Ralf Rangnick | ex-interim manager | does anyone rate him?

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Wasn't VDB one of the players that was missing from training for a couple of days this week? We don't know how the covid disruption influenced the team.

I still think its too early to analyise Ralf's preferred players, he had two back to back games and just stuck with an XI and then had training massively disrupted.

Yeah this is true, we can't judge too much on team selection right now in a way due to the whole covid mess. It feels like Ralf has been in charge longer than he has due to the long break between games.
He talks a good game but my early prediction is that he (and his MLS coaches) will lack the authority to get these players to do what he wants. They ran a bit for 20 minutes against Palace and that was them done. Their attitude stinks.

If this is the case, and you may be right, then he should just stick in the likes of Elanga and Amad. Give the rest of them a kick up the arse, and if they can't improve, get rid.
It's too early and unfair to judge him already. It's been a mess the last few weeks because of COVID.
Spurs are just going through the same post-Mourinho bounce we went through under Ole. He’s such a toxic, negative presence during the managerial end game his teams always play like they’ve had a weight off their shoulders under the next manager, whoever that may be.

Completely different scenario to sacking a popular (albeit slightly inept) manager like Ole.
Mourinho has been sacked by Spurs in the middle of last season already. He has nothing to do with the bounce under Conte now.
There is a reason why he was at Locomotiv Moscow and not at a top team. I have no idea what that reason is but for me it's a red flag for sure. Saying that, I hear nothing but good things about this guy from people that know a lot more than me about football than me so I live in hope, again.
He was this close to joining Milan and helping revolutionize their club until someone (Maldini?) pulled the plug.
His hands are tied at the moment, so you can’t judge him at all.

We have very average full backs, and the two that are staring are even worse. The decline in form of our captin is shocking and the other one is injury prone.

Our CM are a couple of athletes, our most creative player has been very poor for the last few months and the so called “golden generation” are so over hyped because they are English.

Finally our two strikers are over the hill.

There is a lot of work to be done We have reached the end of the cycle again.
He talks a good game but my early prediction is that he (and his MLS coaches) will lack the authority to get these players to do what he wants. They ran a bit for 20 minutes against Palace and that was them done. Their attitude stinks.
Then we have a big problem. As I said elsewhere maybe we need a different attitude to signings, not big name, bling signings. There is something really wrong at our club that they over hype our players into thinking they run the club. The tail definitely wags the dog.
We have very average full backs, and the two that are staring are even worse. The decline in form of our captin is shocking and the other one is injury prone.
Shaw is one of the best leftbacks in the country when on form, and AWB is still young enough to be coached. No more excuses.
Mourinho has been sacked by Spurs in the middle of last season already. He has nothing to do with the bounce under Conte now.

Oops. That’s my mistake. Although he was replaced with another dour and negative Portugese coach. So the shackles off vibe will be similar. Ole’s been a shackles off guy from day one. What we need right now is more shackles! And that’s not something players will take to very quickly.
Perhaps we need to do something radical to transform this team. For 8 years we've been going around in circles, hiring new managers, buying new players, and ultimately putting out poor performances and failing.

Should a new manager rip it all up and start again? Free reign to remove big egos, remove lazy cretins and players who are thick as pig shit? That probably includes fan favourite Rashford. Instead of spending an average of £50m per player, go down the Dortmund route of building a team of young talented players and moulding them into what we want, instead of trying to buy a team of ready made stars.

I don't know. I feel like something needs to change to break out of the purgatory we find ourselves in, and I don't think replacing a few fringe players is going to lead to a drastic change.
Honestly I've lost a lot of faith in him here. Horrible football. Tuchel you could see a clear identity in the first two games. He should get Ten Hag asap for the summer. and go upstairs.

He's had several games all of which have been blighted by less than ideal training sessions. 1st game he barely had 48hrs and this last game he's had half training sessions with most of the team missing. Give the man some time for Christ sakes.
I didn’t want Conte as I didn’t think we had the players for his 343 formation. Sadly, like most, I didn’t really apply the same logic when RR’s name came up. We don’t have the players for his formation and style of play, and the players really don’t currently seem to have the work ethic or the willingness to try and make it work.

I really can’t see us making top 4 this season based on what I’ve seen recently. So the club and the fans either need to get wholly behind this gegenpressing vision and support some pretty wholesale changes to the team, or we need to pinch it off and get somebody else in to try and get us top 4 utilising the strength of the squad we actually have.

If we’re going to go for the gegenpressing approach, then there are a few players who are currently untouchable who need to be dropped and probably sold in the summer. They’re our best players and they seem to know it which is why they don’t seem bothered to try. Bruno, Ronaldo, Rashford, Greenwood & Pogba are all not suitable for this system, we can maybe get away with keeping one of them (Greenwood for me) but the others need ditching.

