on the real problem. The owners and board.
Barca can have him. Them being interested in him is just an example of how shit their transfers have been for the most part the last couple of years.

Big name and fee signings were a disaster for them (except Frenkie). Rashford would just be another one. Their young guns and under the radar signings are saving them currently.
So let me get it right. A player who is paid disproportionately to his ability, refuses to run hard in games and is probably to blame for a lot of leaks to the press. Still plays shit, and has the audacity to blank fans - gets the most lamest comment thrown at him and that entitles him to offer a fan out for a fight? And then it gets liked by the actual club. United ability to cultivate the right mentality in our youngsters is shocking.
I feel like one too many pr people /agent have got into his head since he started to be seen as a brand's dream to sponsor.

I don't think mentally he yet has the strength to handle the weight that has been put upon him on and off the pitch
Neither the mentality nor the talent. He's a good player on his day, with a lot of flaws still, but capable of getting you 20+ goals a season in a functional side which should have some value if he can get back to that. But he's not someone I ever considered a superstar talent. You also have to wonder if the way he was managed through his injuries has had a permanent outcome on his ability to get back to his best.
He was poor no doubt. Pogba wasn't any better. Some of the players who started weren't great either.

He could come on for just 5 mins and that would be enough for some on here.

Utd fans need to start focusing on the real problem. The owners and board.

It's really not even worth him coming on for 5 mins these days. The owners or board or Pogba or whoever else we want to deflect attention to doesn't change how poor he has been for a very long time.
Like it or not we will have to keep a hold of him for atleast 2 more seasons. With Cavani leaving, Ronaldo potentially leaving if no CL, Martial out the door and Greenwood of to prison FC, we are very light upfront. IDK if there are any academy kids ready to step up but we cant just throw a kid upfront and say score 20 goals. I feel rashford will find himself leading our line next season and I hope to god he finds some form.

Unless we get Haaland :angel: