Are you prepared to condemn the illegal actions of the US, NATO and many of our allies over the plethora of illegal military operations, invasions, actions and who knows how many other things we've done? It's a two way street chum. You live in a simple little world. My side good. That side bad. It isn't a question of right and wrong if you're not willing to look at what both sides are doing without bias.
Is what Russia doing in Crimea wrong? Sure. Is what we were/are doing in Ukraine wrong? Yep. So long as we continually move the goal posts, continually interfere, over throw governments, invade countries on a whim based on lies to further our regional geopolitical ambitions you cannot hold other countries solely responsible for their actions when we are more often than not the reason for their reactions. This is a case of throwing stones in glass houses.
So when are you going to finally condemn all the illegal and vile shite we do around the world? So I will return to that original question. Is what Russia doing in Crimea wrong? According to who? According to us? If it's according to our government, then I'd say it's pretty restrained and totally legal

. Of course you subscribe to the USA foreign policy of do as I say not as I do. The irony here, is that the greatest war criminal of the last 20 years isn't Milosevic. If any other country was responsible for Iraq 2, their leadership would have been hauled off to the Hague (by us no less) and tried and convicted of who knows how many illegal activities. We can start right at the top. Waging illegal war of aggression. Oh, right, I forgot, we made it legal by perjuring ourselves.
Now here is where I blow your mind. I had no problem with Iraq 2. I just wish they would have been honest about why we went in. The ridiculously thin casus belli that we manufactured was so much worse than the truth.