If we’re going to stick with RR, he could do with bringing some of the youth who aren’t already too jaded to learn something new and will apply themselves as instructed. I’d also bring Lingard back in out of the cold as I think he’d actually be pretty suitable for what RR wants us to do. I don’t think they’ll be good enough to get us top 4 but he can at least get us playing how he wants us to, which should make it easier when new manager, with presumably the same philosophy, wants to insert new and better players in in the summer.

I’d segregate the “to be dropped” players mentioned above and have them training away from the first team with instructions to find new clubs asap. I hate myself for it, but I agree with Neville that there seems to be a toxic atmosphere of entitlement in the side and it needs excising.

If we don’t like the above and it seems too drastic, then just admit we got it wrong and get a different caretaker in until the summer. We can keep RR on for his consultancy and with a view to moving us towards his style over a more prolonged period. It speaks volumes to me that 3 games in and the players already look like there is no fight or effort in them. The last two games have been utterly pathetic and just as bad as anything served up under Ole in their own way.
Not the time to rate or unrate the manager. He needs time. What is a concern is that we don’t have players for his style of football.

If you play Telles, Dalot, Fred, McT then more than a third of your team is bang average. You then have the rest of the team out of form and it’s a receipe for disaster.

This. Rangnick is a coach not a a magician. Even Fergie at his height of management prowess would have struggled with the sheer number of bang average players in this squad. Even our ‘top’ talent can run down blind alleys constantly when trying to make something happen. We have been stuck in this malaise if we are being honest since the last 2 years of Fergie. North of 1 billion spent on largely mediocre or ‘on paper’ good players but with no clear direction we lurch from crisis to crisis. The much awaited clear out will never happen as it cannot without buyers wanting our cast offs and want aways. In 40 years of support - I saw Ralph Milne in his pomp - this is probably the most fed up I have felt and I certainly don’t blame it on Rangnick.
Then we have a big problem. As I said elsewhere maybe we need a different attitude to signings, not big name, bling signings. There is something really wrong at our club that they over hype our players into thinking they run the club. The tail definitely wags the dog.
I agree. We need to start looking at signings a tier below who don't already think they've made it when they get here.
Here we go again, blaming the manager after 3 games. Just looking at the players standing around the pitch with their hands up in the air makes me sick. Ronaldo, Bruno, and Rashford need to look at their own game before blaming everyone else.
I am sure we would get better results if we played Greenwood and Cavani up front instead of these 2 and Elanga in also.
Ronaldo was a GREAT player out wide but is not as good a CF as Cavani.
Horrible performance but I don't see a lot of hunger or desire in our team, we need some new blood in this team, some of these have become far too comfortable.
I then watched cricket, which was worse
He talks a good game but my early prediction is that he (and his MLS coaches) will lack the authority to get these players to do what he wants. They ran a bit for 20 minutes against Palace and that was them done. Their attitude stinks.
There might be something to this considering his interim status.
I generally believe no matter the coach or the system if you’re playing McFred every week you’re up against it. I have no clue why these 2 start every match they’re rubbish.

4222, 433, 4231, pressing, counter pressing, controlling games just isn’t happening with a midfield has average as McFred I generally have no clue how they’re playing every game after consistently being poor.

We lose the midfield battle in every match so we’re up against it from the off it’s ridiculous.

If Liverpool and City had to play McFred every week they’d be in for a top 4 fight as well because everything they do would fail with those 2 in midfield.
He needs to be more bold when it comes to his team selection. Apart from changing the FBs he hasn't changed much. Maguire, Bruno and Rashford need to spend time on bench and he needs to stop playing McFred.

Be more bold.

What exactly is this, loads of overly critical posters like yourself always scream at every opportunity. "Be More Bold" a very broad term to basically mean 'drop players', but you'd also be the first type of poster to jump on Ralf's back if the players he replaced them with are even worse than the one's he dropped.

Also what's this fascination of dropping McFred?

Fred who has been by far one of our better players since Ole left/Ralf started and you want him dropped?

Drop both of them for who exactly? The CAF favourite in VDB, who now, has been through 2 managers, who both refuse to play him and when he does get game time, he doesn't do much to put his name into the ring for a starting position. He's had 10mins here and there of course it's not long enough, but when he gets 45mins he just looks invisible.

So who in your mind, would you play instead of almost HALF THE FECKING TEAM. (Again, breaking up continuity, can't expect to drop half the team and expect them to play well, but of course, that would leave you with something to complain about)

So let's break down the team that you want dropped:





We finished the game with the exact same % possession we had at half time. In the first half our problem was creating chances. The subs allowed us get more creative/attacking players on the pitch while maintaining the exact same amount of possession. Job done.

