Rashford considering his future...

I'm the entitled one? Hahahahahaha

Well you come across as a proper snowflake if that is considered abuse.
It was an overreaction by Rashford. End of. Nothing scandalous at all as I'm sure it's mostly down to him being frustrated by his own godawful performances for over a year. But the fans outside waiting for an autograph aren't responsible for that.
The fact is the guy IS a human being. He is struggling with his game right now and feeling the pressure, and he reacted poorly to an incident shortly after we'd lost a big match. It happens. We've all done similar things. He probably regrets it and he'll learn from it. What more is there to say on the matter?
I'm the entitled one? Hahahahahaha

Lots of ha, this poster must be correct.

Back on planet earth the fans comment isn't abuse. It's a disgruntled comment because some of our players didn't do the minor kindness of autographs for our own fans. Rashford can ignore kids if he wants (players do all the time) but his reaction to someone commenting on it is bang out of order.
I think he needs to get off social media for a whole and realise that his PR team are a pack of hired goons who have created an image for him that is nearly impossible to live up to on his current form. There's too much friction at the minute between his want of using the platform as a promotional tool and the everyday fan's desire to use the platform a sounding board for their rants about his performances. It's leading to a disconnect of values that can easily boil over into incidents like these, where if I'm being honest nobody comes across well.
I don't get it. A fan gave some stick, and got some back? And now that's added to the current pile on?

If it's bad that Rashford reacted then is it not bad that the fans abuse him in the first place? Or the abuse is "part of football" as some say in here... and so was the response. "Fans" need to deal with it either way and quit crying about it ffs, making a mountain out of a molehill and adding to the toxicity surrounding anything to do with the club. I could put this while forum on mute sometimes...... Full of moaning babies.

They said "come on Rashford, after that performance". Wouldn't really call that abuse

We just lost a massive game, and effectively our season. A game in which Rashford produced a shameful performance in. The fans have every right to be upset. His reaction just exposes his weak mentality, rather than using such an incident to fuel better performances on the pitch, he instead acts like a child, plays victim on twitter, and then goes on vacation. To me this reaction shows that he has no shame and no respect for the supporters of this club.
Well you come across as a proper snowflake if that is considered abuse.
It was an overreaction by Rashford. End of. Nothing scandalous at all as I'm sure it's mostly down to him being frustrated by his own godawful performances for over a year. But the fans outside waiting for an autograph aren't responsible for that.
If you'd got off your agenda you'd realise I'm talking about a wider issue not a singular incident.... Jeeez

Lots of ha, this poster must be correct.

Back on planet earth the fans comment isn't abuse. It's a disgruntled comment because some of our players didn't do the minor kindness of autographs for our own fans. Rashford can ignore kids if he wants (players do all the time) but his reaction to someone commenting on it is bang out of order.
Goes to you as well, the guy did what? Said something and stuck up a finger? Get him!

Meanwhile posters are sat at their PC all day everyday abusing said player. "Goes with the territory!"

I didn't come here and post to get caught in this circus anyway.
He's never been good enough. The youth product romance is tainting our judgement, especially because he's English.
The fact is the guy IS a human being. He is struggling with his game right now and feeling the pressure, and he reacted poorly to an incident shortly after we'd lost a big match. It happens. We've all done similar things. He probably regrets it and he'll learn from it. What more is there to say on the matter?
Well that's it exactly.
There should be nothing more to say on the matter so don't go on twitter pretending you didn't flip the guy off just to try to keep your angel image
Man 1 - ''Come on guys...''
Man 2 - ''After that performance.''

According to some absolute clowns in this thread, the above is now considered abuse.
He’s not the messiah he’s a very naughty boy!

Reaction should basically be indifference at this point. Why should the club care about MR the mini brand? It’s time we moved on towards being, number one, good football team. The money and the brand have made the club toxic and it’s just highlighted by this incident and the whole recent handling of Rashford’s career. I’m sure he’s a nice guy deep down, but you have to question why we even care at this point? Let his brand and pr team go off somewhere else to see what they can come up with, Good luck to them, but we should just be worried about having a decent team as we are, you know, a football club and all. Plain odd that that seems like an afterthought often.
Man 1 - ''Come on guys...''
Man 2 - ''After that performance.''

According to some absolute clowns in this thread, the above is now considered abuse.
Storm in a teacup really. He's been overly sensitive to a bit of criticism and the fans are being ridiculous. Honestly, who even gets upset by someone giving the finger?

Tell ya what though, I bet climbing into his £80,000 car and driving back to his £2mil house took the sting out of it for Marcus.
At risk of going down the 'comes with the territory' road, celebrity status brings with it all that shit, when things are going well you're adored and when they're not you're gonna get grief.
It's the way it is and it's the way it'll always be. People are generally wankers.
I could understand the outrage if he'd done it to a kid, but 2 grown men? Come on lads.

Maybe rashford just come out and fess up to being utter shit this season. None of the usual PR statement Bollox, just straight up "I've been shit"
People might respect that more.
Shouting you're shit at our players or words that effect. Yeah what a brilliant idea. What fecking good is that ever going to do? Bet he feels a million times better now doesn't he?

Fans seem to think because they earn a lot of money they then are entitled to shout abuse at them. We are meant to be Utd fans and support our players in public. Be as critical as you like in private but I have never really understood booing your own players or shouting abuse.

The truth is a lot of Utd fans are very unhappy and some even borderline depressed and are taking it out on Rashford and Maguire.

The Glazers and Woodward are 100 times more guilty for our demise than either of those two players. It's time our fans realised that.
So at what point does commentary and analysis go to abuse for you? If a players performance is criticised, or even called shit, that’s not abuse man. No one’s entitled to do anything, and fans shouldn’t abuse players. But calling this as abuse is too much. I know they are all living in their own bubble, but if this is what they consider as abuse, then it’s no wonder we are seeing all the leaks and stories coming out.
Lots of ha, this poster must be correct.

Back on planet earth the fans comment isn't abuse. It's a disgruntled comment because some of our players didn't do the minor kindness of autographs for our own fans. Rashford can ignore kids if he wants (players do all the time) but his reaction to someone commenting on it is bang out of order.
"Shocked us all"

Absolute hypocritical scum. Go feck yourselves the lot of you.
I actually read the comments on those twitter posts, I'm starting to think it's a Redcafe problem because most of the comments I read weren't even going after Rashford but more about why are the fans getting their knickers in a twist over it? and what were they expecting? kind of thing... Quite reasonable. For all the slack that Twitter used to get on here it's like this place is out to take it's place sometimes. Imaging trying to make a big deal out of this?
Beckham also didnt have to contend with wall to wall, no escape from abuse social media either.
To be fair I think he had it worse back then. He was booed on every away grounds and people were burning his shirts and effigies. People harassing him and sending him death threats. And the media were out for him like sharks smelling blood. Imagine what happened to Beckham back then happened to Rashford. Does he want to come out and challenge all of them to fight ? We dont see any of that abuse on Rashford so far.

On topic, he should have followed what Beckham did. Shut the feck up with all of the PR crap and just redeem yourself in the pitch like Beckham did with us.
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Rashford earns £1million a month. I have seen many people who won't earn that in their life time take significantly worse abuse and then get told to get over it as it’s part of the job.
Rashford started off as a good football player but has totally lost the plot. If Utd want success on the field they need footballers not PR machines.
According to top reds on here, we must "support" the players regardless of how poor they are on the pitch or how much they stink up the place.

There's a reason why there are no standards at this club because complacency starts from the fans. Mediocrity is acceptable here. The players know that they will get a pass from the fans because they have their unconditional "support". They can not be arsed to put in a shift, play a simple ball properly because they always get full backing from the so called fans.

Keep posting long essays on Twitter Marcus. Saying that you're aware of your bad performances via every other tweet wont get you any sympathy. We can see how seriously you take your football because your performances on the pitch can be classed as nothing but dogshit.

200k pw player.

Struggling to believe that, but I'd bite their hands off if there is any truth to this.

I don't think he's going to make it here, and he probably feels the same way if reports are to be believed. A new challenge might just be what he needs to push his career on. I'd wish him all the best either way, he's a good lad deep down.

Great. Cannot wait to see the kind of football intelligence partnership he'll build with Adama. Barca need to go all-out and get Lukaku as well for the ultimate comedy show.
My god we got some serious snowflakes here. Get a grip of yourself lads. Absolute muppets thinking the evidence in the video is "abuse". :lol:

If Rashford is getting upset by that, then we are fecked going forwards because imagine what kind of mental breakdown he's going to have every time he goes to take a corner or hug the touchline near opposing fans. He's going to need rehab.
According to top reds on here, we must "support" the players regardless of how poor they are on the pitch or how much they stink up the place.

There's a reason why there are no standards at this club because complacency starts from the fans. Mediocrity is acceptable here. The players know that they will get a pass from the fans because they have their unconditional "support". They can not be arsed to put in a shift, play a simple ball properly because they always get full backing from the so called fans.

Keep posting long essays on Twitter Marcus. Saying that you're aware of your bad performances via every other tweet wont get you any sympathy. We can see how seriously you take your football because your performances on the pitch can be classed as nothing but dogshit.

200k pw player.

The lack of empathy for one of our own is disturbing on this forum. There are so many posts like this one, not just aimed at Rashford but several of our players.

It's all Marc Goldbridge's fault :)

Drop a no effort stinker, get involved in an arguement with families waiting for autographs, PR team go into crisis management mode to preserve the personality they created for you, go on holiday while they work, have your team leak some bullshit to the press to enhance your personal reputation immediately after your club gets dumped out of the CL. Been a vintage Rashford week.

Why do people dislike him btw? Such a puzzler.

Dropping 'oh and Liverpool are definitely interested too' might be a new low.

A source close to Rashford says the 'phone hasn't stopped ringing' since it emerged he was considering his future at United after he was left out of the Manchester derby defeat at City on March 6.

Barcelona have wasted little time in touching base with Rashford's camp to confirm they would be interested in signing the 24-year-old. Liverpool are said to have also made it known they are admirers of Rashford.

Rashford's representatives were previously contacted by Barcelona prior to his four-year contract renewal in July 2019. The England international has also been linked with Paris Saint-Germain as they brace themselves for the probable departure of Kylian Mbappe to Real Madrid.
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According to top reds on here, we must "support" the players regardless of how poor they are on the pitch or how much they stink up the place.

There's a reason why there are no standards at this club because complacency starts from the fans. Mediocrity is acceptable here. The players know that they will get a pass from the fans because they have their unconditional "support". They can not be arsed to put in a shift, play a simple ball properly because they always get full backing from the so called fans.

Keep posting long essays on Twitter Marcus. Saying that you're aware of your bad performances via every other tweet wont get you any sympathy. We can see how seriously you take your football because your performances on the pitch can be classed as nothing but dogshit.

200k pw player.

Lets for a moment imagine that you have a co-worker who is struggling. Its primarily mental because you have seen him perform well at his job in the past.

Do you: Stand outside the workplace and shout at him so he works better
Or: Give him positive reinforcement as a means to help his mental game

I think you are comparing "complacency" with "I get to abuse people now"

The people whose job it is to adress the performance of the players in a professional capacity is the managerial staff.

Football fans screaming outside a stadium , or god forbid Twitter, is akin to a group of "fish&chips while shitfaced at 3am" people standing outside the Bocuse d'Or yelling at Michelin Chefs over the seasoning.

I am unhappy about Rashfords performance, and the team in general. But is me and you going online or at the stadium to hurl profanity and be as toxic as possible going to offer ANY help? Of course not.

You dont have to support any player if you dont want to, but my opinion on you as a person is certainly impacted by the way you treat people.
My god we got some serious snowflakes here. Get a grip of yourself lads. Absolute muppets thinking the evidence in the video is "abuse". :lol:

If Rashford is getting upset by that, then we are fecked going forwards because imagine what kind of mental breakdown he's going to have every time he goes to take a corner or hug the touchline near opposing fans. He's going to need rehab.
Fecking comical isn’t it.
Drop a no effort stinker, get involved in an arguement with families waiting for autographs, PR team go into crisis management mode to preserve the personality they created for you, go on holiday while they work, have your team leak some bullshit to the press to enhance your personal reputation immediately after your club gets dumped out of the CL. Been a vintage Rashford week.

Why do people dislike him btw? Such a puzzler.

Dropping 'btw Liverpool are definitely interested too' might be a new low.
Liverpool :lol: what a load of horsesh*t!
"Despite the development, it is understood deep down Rashford does not want to leave United and the move could spur the club into opening discussions over a new long-term contract."

Just feck off.

Hard to disagree really I don’t get why he’s apologised. If fans give you abuse and you give a bit back it’s fair game I think, don’t give it if you can’t take it.
Shouting you're shit at our players or words that effect. Yeah what a brilliant idea. What fecking good is that ever going to do? Bet he feels a million times better now doesn't he?

Fans seem to think because they earn a lot of money they then are entitled to shout abuse at them. We are meant to be Utd fans and support our players in public. Be as critical as you like in private but I have never really understood booing your own players or shouting abuse.

The truth is a lot of Utd fans are very unhappy and some even borderline depressed and are taking it out on Rashford and Maguire.

The Glazers and Woodward are 100 times more guilty for our demise than either of those two players. It's time our fans realised that.
Absolutely this.

Mismanaged from the top down.

Some of these players should be squad players only, for development eg Rashford. Others should never have been signed and need replacing eg Maguire.

We also could've spent an additional £1bn on players since 2005 of we had not been lumbered with Glazer debt. That's before looking at Woodwards 8 years of gross mismanagement being accepted and rewarded by the owners.

Hard to disagree really I don’t get why he’s apologised. If fans give you abuse and you give a bit back it’s fair game I think, don’t give it if you can’t take it.

Very easy to disagree. It was a group of families, standing out in rainy 2c Manchester weather at 11PM waiting for the chance to get an autograph or a picture with their idols. After Rashford ignored them one person shouted 'after that performance, come on guys'.

That's not close to abuse, and the normal reaction to that isn't to offer one of the fans out back (knowing that security guards will never let that happen), call him a silly cnut, then have your PR team paint you as the victim online.

Hard to disagree really I don’t get why he’s apologised. If fans give you abuse and you give a bit back it’s fair game I think, don’t give it if you can’t take it.

100% feck them, on here and in the wider world. If anyone is entitled it's them....
feck me, if some posters and players class that as abuse....................... there are no words.
Very easy to disagree. It was a group of families, standing out in rainy 2c Manchester weather at 11PM waiting for the chance to get an autograph or a picture with their idols. After Rashford ignored them one person shouted 'after that performance, come on guys'.

That's not close to abuse, and the normal reaction to that isn't to offer one of the fans out back (knowing that security guards will never let that happen), call him a silly cnut, then have your PR team paint you as the victim online.
He started walking over, he hardly had that strong a reaction himself. Like I said, if you say something expect something back, don’t cry about it. You even hear a lad call him a bellend in the video, behind the same safety of the security guard.
Nobody is entitled to pictures or autographs.
I’d be fully behind Rashford if it had been racist abuse aimed at him or the level of abuse Beckham got after Word cup 98 (wishing death on his wife, cancer to his little boy etc).

But a few fans calling the team out for a shit performance? Terrible from Rashford to act like that. Once again Ian Wright looks like a numpty.