Just a pity that even with every one of our most attacking/creative players on the pitch only Cavani came anywhere close to an acceptable level of individual performance.

If the job was to give up several really good quality chances to Newcastle then yes, it was job done. I don’t really understand how anyone can look at that formation in the second half and think that it benefitted us. Possession is irrelevant when Newcastle needed 5 seconds to run past McTominay into open space where our midfield should be.
I remember the mood around here when he was hired, folks were expecting a quick change. It hasn't come but extenuating circumstances have played a part I'd say.
We massively overrated our squad before this season, totally unbalanced. We surely will be better in a few months time but as long as we do not see another overhaul of the whole team we will never win anything.
Here we go again, blaming the manager after 3 games. Just looking at the players standing around the pitch with their hands up in the air makes me sick. Ronaldo, Bruno, and Rashford need to look at their own game before blaming everyone else.
I am sure we would get better results if we played Greenwood and Cavani up front instead of these 2 and Elanga in also.
I don't think anyone is blaming him. He has to be under the spotlight though, he is the manager. I agree with you about the players. Do you think other top managers would put up with that carry on or would they instantly lay down the law? Hopefully he gets a grip of this dressing room.
I've said it before.. I would like to see us play 4-3-3.. just like the top teams who play the most attractive attacking football.. Maybe a midfield comprising of a Number 6 and 2 Number 8's would compliment our strong abundant strike force in the most beneficial & productive way.. This 4-2-2-2 formation is a complete disaster and will end up in the bin.. along with a few of our current first team squad.
I remember the mood around here when he was hired, folks were expecting a quick change. It hasn't come but extenuating circumstances have played a part I'd say.
I am definitely not expecting a quick change. He has his work cut out. The players are the problem, it has been going on far too long with too many managers. They are fine when things are going well, but when the going gets tough, the tough definitely don't get going.
I don't think anyone is blaming him. He has to be under the spotlight though, he is the manager. I agree with you about the players. Do you think other top managers would put up with that carry on or would they instantly lay down the law? Hopefully he gets a grip of this dressing room.
Yes, I honestly hope he does sort out the dressing room quickly. To do this he has to take no nonsense and drop the players he feels are upsetting the play and causing these youngsters to lose form.
I say this because of Greenwood and Rashford going backwards this season, and talk about leaving our club.
c- 4-2-2-2 is something none of our players had ever seen.

That's the price you pay for letting an amateur play real life football manager.

I highly doubt this.

"Amateur" is where I disregarded the lot. Ralf Rangnick, a man who is highly praised by Klopp, Naglesman and Tuchel all darlings of the CAF, is 'amateur'. If Rangnick is "Amateur" what does that make them?
There are some things that you just cannot judge so early on. This is one of them but of course some people cannot help themselves. Have some restraint you weirdos.
I do but what happened to the press???? Could of been Ole in charge today.
No Ole could not have been in charge of that. Ole had som very bad games the last months and was rightfully sacked.

This performance was something else. This is how 4-2-2-2 looks like when nobody is ready for it. If you have played football yourself, try to imagine beeing part of it. Must be an awful experience.
4-2-2-2 is allmost never played for good reasons.

Ragnick knows there is a lot of negative emotions in the team after the losses to Liverpool, City and Watford..and then he wants to go and play a very difficult play system? Oh lord.

I have never seen McFred this bad. It was like crazy bad.

If we played a simple 4-4-2 or 5-4-1 we would have won that game rather easy.
There are some things that you just cannot judge so early on. This is one of them but of course some people cannot help themselves. Have some restraint you weirdos.

Well. He is a interim manager, and should focus on interim results and not comme about with play systems that demands a pre-season and new players.
Be more bold.

What exactly is this, loads of overly critical posters like yourself always scream at every opportunity. "Be More Bold" a very broad term to basically mean 'drop players', but you'd also be the first type of poster to jump on Ralf's back if the players he replaced them with are even worse than the one's he dropped.

Also what's this fascination of dropping McFred?

Fred who has been by far one of our better players since Ole left/Ralf started and you want him dropped?

Drop both of them for who exactly? The CAF favourite in VDB, who now, has been through 2 managers, who both refuse to play him and when he does get game time, he doesn't do much to put his name into the ring for a starting position. He's had 10mins here and there of course it's not long enough, but when he gets 45mins he just looks invisible.

So who in your mind, would you play instead of almost HALF THE FECKING TEAM. (Again, breaking up continuity, can't expect to drop half the team and expect them to play well, but of course, that would leave you with something to complain about)

So let's break down the team that you want dropped:






This is my first post about Ralf's team selection, so i don't know why you're getting so worked up.
This. Rangnick is a coach not a a magician. Even Fergie at his height of management prowess would have struggled with the sheer number of bang average players in this squad. Even our ‘top’ talent can run down blind alleys constantly when trying to make something happen. We have been stuck in this malaise if we are being honest since the last 2 years of Fergie. North of 1 billion spent on largely mediocre or ‘on paper’ good players but with no clear direction we lurch from crisis to crisis. The much awaited clear out will never happen as it cannot without buyers wanting our cast offs and want aways. In 40 years of support - I saw Ralph Milne in his pomp - this is probably the most fed up I have felt and I certainly don’t blame it on Rangnick.
Ah what I’d give to go back :lol:
Well. He is a interim manager, and should focus on interim results and not comme about with play systems that demands a pre-season and new players.

He’s interim manager for the majority of the season, with a future consultancy role and a say in who the next manager is. So I think he does get to try and change the culture and style.
Well. He is a interim manager, and should focus on interim results and not comme about with play systems that demands a pre-season and new players.


No one has a magic wand, the poster was right have some patience.

RR has come in, in a very bad time and has had a less than ideal start, (plenty of players missing due to COVID, sporadic training sessions that are with half the squad present) relax and have some patience, it's been what? 3 games?

We all laughed at Spurs for having a run of really bad games.....now look...contenders for a top 4 finish.
I feel it's only right that we (meaning those impatient metherfeckers) should give Ralf a reasonable amount of time which at most is six months before passing judgement on his abilities.
Just as currently he is giving most of our players a chance, (DvB for Bruno please?) while assessing our squad.
As he is widely accepted as having an intelligent/scientifical approach to football, it seems to me he is conducting preliminary tests to filter out unusable components for his main project.
Maybe I'm just trying to defend him against the already growing disgruntlement in the Caf, but negativity spreads like omicron in here.

That half an hour or so against Palace can't have just been the effects of a new manager bounce. It was too organised and coordinated to be just "born again" players, playing without all the baggage they had accumulated with the previous regime.
That's got to be a glimpse of Ralf's vision.
He's actually not helped himself by dangling that carrot to the supporters, then parading the donkeys once more.

I hope I'm right in thinking, that in these first few games, that he's just preparing to do some weeding and dig some players out and also looking to pop into town to pick up some bits n bobs in the Jan markets to replace any deadwood he has identified before sowing his seeds. (sorry that reads a bit weird).

He will hopefully carefully nurture his new project through this initial delicate/tricky phase.
Then in June, if all grows well, he'll be passing the trowel on to another like minded cultivator who can continue the growth while still being on hand to advise Ten Hag:drool:?!? and hopefully, in the not too distant future, Man Utd will be reaping the benefits with the fruits of that labour.

Basically give him a minute, innit !
If the job was to give up several really good quality chances to Newcastle then yes, it was job done. I don’t really understand how anyone can look at that formation in the second half and think that it benefitted us. Possession is irrelevant when Newcastle needed 5 seconds to run past McTominay into open space where our midfield should be.

We went gung ho in search of a goal and were exposed on the break. That happens.
RR is in the wrong job. He builds football clubs top to bottom. He isn't a world class manager.

It's also silly to try and implement 4x2 as an interim manager. But because he has hopes of getting the job permanent, he isn't being as pragmatic as he should.
RR is in the wrong job. He builds football clubs top to bottom. He isn't a world class manager.

It's also silly to try and implement 4x2 as an interim manager. But because he has hopes of getting the job permanent, he isn't being as pragmatic as he should.
Surely 6 months hands on experience with the squad will significantly improve the ability to do his job in a consultancy role. He'll know exactly what the problems are when the transition is made in the summer. It'll also help the next manager get upto speed much quicker.
We went gung ho in search of a goal and were exposed on the break. That happens.

That’s what you do on 80 minutes when you’re a goal down, not at half time. For someone who is supposed to be very tactically astute, you’d have thought he might be able to do something better at half time than throwing another attacking body on and hoping for the best.
A new manager coming in the middle of the season with a totally different system of football. Of course it wasn’t going to go smoothly. No doubt we are playing like crap recently, but the manager should be given a decent amount of time to change things around. And to take a more optimistic view, I’m hoping the increase in intensity during training and on the pitch means we are well adjusted and more fit going into the next season.

Does not getting top 4 mean Ralf has failed? It’s not clear cut, but that would be a failure for me. We have a good enough squad, and if we sign a midfielder now, we should be making it. But if we progress well enough and the team takes a clear identity, that’s a good thing too.
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